I spend some time hacking away on projects. This is a start for
some documentation and information on the matter:
- Myll
- a new web-language based on cjhtml. It allows "active"
It is an inline text/string macro language, and allows for
easy generation of HTML. It avoids the irritating problem of
quoting the quotes '"' \" "\"" a.s.o. It allows for
extremely fast prototyping of web-applications and
user-interfaces. For example the JySKom project can easily
be "re-implemented" using Myll. Makan search is replaced by
a number of pages of code using XML-style database.
- JySKom
- a web-interface for a Conference System (stored messages).
Implemented an web-server (HTTP-protocol) from scratch in Perl,
this server acts as a client to the Kom database using a plain-text RPC,
it generates HTML-pages on the fly. (96-97)