4879160 2000-03-09  07:21  /25 rader/ Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <10160>
Ärende: New online publication:  "Computer Vulnerabilities"
Attn Bugtraq'rs:

I'd like to invite anyone interested in learning more about the
mechanics of vulnerabilities, modern taxonomies and detailed
vulnerability descriptions to preview a draft copy of my online
publication "Computer Vulnerabilities".  This book covers a logical
breakdown of all forms of vulnerabilities, including examples of each
aspect of a vulnerability.

This book should be excellent educational material for all Bugtraq
readers, contains answers to many of the questions that are often
pondered by security experts, and best of all its free.  I'd like to
receive feedback from the community veterans as to how to best
improve the book's structure and contents to meet the demands of the
security industry, as well as try to do justice to the online
publishing world with a good quality book.

"Computer Vulnerabilities" can be found at www.securityparadigm.com
and is in PDF format.  Updates to the book will probably be frequent
for the next few weeks.

Thank you for your time,

Eric Knight
(4879160) ------------------------------------------(Ombruten)