5503970 2000-09-22 19:44 /27 rader/ Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <12915> Ärende: httpd.conf in Suse 6.4 ------------------------------------------------------------ From: zab0ra aka t0maszek <zabora@SZERMIERZ.UNI.WROC.PL> To: BUGTRAQ@SECURITYFOCUS.COM Message-ID: <Pine.SGI.4.10.10009211056140.16043-100000@szermierz.uni.wroc.pl> hy... in SuSe 6.4 (maybe another) any user from any host can get info about packages installed on SuSe systems. httpd.conf file have entry "Alias /doc/ /usr/doc/" (and others) in www browser you cat set http://hosts.any/doc/packages/ and you get list of installed packages Solusion: in httpd.conf <Directory /usr/doc/packages> order deny,allow allow from your.ip.or.domain deny from all </Directory> zab0ra aka t0maszek ------------------- (5503970) ------------------------------------------(Ombruten)