5161724 2000-06-05  04:19  /41 rader/ Postmaster
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <11155>
Ärende: buffer overflow in netscape
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Date:         Sun, 4 Jun 2000 13:28:13 +0200
Reply-To: linux freak <XSFX@LINUXFREAK.COM>
From: linux freak <XSFX@LINUXFREAK.COM>

software used: Netscape Communicator 4.73 on Linux 2.2.14
with Shockwave Flash 4.0 r12

today, while browsing
something strange happened: my netscape crashed (well, it's not that
strange :) and libsafe reported this:

Jun  4 13:16:58 zion libsafe.so[27786]: version 1.3
Jun  4 13:16:58 zion libsafe.so[27786]: detected an attempt to write
across stack boundary.
Jun  4 13:16:58 zion libsafe.so[27786]: terminating
Jun  4 13:16:58 zion libsafe.so[27786]: overflow caused by memcpy()

and I can reproduce it. I doubt the site in cause is evil... must be
netscape or shockwave's fault

can you reproduce it ?

N: please excuse my bad english, I'm french.. and I'm learning dvorak :)

Turn the other cheek and I'll break your fuckin chin
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