4911555 2000-03-17 12:45 /1144 rader/ Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <10276> Ärende: Analysis of the Shaft distributed denial of service tool ------------------------------------------------------------ Note: this is also available at: http://sled.gsfc.nasa.gov/~spock/shaft_analysis.txt ================================================================================ An analysis of the ``Shaft'' distributed denial of service tool ================================================================================ Sven Dietrich NASA Goddard Space Flight Center <spock@sled.gsfc.nasa.gov> Neil Long Oxford University <neil.long@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk> David Dittrich University of Washington <dittrich@cac.washington.edu> Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. March 13, 2000 -- 1. Introduction ------------------ This is an analysis of the "Shaft" distributed denial of service (DDoS) tool. Denial of service is a technique to deny access to a resource by overloading it, such as packet flooding in the network context. Denial of service tools have existed for a while, whereas distributed variants are relatively recent. The distributed nature adds the "many to one" relationship. Throughout this analysis, most actual host names have been modified or removed. -- 2. Historical overview ------------------------- "Shaft" belongs in the family of tools discussed earlier, such as Trinoo, TFN, Stacheldraht, and TFN2K. Like in those tools, there are handler (or master) and agent programs. The general concepts of these tools can be found in a Distributed Intruder Tools Workshop Report held in November 1999 at the Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (CERT/CC) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: http://www.cert.org/reports/dsit_workshop.pdf In chronological order, there are Trinoo, TFN, Stacheldraht, Shaft, and TFN2K. Trinoo, TFN, and Stacheldraht were analyzed in [5], [6], and [7] respectively. TFN2K was recently analyzed in [1]. In the first two months of 2000, DDoS attacks against major Internet sites (such as CNN, ZDNet, Amazon etc.) have brought these tools further into the limelight. There are a few papers covering DDoS to be found at: http://packetstorm.securify.com/distributed/ http://staff.washington.edu/dittrich/misc/ddos/ http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-99-17-denial-of-service-tools.html -- 3. Analysis -------------- Shaftnode was recovered, initially in binary form, in late November 1999, then in source form for the agent. Distinctive features are the ability to switch handler servers and handler ports on the fly, making detection by intrusion detection tools difficult from that perspective, a "ticket" mechanism to link transactions, and the particular interest in packet statistics. -- 3.1 The network: client(s)-->handler(s)-->agent(s)-->victim(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------- The "Shaft" network is made up of one or more handler programs ("shaftmaster") and a large set of agents ("shaftnode"). The attacker uses a telnet program ("client") to connect to and communicate with the handlers. A "Shaft" network would look like this: +--------+ +--------+ | client | | client | +--------+ +--------+ | | . . . --+------+---------------+------+----------------+-- . . . | | | | | | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | handler | | handler | | handler | +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ | | | | | | . . . ---+------+-----+------------+---+--------+------------+-+-- . . . | | | | | | | | | | +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | agent | | agent | | agent | | agent | | agent | +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ -- 3.2 Network Communication ---------------------------- Client to handler(s): 20432/tcp Handler to agent(s): 18753/udp Agent to handler(s): 20433/udp "Shaft" (in the analyzed version, 1.72) is modeled after Trinoo, in that communication between handlers and agents is achieved using the unreliable IP protocol UDP. See Stevens [18] for an extensive discussion of the TCP and UDP protocols. Remote control is via a simple telnet connection to the handler. "Shaft" uses "tickets" for keeping track of its individual agents. Both passwords and ticket numbers have to match for the agent to execute the request. A simple letter-shifting (Caesar cipher, see Schneier [17]) is in use. -- 3.3 Commands --------------- The command structure is divided into the agent and handler command syntax groups. The attacker interacts with the handler via a command line. -- 3.3.1 Agent Command Syntax Accepted by agent and replies generated back to the handler: size <size> Size of the flood packets. Generates a "size" reply. type <0|1|2|3> Type of DoS to run 0 UDP, 1 TCP, 2 UDP/TCP/ICMP, 3 ICMP Generates a "type" reply. time <length> Length of DoS in seconds Generates a "time" reply. own <victim> Add victim to list of hosts to perform denial of service on Generates a "owning" reply. end <victim> Removes victim from list of hosts (see "own" above) Generates a "done" reply. stat Requests packet statistics from agent Generates a "pktstat" reply. alive Are you alive? Generates a "alive blah" reply. switch <handler> <port> Switch the agent to a new handler and handler port Generates a "switching" reply. pktres <host> Request packet results for that host at the end of the flood Generates a "pktres" reply. Sent by agent: new <password> Reporting for duty pktres <password> <sock> <ticket> <packets sent> Packets sents to the host identified by <ticket> number -- 3.3.2 Handler (shaftmaster) Command Syntax Little is known about the handler, but this is a speculation, pieced together from clues, of how its command structure could look like: mdos <host list> Start a distributed denial of service attack (mdos = massive denial of service?) directed at <host list>. Sends out "own host" messages to all agents. edos <host list> End the above attack on <host list>. Sends out "end host" messages to all agents. time <length> Set the duration of the attack. Sends out "time <length>" to all agents. size <packetsize> Set the packetsize for the attack (8K maximum as seen in source). Sends out "size <packetsize>" to all agents. type <UDP|TCP|ICMP|BOTH> Set the type of attack, UDP packet flooding, TCP SYN packet flooding, ICMP packet flooding, or all three (here BOTH = ICMP amd IP protocols) Sends "type <type>" to all agents. +node <host list> Add new agents -node <host list> Remove agents from pool ns <host list> Perform a DNS lookup on <host list> lnod List all agents ltic List all tickets (transactions?) pkstat Show total packet statistics for agents Sends out "stat" request to all agents. alive Send an "alive" to all agents. A possible argument to alive is "hi" stat show status? switch become the handler for agents Send "switch" to all agents. ver show version exit -- 3.4 Password protection -------------------------- After connecting to the handler using the telnet client, the attacker is prompted with "login:". Too little is known about the handler or its encryption method for logging in. A cleartext connection to the handler port is obviously a weakness. -- 3.5 Detection ---------------- -- 3.5.1 Binaries and their behavior As with previous DDoS tools, the methods used to install the handler/agent will be the same as installing any program on a compromised Unix system, with all the standard options for concealing the programs and files (e.g., use of hidden directories, "root kits", kernel modules, etc.) The reader is referred to Dittrich's Trinoo analysis [5] for a description of possible installation methods of this type of tool. Precautions have been taken to hide the default handler in the binary code. In the analyzed code, the default handler is defined as follows: #define MASTER "23:/33/75/28" which would translate into (electrochem1.echem.cwru.edu) using the same simple cipher mentioned above. Port numbers are munged before actual use, e.g. #define MASTER_PORT 20483 is really port 20433. All these techniques intend to hide the critical information from prying eyes performing forensics on the code. The program itself tries to hide itself as a legitimate Unix process (httpd in the default configuration). Looking at strings in the shaftnode application reveals the following: > strings -n 3 shaftnode pktres switch alive stat end own time type size httpd 23:/33/75/28 Unable to fork. (do it manually) shift new %s size %s %s %s %s type %s %s %s %s time %s %s %s %s owning %s %s %s %s switched %s %s %s done %s %s %s %s pktstat %s %s %s %lu alive %s %s %s blah %d.%d.%d.%d Error sending tcp packet from %s:%i to %lu:%i pktres %s %i %i %lu Upon launch, the "Shaft" agent (the "shaftnode") reports back to its default handler (its "shaftmaster") by sending a "new <upshifted password>" command. For the default password of "shift" found in the analyzed code, this would be "tijgu". Therefore a new agent would send out "new tijgu", and all subsequent messages would carry that password in it. Only in one case does the agent shift in the opposite direction for one particular command, e.g. "pktres rghes". It is unclear at the moment whether this is intentional or not. Incoming commands arrive in the format: "command <upshifted password> <command arg> <socket> <ticket> <optional args>" For most commands, the password and socket/ticket need to have the right magic in order to generate a reply and the command to be executed. Message flow diagram between handler H and agent A: Initial phase: A -> H: "new", f(password) Running loop: H -> A: cmd, f(password), [args], Na, Nb A -> H: cmdrep, f(password), Na, Nb, [args] - f(X) is the Caesar cipher function on X - Na, Nb are numbers (tickets, socket numbers) - cmd, cmdrep are commands and command acknowledgments - args are command arguments The flooding occurs in bursts of 100 packets per host, with the source port and source address randomized. This number is hard-coded, but it is believed that more flexibility can be added. Whereas the source port spoofing only works if the agent is running as a root privileged process, the author has added provisions for packet flooding using the UDP protocol and with the correct source address in the case the process is running as a simple user process. It is noteworthy that the random function is not properly seeded, which may lead to predictable source port sequences and source host IP sequences. Source port = (rand() % (65535-1024)+1024) where % is the mathematical 'mod' operator This will generate source ports greater than 1024 at all times. Source IP = rand()%255.rand()%255.rand()%255.rand()%255 The source IP numbers can (and will) contain a zero in the leading octet. Additionally, the sequence number for all TCP packets is fixed, namely 0x28374839, which helps with respect to detection at the network level. The ACK and URGENT flags are randomly set, except on some platforms. Destination ports for TCP and UDP packet floods are randomized. The client must choose the duration ("time"), size of packets, and type of packet flooding directed at the victim hosts. Each set of hosts has its own duration, which gets divided evenly across all hosts. This is unlike TFN [2] which forks an individual process for each victim host. For the type, the client can select UDP, TCP SYN, ICMP packet flooding, or the combination of all three. Even though there is potential of having a different type and packet size for each set of victim hosts, this feature is not exploited in this version. The author of "Shaft" seems to have a particular interest in statistics, namely packet generation rates of its individual agents. The statistics on packet generation rates are possibly used to determine the "yield" of the DDoS network as a whole. This would allow the attacker to stop adding hosts to the attack network when it reached the necessary size to overwhelm the victim network, and to know when it is necessary to add more agents to compensate for loss of agents due to attrition during an attack (as the agent systems are identified and taken off-line.) Currently, the ability to switch host IP and port for the handler exists, but the listening port for the agent remains the same. It is foreseeable that this will change in the future. -- 3.5.2 A sample attack In this section we will look at a practical example of an attack carried out with the "Shaft" distributed denial of service attack tool, as seen from the attacking network perspective. The shaftnode agent when in use, as seen by "lsof" [10]: # lsof -c shaftnode COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE NODE NAME shaftnode 13489 root cwd VDIR 0,0 400 2 /tmp shaftnode 13489 root txt VREG 0,0 19492 10 /tmp (swap) shaftnode 13489 root txt VREG 32,0 662764 182321 /usr/lib/libc.so.1 shaftnode 13489 root txt VREG 32,0 17480 210757 /usr/platform/sun4u/lib/libc_psr.so.1 shaftnode 13489 root txt VREG 32,0 566700 182335 /usr/lib/libnsl.so.1 shaftnode 13489 root txt VREG 32,0 39932 182348 /usr/lib/libw.so.1 shaftnode 13489 root txt VREG 32,0 15720 182334 /usr/lib/libmp.so.1 shaftnode 13489 root txt VREG 32,0 15720 182327 /usr/lib/libintl.so.1 shaftnode 13489 root txt VREG 32,0 68780 182342 /usr/lib/libsocket.so.1 shaftnode 13489 root txt VREG 32,0 2564 182324 /usr/lib/libdl.so.1 shaftnode 13489 root txt VREG 32,0 137160 182315 /usr/lib/ld.so.1 shaftnode 13489 root 0u inet 0x507dc770 0t116 TCP hostname:ftp->electrochem1.echem.cwru.edu:53982 (CLOSE_WAIT) shaftnode 13489 root 1u inet 0x507dc770 0t116 TCP hostname:ftp->electrochem1.echem.cwru.edu:53982 (CLOSE_WAIT) shaftnode 13489 root 2u inet 0x507dc770 0t116 TCP hostname:ftp->electrochem1.echem.cwru.edu:53982 (CLOSE_WAIT) shaftnode 13489 root 3u inet 0x5032c7d8 0t0 UDP *:18753 (Idle) As one can see, the agent is waiting to receive commands on its default UDP port number 18753. The TCP connection back to the handler remains unexplained to date. Packet flows: Date Time Protocol Source IP/Port Flow Destination IP/Port Sun 11/28 21:39:22 tcp <-> x.x.x.x.21 Sun 11/28 21:39:56 udp x.x.x.x.33198 -> Sun 11/28 21:45:20 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:45:20 udp x.x.x.x.33199 -> Sun 11/28 21:45:59 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:45:59 udp x.x.x.x.33200 -> Sun 11/28 21:45:59 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:45:59 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:45:59 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:45:59 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:45:59 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:46:00 udp x.x.x.x.33201 -> Sun 11/28 21:46:00 udp x.x.x.x.33202 -> Sun 11/28 21:46:01 udp x.x.x.x.33203 -> Sun 11/28 21:48:37 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:48:37 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:48:37 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:48:37 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:48:38 udp x.x.x.x.33204 -> Sun 11/28 21:48:38 udp x.x.x.x.33205 -> Sun 11/28 21:48:38 udp x.x.x.x.33206 -> Sun 11/28 21:48:56 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:48:56 udp x.x.x.x.33207 -> Sun 11/28 21:49:59 udp x.x.x.x.33208 -> Sun 11/28 21:50:00 udp x.x.x.x.33209 -> Sun 11/28 21:50:14 udp -> x.x.x.x.18753 Sun 11/28 21:50:14 udp x.x.x.x.33210 -> There is quite some activity between the handler and the agent, as they go through the command request and acknowledgement phases. There was also what appeared to be testing of the impact on the local network itself with ICMP packet flooding, for which we omit the data here due to size limitations. Let us look at the individual phases from a later attack. Setup and configuration phase: date time src dest dest-port command 4 Dec 1999 18:06:40 x.x.x.x 18753 alive tijgu hi 5 8170 4 Dec 1999 18:09:14 x.x.x.x 18753 time tijgu 700 5 6437 4 Dec 1999 18:09:14 x.x.x.x 20433 time tijgu 5 6437 700 4 Dec 1999 18:09:16 x.x.x.x 18753 size tijgu 4096 5 8717 4 Dec 1999 18:09:16 x.x.x.x 20433 size tijgu 5 8717 4096 4 Dec 1999 18:09:23 x.x.x.x 18753 type tijgu 2 5 9003 The handler issues an "alive" command, and says "hi" to its agent, assigning a socket number of "5" and a ticket number of 8170. We will see that this "socket number" will persist throughout this attack. A time period of 700 seconds is assigned to the agent, which is acknowledged. A packet size of 4096 bytes is specified, which is again confirmed. The last line indicates the type of attack, in this case "the works", i.e. UDP, TCP SYN and ICMP packet flooding combined. Failure to specify the type would make the agent default to UDP packet flooding. Now the list of hosts to attack and which ones they want statistics from on completion: date time src dest dest-port command 4 Dec 1999 18:09:24 x.x.x.x 18753 own tijgu 5 5256 4 Dec 1999 18:09:24 x.x.x.x 20433 owning tijgu 5 5256 4 Dec 1999 18:09:24 x.x.x.x 18753 pktres tijgu 5 1993 4 Dec 1999 18:09:24 x.x.x.x 18753 own tijgu 5 78 4 Dec 1999 18:09:24 x.x.x.x 18753 pktres tijgu 5 8845 4 Dec 1999 18:09:24 x.x.x.x 18753 own tijgu 5 6247 4 Dec 1999 18:09:25 x.x.x.x 18753 own tijgu 5 4190 4 Dec 1999 18:09:25 x.x.x.x 18753 own tijgu 5 2376 4 Dec 1999 18:09:25 x.x.x.x 20433 owning tijgu 5 78 4 Dec 1999 18:09:26 x.x.x.x 20433 owning tijgu 5 6247 4 Dec 1999 18:09:27 x.x.x.x 20433 owning tijgu 5 4190 4 Dec 1999 18:09:28 x.x.x.x 20433 owning tijgu 5 2376 4 Dec 1999 18:21:04 x.x.x.x 20433 pktres rghes 5 1993 51600 4 Dec 1999 18:21:04 x.x.x.x 20433 pktres rghes 0 0 51400 4 Dec 1999 18:21:07 x.x.x.x 20433 pktres rghes 0 0 51500 4 Dec 1999 18:21:07 x.x.x.x 20433 pktres rghes 0 0 51400 4 Dec 1999 18:21:07 x.x.x.x 20433 pktres rghes 0 0 51400 Now that all other parameters are set, the handler issues several "own" commands, in effect specifying the victim hosts. Those commands are acknowledged by the agent with an "owning" reply. The flooding occurs as soon as the first victim host gets added. The handler also requests packet statistics from the agents for certain victim hosts (e.g. "pktres tijgu 5 1993"). Note that the reply comes back with the same identifiers ("5 1993") at the end of the 700 second packet flood, indicating that 51600 sets of packets were sent. One should realize that, if successful, this means 51600 x 3 packets due to the configuration of all three (UDP, TCP, and ICMP) types of packets. In turn, this results in roughly 220 4096 byte packets per second per host, or about 900 kilobytes per second per victim host from this agent alone, about 4.5 megabytes per second total for this little exercise. Note the reverse shift ("shift" becomes "rghes", rather than "tijgu") for the password on the packet statistics. -- 3.5.3 Detection at the network level Scanning the network for open port 20432 will reveal the presence of a handler on your LAN. For detecting idle agents, one could write a program similar to George Weaver's trinoo detector. Sending out "alive" messages with the default password to all nodes on a network on the default UDP port 18753 will generate traffic back to the detector, making the agent believe the detector is a handler. This program does not provide for code updates (like TFN or Stacheldraht). This may imply "rcp" or "ftp" connections during the initial intrusion phase (see also [5]). The program uses UDP traffic for its communication between the handlers and the agents. Considering that the traffic is not encrypted, it can easily be detected based on certain keywords. Performing an "ngrep" [11] for the keywords mentioned in the syntax sections (3.3.1 and 3.3.2), will locate the control traffic, and looking for TCP packets with sequence numbers of 0x28374839 may locate the TCP SYN packet flood traffic. Source ports are always above 1024, and source IP numbers can include zeroes in the leading octet. Strings in this control traffic can be detected with the "ngrep" program using the same technique shown in [5], [6], and [7]. For example, # ngrep -i -x "alive tijgu" udp # ngrep -i -x "pktres|pktstat" udp will locate the control traffic between the handler and the agent, independently of the port number used. There are also two excellent scanners for detecting DDoS agents on the network: Dittrich's "dds" [8] and Brumley's "rid" [2]. "dds" was written to provide a more portable and less dependant means of scanning for various DDoS tools. (Many people encountered problems with Perl and the Net::RawIP library [15] on their systems, which prevented them from using the scripts provided in [5], [6], and [7].) Due to time contraints during coding, "dds" does not have the flexibility necessary to specify arbitrary protocols, ports, and payloads. A modified version of "dds", geared towards detecting only "Shaft" agents, is included in the Appendix. A better means of detecting "Shaft" handlers and agents would be to use a program like "rid", which uses a more flexible configuration file mechanism to define ports, protocols, and payloads. A sample configuration for "rid" to detect the "Shaft" control traffic as described: start shaft send udp dport=18753 data="alive tijgu hi 5 1918" recv udp sport=20433 data="alive" nmatch=1 end shaft -- 3.6 Defenses --------------- To protect against the effects of the multiple types of denial of service, we suggest that you review the other papers (see [1, 3, 5, 6, 7]) and other methods of dealing with DDoS attacks being discussed and promoted (see [9]). For example, rate-limiting is considered effective against ICMP packet flooding attacks, while anti-spoof filters and egress filters at the border routers can limit the problems caused by attacking agents faking source addresses. -- 4. Further evolution ----------------------- While the author(s) of this tool did not pursue the use of encryption of its control traffic, such an evolution is conceivable, since a Caesar cipher is used to obfuscate the password. A transition to Blowfish or other stream ciphers is realistic, and changing the communication protocol to ICMP, much like TFN, is conceivable. The use of multicast protocols for both communication or packet flooding is also possible. To date, no source for the "Shaft" handler ("shaftmaster") has been obtained of analyzed. At this stage, the code is believed to be private. This would mean that the authors could likely change defaults and the probability of detecting "script kiddie" copycats using default values as analyzed here is low. This would argue for rapid and widespread detection efforts to identify agents before this change. -- 5. Conclusion ---------------- "Shaft" is another DDoS variant with independent origins. The code recovered did appear to be still in development. Several key features indicate evolutionary trends as the genre develops. Of significance is the priority placed on packet generation statistics which would allow host selection to be refined. The analysis of the code and binary was greatly enhanced by the capture of attack preparation and command packets. The captured packets made it possible to assess the impact of a single agent that managed to saturate the network pipe. The version analyzed had hooks which would allow for dynamic changes to the master host and control port but not the agent control port. However such items are trivially incorporated and must not be taken to be indicative of any current versions which may be in active use. The obfuscation of master IP, ports and passwords used a relatively simple form of encryption but this could easily be strengthened. The detection of DDoS installations will become very much more difficult as such metamorphosis techniques progress, the presence of such agents will still be more readily determined by analysis of traffic anomalies with a consequent pressure on time and resources for site administrators and security teams. -- APPENDIX A: References ------------------------- [1] Barlow, Jason and Woody Thrower. TFN2K An Analysis http://www2.axent.com/swat/News/TFN2k_Analysis.htm [2] Brumley, David. Remote Intrusion Detector. http://theorygroup.com/Software/RID [3] CERT Distributed System Intruder Tools Workshop report http://www.cert.org/reports/dsit_workshop.pdf [4] CERT Advisory CA-99-17 Denial-of-Service Tools http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-99-17-denial-of-service-tools.html [5] Dittrich, David. The DoS Project's "trinoo" distributed denial of service attack tool http://staff.washington.edu/dittrich/misc/trinoo.analysis [6] Dittrich, David. The "Tribe Flood Network" distributed denial of service attack tool http://staff.washington.edu/dittrich/misc/tfn.analysis [7] Dittrich, David. The "Stacheldraht" distributed denial of service attack tool http://staff.washington.edu/dittrich/misc/stacheldraht.analysis [8] Dittrich, David, Marcus Ranum, George Weaver, David Brumley et al. http://staff.washington.edu/dittrich/dds [9] Dittrich, David, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks/Tools http://staff.washington.edu/dittrich/misc/ddos/ [10] lsof: http://vic.cc.purdue.edu/ [11] ngrep: http://www.packetfactory.net/ngrep/ [12] Packet Storm Security, Distributed denial of service attack tools http://packetstorm.securify.com/distributed/ [13] Phrack Magazine, Volume Seven, Issue Forty-Nine, File 06 of 16, [ Project Loki ] http://www.phrack.com/search.phtml?view&article=p49-6 [14] Phrack Magazine Volume 7, Issue 51 September 01, 1997, article 06 of 17 [ L O K I 2 (the implementation) ] http://www.phrack.com/search.phtml?view&article=p51-6 [15] Net::RawIP: http://quake.skif.net/RawIP [16] tcpdump: ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/tcpdump.tar.Z [17] Schneier, Bruce. Applied Cryptography, 2nd edition, Wiley. [18] Stevens, W. Richard and Gary R. Wright. TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. I, II, and III., Addison-Wesley. [19] Zuckerman, M.J. Net hackers develop destructive new tools. USA Today, 7 December 1999. http://www.usatoday.com/life/cyber/tech/review/crg681.htm -- APPENDIX B: dds ("Shaft" only variant) /* * dds $Revision: 1.6s $ - a distributed DoS tool scanner - Shaft only * * Based on the gag scanner, written by David Dittrich, University * of Washington, Marcus Ranum, Network Flight Recorder, with * code contributed by others, and based on an idea stolen from * George Weaver, Pennsylvania State University. * * Dave Dittrich <dittrich@cac.washington.edu> * Marcus Ranum <mjr@nfr.net> * George Weaver <gmw@psu.edu> * David Brumley <dbrumley@rtfm.stanford.edu> */ /* Shaft only version, modified to that effect by * Sven Dietrich <spock@sled.gsfc.nasa.gov> */ #if YOU_HAVE_NOT_READ_THIS_YET This software should only be used in compliance with all applicable laws and the policies and preferences of the owners of any networks, systems, or hosts scanned with the software The developers and licensors of the software provide the software on an "as is" basis, excluding all express or implied warranties, and will not be liable for any damages arising out of or relating to use of the software. THIS SOFTWARE IS MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS", AND THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR STRICT LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. #endif #define VERSION "$Revision: 1.6s $" #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/in_systm.h> #include <netinet/ip.h> #include <netinet/udp.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netinet/ip_icmp.h> #define BS 1024 #define __FAVOR_BSD /* The two arrays below are for address range calculations. They should have been automatically generated, but 1) I am lazy. 2) There are a few special cases in them. I will not scan more than a /16. When we do scan a CIDR block, we assume that it actually is a CIDR block, and do not scan the network or broadcast address. */ static unsigned long MaskBits[] = { 0x00000000, /* /0 */ 0x00000000, /* /1 */ 0x00000000, /* /2 */ 0x00000000, /* /3 */ 0x00000000, /* /4 */ 0x00000000, /* /5 */ 0x00000000, /* /6 */ 0x00000000, /* /7 */ 0x00000000, /* /8 */ 0x00000000, /* /9 */ 0x00000000, /* /10 */ 0x00000000, /* /11 */ 0x00000000, /* /12 */ 0x00000000, /* /13 */ 0x00000000, /* /14 */ 0x00000000, /* /15 */ 0xffff0000, /* /16, Class B */ 0xffff8000, /* /17, 128 * Class C */ 0xffffc000, /* /18, 64 * Class C */ 0xffffe000, /* /19, 32 * Class C */ 0xfffff000, /* /20, 16 * Class C */ 0xfffff800, /* /21, 8 * Class C */ 0xfffffc00, /* /22, 4 * Class C */ 0xfffffe00, /* /23, 2* Class C */ 0xffffff00, /* /24, Class C */ 0xffffff80, /* /25, 128 hosts */ 0xffffffc0, /* /26, 64 hosts */ 0xffffffe0, /* /27, 32 hosts */ 0xfffffff0, /* /28, 16 hosts */ 0xfffffff8, /* /29, 8 hosts */ 0xfffffffc, /* /30, 4 hosts (PPP link) */ 0xfffffffe, /* /31, invalid */ 0xffffffff, /* /32, host */ }; static int NumHosts[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* don't scan more than a /16 */ 65534, /* These are all -2 so that we don't scan the broadcast addr or the network addr */ 32766, 16382, 8190, 4094, 2046, 1022, 510, 254, 126, 62, 30, 14, 6, 2, 0, 1, }; extern char *optarg; struct udppkt_t { struct ip ipi; struct udphdr udpi; char buffer[BS]; } udppkt; static void listener(); static int usage(); static int vflg = 0; /* verbosity */ static int dflg = 0; /* debugging */ /* shaft variables */ static short shaft_dstport = 18753; /* handler listen port */ static short shaft_rctport = 20433; /* agent listen port */ char shaft_scmd[] = "alive"; char shaft_spass[] = "tijgu"; char shaft_echostr[] = "alive"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int pid, host; char target[128]; unsigned long target_host; struct in_addr target_ip; int mask; char * mask_ptr; int result; int usock; char buf[BS]; struct sockaddr_in usa; int i; char *jnk1; char *jnk2; int sleepytime = 500; int bigsleep = 30; int num_hosts; char scmd[BS], spass[BS], sbuf[BS]; while((i = getopt(argc,argv,"ds:S:v")) != -1) { switch(i) { case 'd': dflg++; break; case 's': sleepytime = atoi(optarg); if(sleepytime <= 0) { fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: zero interping sleep time will probably overflow your sy stem's transmit buffers and yield poor results\n"); sleepytime = 1; } break; case 'S': bigsleep = atoi(optarg); if(bigsleep <= 0) { fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: negative sleep value - staying with default of %d\n", bi gsleep); } break; case 'v': vflg++; break; default: exit(usage()); } } if(optind >= argc || argc - optind > 1) exit(usage()); mask_ptr = strchr(argv[optind], '/'); /* if a CIDR block is passed in */ if (mask_ptr) { *mask_ptr = '\0'; mask_ptr ++; sscanf(mask_ptr, "%d", &mask); } else { printf("No mask passed, assuming host scan (/32)\n"); mask = 32; } result = inet_aton(argv[optind], &target_ip); if (result == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad IP address: %s\n", argv[0], argv[optind]); exit(-1); } if (mask < 16) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad Network Admin! Bad! Do not scan more than a /16 at once!\n"); exit(-1); } num_hosts = NumHosts[mask]; if (num_hosts == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot scan a /%d. Exiting...\n", mask); exit(-1); } if(vflg) { printf("Mask: %d\n", mask); printf("Target: %s\n", inet_ntoa(target_ip)); printf("dds %s - scanning...\n\n", VERSION); } sprintf(sbuf,"%s %s hi 5 1918",shaft_scmd,shaft_spass); target_host = ntohl(target_ip.s_addr); target_host &= MaskBits[mask]; target_ip.s_addr = htonl(target_host); if((pid = fork()) < 0) { perror("cannot fork"); exit(1); } /* child side listens for return packets */ if (pid == 0) listener(); sleep(1); /* main sweep loop - COULD be expanded to whole Internet but... */ /* but that would be _very_ bad.... */ while (num_hosts) { if (mask != 32) { target_host ++; } target_ip.s_addr = htonl(target_host); num_hosts--; /* we really need to skip the network and broadcast addresses */ if ((target_host & 0xff) == 0 || (target_host & 0xff) == 0xff) { if(vflg) printf("Skipping special address %s\n", inet_ntoa(target_ip)); continue; } if(vflg) printf("Probing address %s\n", inet_ntoa(target_ip)); /* shaft check */ bzero((char *) &usa, sizeof(usa)); usa.sin_family = AF_INET; usa.sin_addr.s_addr = target_ip.s_addr; usa.sin_port = htons(shaft_dstport); if (dflg) fprintf(stderr,"Sending UDP to: %s\n", inet_ntoa(usa.sin_addr)); if ((usock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { perror("cannot open UDP socket"); exit(1); } i = sendto(usock,sbuf,strlen(sbuf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&usa, sizeof(usa)); if (i < 0) { char ebuf[BS]; sprintf(ebuf,"sendto: udp %s", inet_ntoa(usa.sin_addr)); perror(ebuf); break; } close(usock); usleep(sleepytime); } /* wait for any late responses */ if (dflg) fprintf(stderr,"Waiting %d seconds for late responses.\n", bigsleep); sleep(bigsleep); /* shut listener. if this fails the listener exits on its own */ (void)kill(pid, SIGHUP); exit(0); } static void listener() { int usock; int i, len; fd_set fdset; char buf[BS]; char rcmd[BS], filler[BS], rpass[BS]; struct timeval timi; struct udppkt_t upacket; struct sockaddr_in sa, from; /* child becomes a listener process */ if ((usock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) { perror("cannot open raw UDP listen socket"); exit(1); } bzero((char *) &sa, sizeof(sa)); sa.sin_family = AF_INET; sa.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sa.sin_port = htons(shaft_rctport); if (bind(usock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) { perror("cannot bind to socket"); exit(-1); } while (1) { /* if parent has exitted, die */ if(getppid() == 1) exit(0); FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(usock, &fdset); timi.tv_sec = 1; timi.tv_usec = 0; select(FD_SETSIZE, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timi); usleep(100); if (FD_ISSET (usock, &fdset)) { /* read data from UDP listen socket */ memset((void *) &upacket, 0, sizeof(struct udppkt_t)); len = sizeof(from); #if 1 if ((i = recvfrom(usock, buf, BS, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &from, &len)) < 0) { perror("recvfrom"); continue; } #else i = read (usock, (char *) buf, BS) - (sizeof (struct ip) + sizeof (struct udphdr)); #endif sa.sin_addr.s_addr = upacket.ipi.ip_src.s_addr; if(dflg) fprintf(stderr, "Listener got a UDP packet on port %s\n", shaft_rctport); /* shaft check */ if (strstr(buf,shaft_echostr)) { printf("Received '%s' from %s", shaft_echostr, inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr)); printf(" - probable shaft agent\n"); } else { printf("Unexpected UDP packet received on port %d from %s\n", shaft_rctport, inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr)); shaft_rctport, inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr)); } } } } static int usage() { fprintf(stderr,"usage: dds [options] <target>\n"); fprintf(stderr,"target is CIDR block to scan in form:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\tA.B.C.D/mask\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Options:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t[-v] turns on verbosity\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t[-d] turns on debugging\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t[-s] interpacket sleep in microseconds\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\t[-S] delay for late packets\n"); return(1); } -- Dr. Sven Dietrich Raytheon ITSS | spock@sled.gsfc.nasa.gov ESDIS Project, Code 586, Blg 32 Rm N231 | +1-301-614-5119 | 614-5270 Fax NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA (4911555) ------------------------------------------(Ombruten) Kommentar i text 4919042 av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python Läsa nästa kommentar. 4919042 2000-03-20 12:06 /40 rader/ Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <10296> Kommentar till text 4911555 av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python Ärende: Re: Analysis of the Shaft distributed denial of service tool ------------------------------------------------------------ On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Sven Dietrich wrote: > Note: this is also available at: > http://sled.gsfc.nasa.gov/~spock/shaft_analysis.txt > An analysis of the ``Shaft'' distributed denial of service tool > Hi, There is a minor error in the detection code that will keep ddos-shaft.c from compiling; a line in listener() is repeated accidentally in the Bugtraq post and on the website (remove one of the repeated lines): printf("Unexpected UDP packet received on port %d from %s\n", shaft_rctport, inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr)); - shaft_rctport, inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr)); Based on the "shaft" writeup I have added Snort IDS signatures to arachNIDS (http://whitehats.com/ids/) that should detect the traffic of this known configuration. direct links: http://whitehats.com/IDS/252 ddos-shaft-synflood-incoming http://whitehats.com/IDS/253 ddos-shaft-synflood-outgoing http://whitehats.com/IDS/254 ddos-shaft-client-to-handler http://whitehats.com/IDS/255 ddos-shaft-handler-to-agent http://whitehats.com/IDS/256 ddos-shaft-agent-to-handler I have also updated the Whitehats online self-scanning tool. It can be used to quickly test your browsing system for this configuration of Shaft, as well as Trinoo, TFN, Stacheldraht, Stacheldraht4, and WinTrinoo. The self-scan tools can be found at: http://dev.whitehats.com/scan/ddos/ I have also collected related DDOS tools, media commentary, and a small forum for discussion, found at the same URL. Max Vision http://whitehats.com/ (4919042) ------------------------------------------(Ombruten)