6069164 2001-02-07 23:15 +0100 /29 rader/ Maarten de Vries <Maarten.de.Vries@NETRAAM.COM> Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se Importerad: 2001-02-08 22:03 av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python Extern mottagare: BUGTRAQ@SECURITYFOCUS.COM Externa svar till: maarten@netraam.com Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <15302> Ärende: Re: Bug in Bind 9.1.0? ------------------------------------------------------------ From: Maarten de Vries <Maarten.de.Vries@NETRAAM.COM> To: BUGTRAQ@SECURITYFOCUS.COM Message-ID: <974867408.20010207231548@netraam.com> Hi, After two days of recieving comments on my original posting and doing some testing, here's a summary: * The 'bug' seems to manifest itself randomly. Named on my machine crashes maybe 1 in 5 tries. This might explain why relatively few people were able to reproduce it. * Running nmap without any options at all can crash it; no need for '-O -St' or somesuch. * Nessus was reported by someone to have the same effect. * Besides Free- Open- and NetBSD folks, some Linux users with various kernels confirmed my findings as well. I believe ISC is still investigating this. Haven't heard from the FreeBSD people yet, altough they were the first I reported this to... -- Maarten 'Facts are stupid things!' said the man in control of the nukes. (6069164) --------------------------------(Ombruten)