6005238 2001-01-25 13:58 -0200 /92 rader/ <secure@CONECTIVA.COM.BR> Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se Importerad: 2001-01-25 21:01 av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python Extern mottagare: BUGTRAQ@SECURITYFOCUS.COM Externa svar till: secure@CONECTIVA.COM.BR Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <15019> Ärende: [CLA-2001:374] Conectiva Linux Security Announcement - icecast ------------------------------------------------------------ From: secure@CONECTIVA.COM.BR To: BUGTRAQ@SECURITYFOCUS.COM Message-ID: <200101251558.NAA28646@frajuto.distro.conectiva> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONECTIVA LINUX SECURITY ANNOUNCEMENT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKAGE : icecast SUMMARY : Remote root exploit DATE : 2001-01-25 13:58:00 ID : CLA-2001:374 RELEVANT RELEASES : 4.1, 4.2, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION "icecast" is a server used to distribute audio streams to compatible clients such as winamp, mpg123, xmms and many others. The "Packet Knights" group has found a format string vulnerability on this program that could be used to remotely execute arbitrary code on the server with the privileges of the user running it, normally root. This can lead to remote root compromise. SOLUTION It is recommended that all icecast users upgrade their servers. The new packages fix this problem and also provide some new features: - the icecast daemon now runs as the unprivileged user "icecast" and not root; - it is not possible to start the server if the default password has not been changed; - remote web administration has been turned off by default. DIRECT DOWNLOAD LINKS TO THE UPDATED PACKAGES ftp://atualizacoes.conectiva.com.br/4.1/SRPMS/icecast-1.3.7-4cl.src.rpm ftp://atualizacoes.conectiva.com.br/4.1/i386/icecast-1.3.7-4cl.i386.rpm ftp://atualizacoes.conectiva.com.br/4.2/SRPMS/icecast-1.3.7-4cl.src.rpm ftp://atualizacoes.conectiva.com.br/4.2/i386/icecast-1.3.7-4cl.i386.rpm ftp://atualizacoes.conectiva.com.br/5.0/SRPMS/icecast-1.3.7-4cl.src.rpm ftp://atualizacoes.conectiva.com.br/5.0/i386/icecast-1.3.7-4cl.i386.rpm ftp://atualizacoes.conectiva.com.br/5.1/SRPMS/icecast-1.3.7-4cl.src.rpm ftp://atualizacoes.conectiva.com.br/5.1/i386/icecast-1.3.7-4cl.i386.rpm ftp://atualizacoes.conectiva.com.br/6.0/SRPMS/icecast-1.3.7-3cl.src.rpm ftp://atualizacoes.conectiva.com.br/6.0/RPMS/icecast-1.3.7-3cl.i386.rpm ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS Users of Conectiva Linux version 6.0 or higher may use apt to perform upgrades: - add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list if it is not there yet (you may also use linuxconf to do this): rpm [cncbr] ftp://atualizacoes.conectiva.com.br 6.0/conectiva updates - run: apt-get update - after that, execute: apt-get upgrade Detailed instructions reagarding the use of apt and upgrade examples can be found at http://distro.conectiva.com.br/atualizacoes/#apt?idioma=en - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- All packages are signed with Conectiva's GPG key. The key and instructions on how to import it can be found at http://distro.conectiva.com.br/seguranca/chave/?idioma=en Instructions on how to check the signatures of the RPM packages can be found at http://distro.conectiva.com.br/seguranca/politica/?idioma=en - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- All our advisories and generic update instructions can be viewed at http://www.conectiva.com.br/suporte/atualizacoes - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- subscribe: conectiva-updates-subscribe@papaleguas.conectiva.com.br unsubscribe: conectiva-updates-unsubscribe@papaleguas.conectiva.com.br -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE6cE0/42jd0JmAcZARAnTXAJ45OkCe11YSpXE83MTrFnzQboTm+gCgvDE/ ePpvbDc0eKvYnpIDLjCecpk= =jJzG -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- (6005238) --------------------------------(Ombruten)