7418656 2001-10-30 14:57 -0500  /102 rader/  <redhat-announce-list-admin@redhat.com>
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Mottagare: Red Hat Announce (import) <1960>
Ärende: [RHSA-2001:140-05] Updated webalizer package available
                   Red Hat, Inc. Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis:          Updated webalizer package available
Advisory ID:       RHSA-2001:140-05
Issue date:        2001-10-24
Updated on:        2001-10-30
Product:           Red Hat Linux
Keywords:          webalizer cross-site scripting malicious html security update
Cross references:  http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/news.html

1. Topic:

These updated webalizer package fixes a security problem and some
minor bugs.

2. Relevant releases/architectures:

Red Hat Linux 7.2 - i386

3. Problem description:

A bug in versions of webalizer prior to 2.01_09 allowed users to embed 
malicious HTML tags in reports generated by webalizer.

4. Solution:

Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

To update all RPMs for your particular architecture, run:

rpm -Fvh [filenames]

where [filenames] is a list of the RPMs you wish to upgrade.  Only
those RPMs which are currently installed will be updated.  Those RPMs
which are not installed but included in the list will not be updated.
Note that you can also use wildcards (*.rpm) if your current
directory *only* contains the desired RPMs.

Please note that this update is also available via Red Hat Network.
Many people find this an easier way to apply updates.  To use Red Hat
Network, launch the Red Hat Update Agent with the following command:


This will start an interactive process that will result in the
appropriate RPMs being upgraded on your system.

5. Bug IDs fixed (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla for more info):

6. RPMs required:

Red Hat Linux 7.2:



7. Verification:

MD5 sum                           Package Name
ae4cf0d948b2526d6196956f4adf5641 7.2/en/os/SRPMS/webalizer-2.01_09-0.72.src.rpm
acb7f56a58f8e1fc7f99572f9290f29b 7.2/en/os/i386/webalizer-2.01_09-0.72.i386.rpm

These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat, Inc. for security.  Our key
is available at:

You can verify each package with the following command:
    rpm --checksig  <filename>

If you only wish to verify that each package has not been corrupted or
tampered with, examine only the md5sum with the following command:
    rpm --checksig --nogpg <filename>

8. References:

Copyright(c) 2000, 2001 Red Hat, Inc.

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