72979 2002-08-06  20:34  /118 rader/  <bugzilla@redhat.com>
Importerad: 2002-08-06  20:34  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: redhat-watch-list@redhat.com
Extern mottagare: redhat-announce-list@redhat.com
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <976>
Ärende: [RHSA-2002:156-04] Updated secureweb packages fix temporary file handling
                   Red Hat, Inc. Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis:          Updated secureweb packages fix temporary file handling
Advisory ID:       RHSA-2002:156-04
Issue date:        2002-07-25
Updated on:        2002-08-05
Product:           Red Hat Secure Web Server
Keywords:          mm temporary file
Cross references:  
CVE Names:         CAN-2002-0658

1. Topic:

Updated secureweb packages are now available for Red Hat Secure Web
Server 3.2.  These updates address possible vulnerabilities in how
the MM library opens temporary files.

2. Relevant releases/architectures:

Red Hat Secure Web Server 3.2 - i386

3. Problem description:

The MM library provides an abstraction layer which allows related
processes to easily share data.  On systems where shared memory or
other inter-process communication mechanisms are not available, the
MM library will emulate them using temporary files.  MM is used in
Red Hat Secure Web Server to provide shared memory pools to Apache

Versions of MM up to and including 1.1.3 open temporary files in an
unsafe manner, allowing a malicious local user to cause an
application which uses MM to overwrite any file to which it has write

All users are advised to upgrade to these errata packages which
contain a patched version of MM that is not vulnerable to this issue.

Thanks to Marcus Meissner for providing a patch for this issue.

4. Solution:

Some of these files are distributed in rhmask format and may only be
used by individuals who have purchased Red Hat Linux 6.2 Professional.

To produce installable RPM files from the rhmask files, retrieve the
rhmask files via ftp and type the following command:

rhmask secureweb-3.2-12.i386.rpm secureweb-3.2.8-1.i386.rpm.rhmask

The original RPM is located only on your Secure Web Server CD, and
cannot be obtained via the Internet.

Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

To update all RPMs for your particular architecture, run:

rpm -Fvh [filenames]

where [filenames] is a list of the RPMs you wish to upgrade.  Only
those RPMs which are currently installed will be updated.  Those RPMs
which are not installed but included in the list will not be updated.
Note that you can also use wildcards (*.rpm) if your current
directory *only* contains the desired RPMs.

5. Bug IDs fixed (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla for more info):

59504 - *-config scripts suggests bad CFLAGS
68895 - mm not compiled to use SysV shared memory or semaphores
68896 - mm doesn't change ownership properly of SysV semaphores

6. RPMs required:

Red Hat Secure Web Server 3.2:



7. Verification:

MD5 sum                          Package Name
85a7c56c013e8cc346451bf7d06dbcd0 other_prod/secureweb/3.2/SRPMS/secureweb-3.2.8-1.nosrc.rpm
313617c2625c6e3e585d15869b8cefa6 other_prod/secureweb/3.2/i386/secureweb-3.2.8-1.i386.rpm.rhmask
19157b2b333f83fe4d1ab28891d9b927 other_prod/secureweb/3.2/i386/secureweb-devel-3.2.8-1.i386.rpm
736d705ee76c1ebf7182e31a6df0d94e other_prod/secureweb/3.2/i386/secureweb-manual-3.2.8-1.i386.rpm

These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat, Inc. for security.  Our key
is available at:

You can verify each package with the following command:
    rpm --checksig  <filename>

If you only wish to verify that each package has not been corrupted or
tampered with, examine only the md5sum with the following command:
    rpm --checksig --nogpg <filename>

8. References:


Copyright(c) 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
(72979) / <bugzilla@redhat.com>/----------(Ombruten)