8401156 2002-05-06 03:29 -0700  /164 rader/  <blackshell@hushmail.com>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2002-05-06  21:24  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Extern mottagare: vuln-dev@securityfocus.com
Extern mottagare: vulnwatch@vulnwatch.org
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <22181>
Ärende: ldap vulnerabilities
From: blackshell@hushmail.com
To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com, vuln-dev@securityfocus.com,
Message-ID: <200205061029.g46ATg047377@mailserver4.hushmail.com>

Hash: SHA1

- --- Blackshell Advisory # 5 ---

Local Format String Vuln in pam_ldap and remote in squid_auth_ldap

- --- Blackshell Advisory # 5 ---

- --- Versions Affected ---


143 prior
vendor status: nil


2.0 prior
vendor status: nil

- --- What is PAM? ---

PAM stands for pluggable authentication module
it lets you authenticate from one service to another

- --- What is Squid Auth Modules? ---

Squid authentication modules aloow you to connect to
external services through the squid caching server.
adds ldap:// functionability to the squid server

- --- Details ---

- --- in pam_ldap ---

fp = fopen (configFile, "r");

  if (fp == NULL)
       * According to PAM Documentation, such an error in a config file
       * SHOULD be logged at LOG_ALERT level
      snprintf (errmsg, sizeof (errmsg), "pam_ldap: missing file \"%s\"",
      syslog (LOG_ALERT, errmsg);
      return PAM_SERVICE_ERR;

configfile is defined as:

      else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "config=", 7))
	configFile = argv[i] + 7;

in the main function.

- --- in squid_auth_ldap ---

void logging( int ll, const char* fmt, ... )
  char buffer[1024];
  va_list ap;
  va_start( ap, fmt );

  vsnprintf( buffer, 1024, fmt, ap );

  if( ll == DEBUG && _logLevel >= DEBUG )
	  syslog( LOG_INFO, buffer );
/*#ifdef DEBUG
	if( ll == WARN && _logLevel >= WARN )
	  syslog( LOG_INFO, buffer );
/*#ifdef DEBUG
	if( ll == INFO && _logLevel >= INFO )
	  syslog( LOG_INFO, buffer );
/*#ifdef DEBUG
	if( ll == RUN && _logLevel >= RUN )
	  syslog( LOG_INFO, buffer );
/*#ifdef DEBUG

vulnerable calls to the function logging() would include:

ldap_utils.c:  logging( INFO, "- password check for %s", dn );
ldap_utils.c:      logging( DEBUG, "- (%d) %s", i, val[i] );
ldap_utils.c:  logging( DEBUG, "- open connection to ldapserver: %s:%d", ldapServer, ldapPort);
ldap_utils.c:    logging( WARN, "- cannot login to: %s:%d", ldapServer, ldapPort);
ldap_utils.c:  logging( DEBUG, "- search for: %s", searchStr );
ldap_utils.c:    logging( DEBUG, "- entry found: %s", grpDN );
ldap_utils.c:  logging( DEBUG, "- searchstr: %s", searchStr );
ldap_utils.c:  logging( DEBUG, "- start searching for uid: %s", uid );
ldap_utils.c:    logging( WARN, "- user \"%s\", not found!\n", uid);
ldap_utils.c:      logging( DEBUG, "- DN found: %s", udn );
ldap_utils.c:  logging( DEBUG, "- is user %s in %s\n", dn, gdn );
ldap_utils.c:    logging( DEBUG, "- user \"%s\" is in Group \"%s\"", dn, gdn );
ldap_utils.c:  logging( DEBUG, "- user \"%s\" is NOT in Group \"%s\"", dn, gdn );
main.c:  logging( RUN, "%s - %s - starting", PROG, VERS );
main.c:    logging( RUN, "- find DN for group %s\n", conf.pxyGroup );
main.c:      logging( WARN, "- unable to find group: %s", conf.pxyGroup );
main.c:    logging( DEBUG, "- group DN: %s", dnGrp );
main.c:  logging( RUN, "%s - %s - ready", PROG, VERS );
main.c:    logging( RUN, "- unable to connect to LDAP server: %s:%d", conf.ldapServer, conf.ldapPort);
main.c:  logging( DEBUG, "- connected to ldapServer %s:%d", conf.ldapServer, conf.ldapPort);
main.c:      logging( RUN, "- unable to connect to LDAP server: %s:%d", conf.ldapServer, conf.ldapPort);
main.c:    logging( DEBUG, "- connected to ldapServer %s:%d", conf.ldapServer, conf.ldapPort);
main.c:  logging( RUN, "%s - %s - stopping", PROG, VERS );
main.c:  logging( DEBUG, "- user string: |%s|", buf);
main.c:  logging( DEBUG, "- got User: %s", user );
main.c:  logging( DEBUG, "- got Password: %s", crypt (pass, "42") );
options.c:                logging(DEBUG,"- ldapServer: %s ", conf->ldapServer );
options.c:                logging(DEBUG,"- searchBase: %s ", conf->searchBase );
options.c:                logging(DEBUG,"- pxyGroup: %s ", conf->pxyGroup );
options.c:                logging(DEBUG,"- confFile: %s ", conf->confFile );

- --- hellos ---

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(8401156) / <blackshell@hushmail.com>/----(Ombruten)