84021 2002-11-12  00:22  /158 rader/ David Endler <dendler@idefense.com>
Importerad: 2002-11-12  00:22  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Externa svar till: dendler@idefense.com
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <2341>
Ärende: iDEFENSE Security Advisory 11.11.02: Buffer Overflow in KDE resLISa
Hash: SHA1

iDEFENSE Security Advisory 11.11.02:
Buffer Overflow in KDE resLISa
November 11, 2002


KDE is a popular open source graphical desktop environment for Unix
workstations. Its kdenetwork module contains a LAN browsing
implementation known as LISa, which is used to identify CIFS and
other servers on the local network. LISa consists of two main
modules: "lisa", a network daemon, and "resLISa", a restricted
version of the lisa daemon created by Alexander Neundorf. LISa's lisa
module can be accessed in KDE using the URL type "lan://"; the
resLISa module can be accessed using the URL type "rlan://".


Local exploitation of a buffer overflow within the resLISa module
could allow an attacker to gain elevated privileges. The overflow
exists in the parsing of the LOGNAME environment variable; an overly
long value will overwrite the instruction pointer, thereby allowing
an attacker to seize control of the executable. The following is a
snapshot of the exploit in action:

farmer@debian30:~$ ./reslisa_bof
farmer@debian30:~$ NetManager::prepare: listen failed
sh-2.05a$ id
uid=1000(farmer) gid=1000(farmer) groups=1000(farmer)

While the attacker's privileges have not been escalated, the
following shows the creation of a raw socket that is accessible by
the attacker:

farmer@debian30:~$ lsof | grep raw
sh 1413 farmer 3u raw 1432 00000000:0001->00000000:0000 st=07

farmer@debian30:~$ cd /proc/1413/fd/
farmer@debian30:/proc/1413/fd$ ls -l
total 0
lrwx------ 1 farmer farmer 64 Oct 11 02:47 0 -> /dev/pts/3
lrwx------ 1 farmer farmer 64 Oct 11 02:47 1 -> /dev/pts/3
lrwx------ 1 farmer farmer 64 Oct 11 02:47 2 -> /dev/pts/3
lrwx------ 1 farmer farmer 64 Oct 11 02:47 255 -> /dev/pts/3
lrwx------ 1 farmer farmer 64 Oct 11 02:47 3 -> socket:[1432]
l-wx------ 1 farmer farmer 64 Oct 11 02:47 4 -> /dev/null
lrwx------ 1 farmer farmer 64 Oct 11 02:47 5 -> socket:[1433]


Local attackers can use access to a raw socket to sniff network
traffic and generate malicious traffic (such as network scans, ARP
redirects, DNS poisoning). This can lead to further compromise of the
target system as well as other neighboring systems, depending on
network trust relationships.


This vulnerability exists in all versions of resLISa included within
kdenetwork packages found in versions of KDE before 3.0.5. To
determine if a specific implementation is vulnerable issue the
following commands: 
$ LOGNAME=`perl -e 'print "A"x5000'` 
$ `which reslisa` -c . 
If the application exits, printing "signal caught: 11, exiting", then
it is vulnerable.  The above example was performed on resLISa version
0.1.1 which is packaged and distributed with Debian 3.0r0. 


KDE 3.0.5 fixes this vulnerability, as well as a remotely exploitable
buffer overflow found in LISa by Olaf Kirch of SuSE Linux AG. More
information about the fix is available at
http://www.kde.org/info/security. Individual Unix vendors should be
providing updated KDE distributions on their appropriate download

Lisa 0.2.2, which also fixes these issues and compiles independent of
KDE, can be downloaded at


The Mitre Corp.'s Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Project
assigned the identification number CAN-2002-1247 to this issue.


10/02/2002	Issue disclosed to iDEFENSE
10/31/2002	Maintainer, Alexander Neundorf (neundorf@kde.org), 
		and Linux Security list (vendor-sec@lst.de) notified
10/31/2002	Response received from Alexander Neundorf
11/01/2002	iDEFENSE clients notified
11/11/2002	Coordinated public disclosure


Texonet (http://www.texonet.com) discovered this vulnerability.

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- -dave

David Endler, CISSP
Director, Technical Intelligence
14151 Newbrook Drive
Suite 100
Chantilly, VA 20151
voice: 703-344-2632
fax: 703-961-1071


Version: PGP 7.1.2
Comment: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x4B0ACC2A


Version: PGP 7.1.2
Comment: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x4B0ACC2A

(84021) /David Endler <dendler@idefense.com>/-------
84172 2002-11-12  20:58  /107 rader/ Andreas Pour <pour@kde.org>
Importerad: 2002-11-12  20:58  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <2354>
Ärende: KDE Security Advisory: resLISa / LISa Vulnerabilities
KDE Security Advisory: resLISa / LISa Vulnerabilities
Original Release Date: 2002-11-11
URL: http://www.kde.org/info/security/advisory-20021111-2.txt

0. References

        iDEFENSE Security Advisory 11.11.02

1. Systems affected:

        All KDE 2 releases from KDE 2.1 and all KDE 3 releases (up to
        3.0.4 and 3.1rc3).

2. Overview:

        The kdenetwork module of KDE contains a LAN browsing
        implementation known as LISa, which is used to identify CIFS
        and other servers on the local network.  LISa consists of two
        main modules, "lisa", a network daemon, and "reslisa", a
        restricted version of the lisa daemon.  LISa can be accessed
        in KDE using the URL type "lan://", and resLISa using the URL
        type "rlan://".

        LISA will obtain information on the local network by looking
        for an existing LISA server on other local hosts, and if
        there is one, retrieves the list of servers from it.  If
        there is no other LISA server, it will scan the network and
        create as server list.

        The browser daemon 'lisa' is typically configured to start as
        a system service at system boot time.

        resLISa is a restricted version of LISa which uses a
        configuration file to identify hosts on the network rather
        than scanning for them.  resLISa is typically installed SUID
        root and started by a user to browse the confitured network
        servers.  However, it does not directly communicate with
        servers on the network.

3. Impact:

        The resLISa daemon contains a buffer overflow vulnerability
        which potentially enables any local user to obtain access to
        a raw socket if 'reslisa' is installed SUID root.  This
        vulnerability was discovered by the iDEFENSE security team
        and Texonet.

        The lisa daemon contains a buffer overflow vulnerability
        which potentially enables any local user, as well any any
        remote attacker on the LAN who is able to gain control of the
        LISa port (7741 by default), to obtain root privileges.

        In addition, a remote attacker potentially may be able to
        gain access to a victim's account by using an "lan://" URL in
        an HTML page or via another KDE application.  These
        vulnerabilities were discovered by Olaf Kirch at SuSE Linux

4. Solution:

        The vulnerabilities have been fixed in KDE 3.0.5 and patches
        are available for those using KDE 3.0.4.  We recommend either
        upgrading to KDE 3.0.5, applying the patches or disabling the
        resLISa and LISa services.

        The resLISa vulnerability can be disabled by unsetting the
        SUID bit on resLISa.  Typically this is accomplished by
        executing the command:

          chmod a-s `which reslisa`

        Note that this will prevent users from using the resLISa

        The first LISa vulnerability can be disabled by disabling the
        LISa service.  Typically this is accomplished by executing
        the commands:

          /etc/init.d/lisa stop
          rm /etc/init.d/lisa `which lisa`


          rpm -e kdenetwork-lisa

        However, the appropriate commands depend on your vendor's OS
        and how the various components of kdenetwork were packaged.

        The second LISa vulnerability can be disabled by deleting any
        lan.protocol and rlan.protocol files on the system and
        restarting the active KDE sessions.  The files are usually
        installed in [kdeprefix]/share/services/lan.protocol and
        [kdeprefix]/share/services/rlan.protocol  ([kdeprefix] is
        typically /opt/kde3 or /usr), but copies may exist elsewhere,
        such as in users' [kdehome]/share/services directory
        ([kdehome] is typically the .kde directory in a user's home

        kdenetwork-3.0.5 can be downloaded from
        http://download.kde.org/stable/3.0.5/src/ :

         504032bceeef0dfa9ff02aed0faf795d   kdenetwork-3.0.5.tar.bz2

        Some vendors are building binary packages of
        kdenetwork-3.0.5.  Please check your vendors website and the
        KDE 3.0.5 information page
        (http://ww.kde.org/info/3.0.5.html) periodically for

5. Patch:

        Patches are available for KDE 3.0.4 from the KDE FTP server

(84172) /Andreas Pour <pour@kde.org>/-----(Ombruten)