75707 2002-09-18  08:57  /41 rader/ Ondrej Suchy <ondrej-bugtraq@qlinux.cz>
Importerad: 2002-09-18  08:57  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <1553>
Ärende: joe editor backup problem
Hi all,

there's a minor problem with the popular opensource editor 'joe'
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/joe-editor/). The way how joe handles
backup files may create unwanted suid files.

Example situation:

(1) unprivileged user creates some file and puts suid bit on it:

  trtko$ ls -l suid.file*
  -rwsr-sr-x    1 trtko    trtko          68 Sep 17 19:57 suid.file

(2) root goes and opens, edits and closes the file in 'joe'.

(3) now look:

  trtko$ ls -l suid.file*
  -rwsr-sr-x    1 trtko   trtko         68 Sep 17 19:57 suid.file
  -rwsr-sr-x    1 root    root          68 Sep 17 19:58 suid.file~

Oops, root owned suid file was unintentionally created.

This is a low risk since successful attack would require some sort of
social engineering in making the administrator edit attackers file.
Also some systems (Linux) won't let you have suid scripts, so you
would have to make the root edit some compiled executable, or you
would have to use some other tricks maybe...

Maybe it's even not exploitable at all. Either way, having such
unnecessary suid files generally isn't a good idea, I believe.

(Project maintainers were contacted and have fixed the issue in the
CVS version.)

Have a nice day

Ondrej Suchy <ondrej-bugtraq@qlinux.cz>
(75707) /Ondrej Suchy <ondrej-bugtraq@qlinux.cz>/(Ombruten)