99523 2003-04-25  00:11  /28 rader/ Rager, Anton (Anton) <arager@avaya.com>
Importerad: 2003-04-25  00:11  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: David Wagner <daw@mozart.cs.berkeley.edu>
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <4624>
Ärende: RE: Cracking preshared keys

It's amazing how many folks think that IPSec VPNs are not susceptible
to password cracking.  I've run into many folks that just don't think
about it -- They get distracted by the strength of DH, 3DES, and
SHA1, but forget that the weakest link is the password. As Cisco and
David Wagner point out, this is not a vulnerability in IPSec/IKE, but
is something that I've seen many engineers gloss over. They think
about NTLM or Unix hash cracking, but not IPSec.

That's why I wrote IKECrack in the first place -- how secure is a
bazillion bit encrypted link that uses "test" as a PSK? I worked out
the details of the crack process on my own a couple years ago, then
later discovered the IETF and John Pliam had already discussed and
decided that it wasn't a big deal. I still find the tool useful for
pentesting, but decided it didn't need a detailed whitepaper :)

I do find it surprising that the IKE PSK attacks have not been
published more widely and am very surprised that the IETF didn't
modify aggressive IKE to make it a bit more secure. [I think SonOfIKE
addresses some of this, but most current implementations are the
older IKE]  Example areas are ID revelation [I've seen vendors
strengthen this by passing a hash of the ID], passive HASH
collection/cracking due to PSK being only secret in HASH, and the
fact that the gateway gives an active attacker a copy of the HASH
before validating the user. Many vendors seem to have made IKE
aggressive modifications that make passive attacks impossible [AFIK]
by using additional secret info in the HASH calculations. This also
has a side effect of making active attacks [or MITM] difficult
because these modified HASH calcs are generally proprietary :)

As the Cisco response indicated, PSK cracking is not limited to just
aggressive mode IKE. Main mode is also vulnerable, but requires a
different technique. IKECrack doesn't currently perform the main-mode
attacks, but here's an overview of how the process works: 1 - the
attacker needs to be a MITM or an active attacker with one of the
IPSec peers DoSed and the other re-initiating IKE 2 - the attacker
participates in the DH process and collects Nonce values 3 - even
though main mode protects the IDs, IDs are normally the IP addresses
of each endpoint. Many IPSec devices [Cisco IOS excluded] don't even
give the user the ability to override the IP based ID 4 - we now have
everything we need [minus the PSK] to calculate the key material used
for de-crypting the 1st encrypted frame [ID packet].  4 -
Bruteforce/Dictionary for differing PSKs and try to decrypt to
frame. We know most of the encrypted frame's contents, so validation
is fairly straightforward.

The bottom line is this: If you use PSK auth with either main-mode or
aggressive-mode, make sure you choose strong passwords. Best option
is to avoid PSK and use stronger methods if possible. I don't agree
that folks should scrap agressive-mode -- just be aware that UserIDs
are leaked in the clear and weak passwords are crackable.

Anton Rager
Sr. Security Consultant
Avaya Enterprise Security Practice

IKECrack author
(99523) /Rager, Anton (Anton) <arager@avaya.com>/(Ombruten)