11139867 2003-12-26 21:37 +0100 /39 rader/ <n.teusink@planet.nl>
Importerad: 2003-12-26 22:11 av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <30456>
Ärende: OpenBB 1.06 SQL Injection
From: n.teusink@planet.nl
To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Message-ID: <3FECAA06.26609.59D6D04@localhost>

Hello bugtraq readers,

A vulnerability exists in OpenBB 1.06 that could allow an attacker to
manipulate SQL  queries and obtain sensitive information from the
database such as the administrator  md5 password hash.  This
vulnerability exists because the index.php script of the application
does not  sufficiently sanitize the input of the "CID" parameter.

As far as I know this vulnerability can only be exploited if the
database server the  forum uses supports the UNION keyword, so it is
probably not exploitable with  MySQL 3.x. I have succesfully
exploited this issue when using MySQL 4 as the  database server.


If the admin password is weak enough the attacker could crack it
using a brute force  password cracker on the hash and get full
control over the forum.


I have notified the OpenBB developers and they have very quickly (a
couple of hours,  great work guys!) released a patched version. You
can also patch your forum  manually as described in the OpenBB
advisory:  http://forums.openbb.com/read.php?TID=445


Niels Teusink

(11139867) /<n.teusink@planet.nl>/--------(Ombruten)