89349 2003-01-30 17:27 /31 rader/ Dave Aitel <dave@immunitysec.com> Importerad: 2003-01-30 17:27 av Brevbäraren Extern mottagare: submissions@packetstormsecurity.org Extern mottagare: webappsec@securityfocus.com Extern mottagare: pen-test@securityfocus.com Extern mottagare: full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <3312> Ärende: SPIKE Proxy 1.4.7 is now available ------------------------------------------------------------ SPIKE Proxy, Immunity, Inc.'s web application testing tool version 1.4.7 has just been released to the general public. As always, it is available under the terms of the GNU Public License, and installers are available for both Unix and Windows at http://www.immunitysec.com/spikeproxy_downloads.html . The new version includes some compatability fixes for users of Internet Explorer, and the core engine is even more capable against a wider range of web pages. In addition, it now features the ability to restrict its use based on hosts or pages (or both), a feature used by the Immunity Security Certification (http://www.immunitysec.com/IMSC/) exam. It can also automatically detect more SQL Injection errors on a variety of platforms. Although this tool is released under the GPL, we believe it has most of the features of any commercial web application assessment tool available. If a feature is missing, or in some way SPIKE Proxy does not meet your needs, please contact Immunity, and it will most likely be added for the next major release. For those of you who use SPIKE, Immunity's network protocol analysis and reverse engineering suite, a new release (2.8) is due at the end of February (during BlackHat). Thanks, Dave Aitel Media Relations Immunity, Inc. http://www.immunitysec.com/ (89349) /Dave Aitel <dave@immunitysec.com>/(Ombruten)