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    Sänt:     idag 01:08
    Sänt av Mats Forsén (GarnaX)
Ärende: Remote Root Exploit in CVS

 Department: checking-out
      Topic: Bug
     Author: michael
       Time: Tue Jan 21 21:20:33 2003 CEST

RenHoek writes "Security expert Stefan Esser from E-matters discovered
a bug in CVS version 1.11.4 and lower, that can give malignant users
remote root access. The exploit was confirmed on BSD, but other OS's
like Linux, Solaris and Windows are vulnerable too. A security
advisory can be found here and there is also a patch available. CVS
version 1.11.5 which is fixed can be downloaded as well."


* 1.11.5             http://ccvs.cvshome.org/servlets/ProjectDownloadList
* CVS                http://ccvs.cvshome.org/servlets/ProjectHome
* security advisory  http://security.e-matters.de/advisories/012003.html
* patch              http://security.e-matters.de/patches/cvs_disablexprog.diff
* E-matters          http://www.e-matters.de/
* RenHoek            mailto:ren@NOSPAM.arak.cs.hro.nl

(9623365) /michael/---------------------------------
Kommentar i text 9623457
88724 2003-01-23  01:08  /142 rader/ Stefan Esser <s.esser@e-matters.de>
Importerad: 2003-01-23  01:08  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Extern mottagare: vulnwatch@vulnwatch.org
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <3167>
Ärende: Advisory 01/2003: CVS remote vulnerability
                           e-matters GmbH

                      -= Security  Advisory =-

     Advisory: CVS remote vulnerability
 Release Date: 2003/01/20
Last Modified: 2003/01/20
       Author: Stefan Esser [s.esser@e-matters.de]

  Application: CVS <= 1.11.4
     Severity: A vulnerability within CVS allows remote compromise of
               CVS servers.
         Risk: Critical
Vendor Status: Vendor has released a bugfixed version.
    Reference: http://security.e-matters.de/advisories/012003.html


   Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is the dominant open-source
   version  control software that allows developers to access the
   latest code using a network connection. CVS version 1.11.4 and
   below contain a flaw that can be used by a remote attacker to
   execute arbitrary code on the server.
   You should also note, that the CVS client/server protocol includes
   two  commands (Update-prog and Checkin-prog) that can be used by
   any CVS user with write access to the repository to execute
   arbitrary shell commands on the server. This is a questionable
   feature, because it is very badly documented, is unknown to most
   CVS administrators and cannot be turned off within the
   configuration files.
   While auditing the CVS sourcetree I found a flaw within the
   handling of the Directory request within the server code. By
   sending a malformed  directory name it is possible to trigger an
   error condition that will  make the function return at a point
   where a global pointer variable is  already freed and has not got
   a new value assigned yet. This will result in a classical
   double-free() when the next Directory request is handled.  With
   the help of other CVS requests it is possible to either leak some
   information that could be used to determine the heap position or
   to execute arbitrary code on systems that are known to be
   vulnerable to this kind of bugs. This includes Linux, Solaris and
   most probably Windows systems.
   Additionally I was able to create proof of concept code that uses
   this vulnerability to execute arbitrary shell commands on BSD
   servers. I was able to achieve this because all allocated memory
   is aligned on BSD  systems which makes it very easy to get newly
   allocated memory blocks  into the same position of already freed
   blocks of the same slotsize.  In combination with some CVS
   requests that work on lists of pointers, I was able to use this
   bug to free arbitrary memory addresses. With the help of the
   information leak capabilities of this vulnerability it is
   possible to guess the address of some strings that are needed for
   the  read/write access checks. Combined this allowes to bypass the
   write  access checks and to abuse the Update-prog/Checkin-prog
   requests to  execute arbitrary commands on the server with an
   anonymous read-only account.
   The impact of this vulnerability depends highly on the
   configuration of the server. The CVS server is by default started
   via inetd with root  privileges. If CVSROOT/passwd is left
   writeable to the CVS user this means a remote root compromise. You
   must also consider that chrooting the CVS daemon may protect the
   rest of your system against the intruder but will still leave the
   whole source tree vulnerable to the attacker.

   Summarized this means that this vulnerability is a threat to most
   open source projects because nearly all of them offer anonymous
   CVS access to the source tree. Even if the attacker is not able to
   extend his attack on the developer CVS server (if it is seperated
   at all) he could still backdoor everything other people download
   from the anonymous server.

Proof of Concept:

   e-matters is not going to release an exploit for this
   vulnerability to the public.

Disclosure Timeline:

   04. January 2003 - Vendor was notified via email. Unfourtunately the
                      person that I tried to contact was on vacation, so I
                      received no answer.
   12. January 2003 - The vulnerability was disclosed to the admins of several
                      big public CVS repositories and to some distributors.
   15. January 2003 - Vendor has committed the fix to the CVS CVS repository.
   16. January 2003 - Vendor-sec was notified that a new bugfixed CVS version
                      will be released on 20th January.
   20. January 2003 - Vendor has released a new version which fixes the double
                      free problem. You can download it at:

CVE Information:

   The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org)
   has assigned the name CAN-2003-0015 to this issue.


   My recommendation is to immediantly update to the new version. You
   may also consider applying my patch which adds the ability to turn
   off Update-prog and Checkin-prog within your configuration
   files. You can download it from
   You should also consider running your CVS server chrooted over SSH
   instead of using the :pserver: method. You can find a tutorial how
   to setup such a server at

   pub  1024D/75E7AAD6 2002-02-26 e-matters GmbH - Securityteam Key
   fingerprint = 43DD 843C FAB9 832A E5AB  CAEB 81F2 8110 75E7 AAD6

Copyright 2003 Stefan Esser. All rights reserved.


 Stefan Esser                                        s.esser@e-matters.de
 e-matters Security                         http://security.e-matters.de/

 GPG-Key                gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 0xCF6CAE69 
 Key fingerprint       B418 B290 ACC0 C8E5 8292  8B72 D6B0 7704 CF6C AE69
 Did I help you? Consider a gift:            http://wishlist.suspekt.org/
(88724) /Stefan Esser <s.esser@e-matters.de>/(Ombruten)
Bilaga (application/pgp-signature) i text 88725
88725 2003-01-23  01:08  /9 rader/ Stefan Esser <s.esser@e-matters.de>
Importerad: 2003-01-23  01:08  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: full-disclosure@lists.netsys.com
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Extern mottagare: vulnwatch@vulnwatch.org
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <3168>
Bilaga (text/plain) till text 88724
Ärende: Bilaga till: Advisory 01/2003: CVS remote vulnerability
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Weitere Infos: siehe http://www.gnupg.org

(88725) /Stefan Esser <s.esser@e-matters.de>/-------