10626989 2003-09-01 02:11 +0000 /64 rader/ Jim Pangalos <dpangalos@linuxmail.org> Importerad: 2003-09-02 20:50 av Brevbäraren Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <28775> Ärende: ZH2003-26SA (security advisory): TSguestbook Ver. 2.1 Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability ------------------------------------------------------------ From: Jim Pangalos <dpangalos@linuxmail.org> To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com Message-ID: <20030901021129.30715.qmail@sf-www2-symnsj.securityfocus.com> ZH2003-26SA (security advisory): TSguestbook Ver. 2.1 Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability Published: 31/08/2003 Released: 31/08/2003 Name: TSguestbook (http://www.tsinter.net) Affected System(s): All versions Issue: Remote attackers can insect XSS script Author: Trash-80 - dpangalos@linuxmail.org Description ************ Zone-h Security Team has discovered a flaw in TSguestbook Ver. 2.1. TSguestbook is an object orientated guestbook. It doesn't require a MySQL database. Details ******** It's possibile to insert XSS script in the message variable. For example try this: Name: Zone-h Security Team Email: test@test.com ICQ: 11111111 Homepage: http://www.zone-h.org Message:<script>alert('Zone-H')</script> Solution ********* The vendor has been contacted and a patch is not yet produced. Suggestions ************ Filter the message variable. Trash-80 - www.zone-h.org operator (10626989) /Jim Pangalos <dpangalos@linuxmail.org>/(Ombruten)