BY: Kevin Wilson ( RED DWARF Season XXV Episode 4 - "Man's Best Friend" HOLLY: This is an SOS distress call from the mining ship Red Dwarf. The crew are dead, killed by a radiation leak. The only survivors are Dave Lister, who was in suspended animation during the disaster, and his pregnant cat, who was safely sealed in the hold. Revived three million years later, Lister's only companions are a life form who evolved from his cat, and Arnold Rimmer, a hologram simulation of one of the dead crew. HOLLY: Additional. While running a supply inventory, I noticed that we had completely run out of curry powder. I'm trying to decide how to tell Lister. I don't think he's going to take the news well. [scene: Lister and Cat walk up to a food dispenser. ] LISTER: All right, lunch! I'm famished! I haven't had a bite in over two hours. CAT: Yoooow! Me neither. I'm fallin' behind on my meals! I've had eight sleeps today, but only five eats! [turns to dispenser] Fish! MACHINE: Today's fish is cajun snapper. [produces a dish] Enjoy your meal. [ CAT takes his fish and sits down. ] LISTER: [knocks on machine twice] 'Ey, McNabb, I'll have the usual. [ MACHINE produces a bowl of something green and puree'd. ] MACHINE: Enjoy your meal. LISTER: What's this? I said..[taps machine twice]..I'll have the USUAL. [ MACHINE produces a plate of spaghetti. ] MACHINE: Enjoy your meal. LISTER: (angry) Now look you stupid reject from an airport diner, when I say that I want the usual, I mean that I want a curry and a beer milkshake. You had it right yesterday, now gimme the USUAL! [ MACHINE whirs for a minute, then produces a potnoodle. LISTER cringes away from it in horror. ] MACHINE: Enjoy your meal. LISTER: Augh! A potnoodle! Take it back! Take it back! [potnoodle goes back.] Hol! HOLLY: Yo. LISTER: What's wrong with the food dispenser? I asked it for a curry and a beer milkshake and it tried to poison me with a potnoodle! HOLLY: Well, you see, the thing about a food dispenser, is that it dispenses food. Hence the name, food dispenser. Now, a food dispenser needs one vital element in order to dispense food, namely food. Without food, a food dispenser can hardly dispense food, now can it? LISTER: Hol, what are you getting at? HOLLY: Lister, we're out of curry powder. [ HOL might as well have said "Lister, have you noticed that second head growing from your armpit?" because he can't grasp it. ] LISTER: Run that by me again, Hol. Only this time, I don't want to hear the words 'curry powder' and 'out of' in the same sentence. HOLLY: Lister, we are out of something. That something is curry powder. LISTER: Oh smeg! Holly, those curries have made life bearable, kept me eyes from looking at razors and comparing the fit to my wrists, kept me alive! We CAN'T be out of curry powder! HOLLY: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid we are. [shades of HAL 9000.] [close-up on Lister's face. He's cracked. It's fairly obvious. ] LISTER: AAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! [He faints.] CAT: [Keeps eating.] HOLLY: Hey, Cat. CAT: (protectively) You can't have my food! HOLLY: Oh, nevermind. I'll get Kryten. [scene: TV Lounge. Kryten is watching "Androids". Rimmer is directing a skutter to sculpt a small statue of himself.] RIMMER: Right. Good. No, wait. The nose is too big, make it smaller. [skutter taps at nose with tiny hammer.] No, you hamfisted idiot! You've ruined it! It's too small now! [skutter flips him off.] Right, I'll have you peeling potatoes all week for that! [The skutter puts down the tiny hammer and picks up a heavy iron mallet that is lying on the table. It approaches RIMMER threateningly.] RIMMER: You put that down! You could damage my light bee! [skutter nods.] Help! Mad droid! It's foaming at the mouth! [He takes to his heels in panic. KRYTEN is too absorbed in his soaps to notice. The skutter pauses by the statue long enough to deal it a vicious blow to the goolies with the hammer.] HOLLY: Kryten. [KRYTEN doesn't hear.] HOLLY: Kryten. [KRYTEN doesn't hear.] HOLLY: What we have here, is a failure to communicate. [TV shuts off.] KRYTEN: What? I was watching that. HOLLY: Kryten, it's Lister. He's had a nasty shock. He may need your help. KRYTEN: What sort of shock? HOLLY: He just found out that we're out of curry powder. KRYTEN: (horrified) Oh my goodness! And I've been selfishly absorbed in my own pleasure all this time! If anything happens to him, I'll never forgive myself! [He rushes out. HOLLY looks around, then turns the TV on and starts watching it.] [scene: KRYTEN is rushing down a hall away from the camera. After he passes an intersection, RIMMER runs past being chased by the skutter. KRYTEN pauses and looks back. Seeing nothing, he shrugs and continues onward.] [scene: Dining room. CAT is still eating happily, entertained by LISTER, who is standing on top of a table, with a rope around his neck.] LISTER: They won't have me to kick around anymore. CAT: Whaddya mean, buddy? We'll still have you around. LISTER: (pauses) That's sick, even for you, Cat. [KRYTEN bursts into the room.] KRYTEN: Don't do it, sir! [He rushes over to Lister, and accidentally knocks the table out from under him.] LISTER: (choking) Auuughhh.....urrrkkk.... CAT: Hey, you never told me you could sing like that. I think I'll join you! Auuugghh....urrrkkk...yooowwwl... KRYTEN: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! I'll save you sir! [He tries to go to LISTER to help, but Lister's wildly flailing legs connect with his head, which flies off. KRYTEN's headless body drops to its knees and begins looking for the head while LISTER continues to jerk on the end of the rope. CAT has climbed up on top of his table and is yowling along with Lister. In the background we see RIMMER run past, pursued by the insane skutter. Suddenly, there is a voice from a large bowl of potato salad (which has no real explanation. This is a comedy show.) ] KRYTEN: Nevermind me, body! Save Mr. Lister! I'll be all right! *glub* Oh no, not extra creamy! [The body stands up and manages to get under Lister, who stands on its shoulders and gets the rope off his neck. The body helps him down, and lays him on a table, where he coughs a bit.] CAT: Aww, singing's over. [Accidentally knocks his plate of fish on the floor.] My fish! It's getting away! [He leaps off the table after it, a face plant sort of dive.] KRYTEN'S HEAD: (garbled) Oh sir. My guilt circuit is melting! I'm SO sorry! LISTER: (hoarsely) Don'..Don't worry about it. I guess I can't do anything right. KRYTEN'S HEAD: [spits out an olive.] Sir, you mustn't come down so hard on yourself. It's only a condiment! LISTER: It's more than a condiment, Kryten. Curries are a philosophy, a way of life. [He stands up and walks over to the bowl and tastes the potato salad.] Ugh. That potato salad's gone off. No Kryten, without curry, I don't want to live. [He leaves the room.] KRYTEN: Oh dear. This doesn't look good. CAT: (popping up over the table) What doesn't? Did I miss something? KRYTEN: You didn't notice Mr. Lister trying to kill himself? CAT: Oh, that. Say, I never knew that dude could sing like that. He's a diva! [Goes back under table. We hear chewing sounds.] [ KRYTEN sighs, and leaves the room with his head under his arm. RIMMER runs past. It seems the skutter has gotten out its cowboy hat and a gun and is chasing him now. CAT briefly pops up, looks puzzled, then goes back to eating.] [scene: A bar. Lister is sitting next to pyramid of lager cans. It seems rather small until the camera pans back to show that it nearly reaches the ceiling. He is pished, so to speak.] LISTER: (singing) [hums incoherently] It's cold outshide, there'sh no kind of atmosphhere, I'm all alone, more or lesh... [He staggers over to the pyramid, and looks at the can in his hand. Suddenly angry, he throws the can at the pyramid, which promptly collapses on top of him. He lays there.] HOLLY: Lister, good news, Lister. LISTER: Pish off. HOLLY: Ew, don't breathe on the screen like that, you'll set it on fire. LISTER: I shaid, pish off. HOLLY: I'm picking up the signal from one of the Jupiter mining company's emergency supply pods. Curries, Lister, all you want. There for the taking. LISTER: Read my bips. P-I-S-S-S. O-F-F. [RIMMER suddenly ducks into the room. The skutter goes by outside. RIMMER stands there for a moment, breathing heavily. Then he notices the wreckage.] RIMMER: Holly, what the smeg is that? HOLLY: That's Lister. He's trying to drink himself to death. RIMMER: More power to him. Why didn't he do it sooner? HOLLY: We're out of curries. There's a supply pod nearby and he's too far gone to even care. RIMMER: [Walks up to Lister] Ah, you poor wreckage of a man. This is how you come to your end, drowned in Lager. Well, I'll just say this. I knew it all along. [Lister's finger stirs.] I always knew you'd amount to nothing and you'd die in some alley or bar or gutter. [Lister's hand clenches.] Well, it's too bad you're dying. [RIMMER laughs nasally.] Yessir, too bad indeed. No one to slob up my room, or chew their toenails in my bed, or insult me, or annoy me. Hmm...I think this calls for a happy tune. Hol, play me some Hammond Organ music, loudly. [He leaves the room, vaguely dancing. As he does so, LISTER sits up with a nasty look on his face. RIMMER seems to have sobered him up. Now, he's not pished, he's just pissed.] [LISTER stands up uncertainly and gingerly walks out of the bar. The skutter runs into him.] LISTER: He went thattaway. [points.] [Skutter rushes off in that direction.] [Holly appears on his watch.] HOLLY: Now, don't do anything rash, Lister. LISTER: Hol, you know I can't let him be right about anything if I can help it. I'm going for the curry powder. [LISTER removes his watch and throws it in a nearby garbage bin.] [scene: Starbug. LISTER is here alone. For once, he is determined to do something on his own. He starts up Starbug and flies out of the bay, as usual, hitting the side. He flies along with a grim look, which suddenly becomes absolute astonishment.] [Shot of Bob's Space Bar and Grill. An old, 50's style cafe with a bubble around it. There is an irising hatch that opens to admit Starbug. As the ship flies through, some sort of bubble stretches with it, then pops back to shape, leaving Starbug inside the breathable atmosphere contained within.] LISTER: Holy smeg. [Shot of Starbug parking outside, next to a Ford '57 modified for space flight.] LISTER: [steps out of Starbug and sees car.] Smeg. That is so gorgeous it hurts me eyes to look at it. [He walks over to it and caresses it gently.] Man, I wish I could take you home with me. [sighs and enters Bob's.] [Apparently some scavenger has transformed the old supply pod into a cafe. Highly illegal, if Jupiter mining had ever found out, but they didn't. Of course, this was 3 million years ago. The place is in a shambles.] LISTER: [looks around.] Ugh, a tornado must've hit the place. That or a three-year old. [There are skeletons at each of the bar stools, and a skeleton standing by a table with a little ordering pad, wearing a waitress uniform. There's even a little tiny skeleton in a highchair and a parrot skeleton on a perch.] [LISTER walks towards the counter gingerly. There is a plate on one table that is covered over completely with mold. At one time it had been sausages, now, it lifts an eyeball to look at LISTER's back.] LISTER: This place gives me the creeps. [There is a scuttling noise. LISTER spins around but sees nothing. We notice that the sausage plate is empty.] LISTER: I could've sworn I heard something. [He turns back to the counter, and on a sudden whim, rings the bell for service. There is a sudden silence, and LISTER's grin quickly fades away. While he is distracted, the back door quietly opens and closes again.] LISTER: I hate this place. [He looks at the wall by the door. There is a switch marked 'Stasis' there. He flips it and goes inside. The back room is loaded with foods of all sorts and shapes. There are even several crates of curry powder way back in the back somewhere. A stasis field covers the back half, where the food is, but Lister has it switched off, sso he doesn't know the dog wasn't in it. Close up on a pet carrier with a dog skeleton in it. The mold opens the door, enters, and closes it behind itself, using pseudopods to do so. It seems to have some very limited shapechanging abilities. Close up on Lister's face as he takes in all the food. His happy reverie is broken by a sudden bark.] LISTER: What the? A dog? [He kneels by the pet carrier and looks in. There is a green, furry poodle inside.] A green poodle? That's a new one on me. [He opens the carrier and picks up the poodle, who is shaved in the style of sissy poodles everywhere. The poodle licks him in the face.] Aw, hey, cut it out. [He laughs happily, then sees the crates of curry powder.] All right, jackpot! [I've always felt that LISTER has a soft spot for animals, so I doubt he would be too worried over a poodle. ] [scene: Starbug, LISTER driving, POODLE in the co-pilot's seat. The back of the ship is filled with crates. LISTER is singing, and the POODLE is howling along with him.] LISTER: When we were roamiiiinnnggg... POODLE: AOOooo! LISTER: throughout the staaaarrrrss... POODLE: AOOooo! LISTER: We found a pooooddddllllee... POODLE: AOOooo! LISTER: (thinks a moment) And went hopping baaaaarrrrssss! POODLE: (starts barking excitedly.) LISTER: (frowns) am I gonna explain you to Cat? He'll go ape if he finds out you're a dog. I've got it. [He pulls out an old audio tape and starts unraveling the tape inside.] [scene: The bay, CAT, KRYTEN, and RIMMER are all waiting for Starbug to return. Actually, RIMMER is cowering behind a machine.] KRYTEN: Really sir, afraid of a harmless little skutter. You should be ashamed of yourself. RIMMER: Harmless??! You didn't see the malevolent gleam in his beady little eyes as he came at me with a sledge hammer! I barely fought him off and escaped! [CAT and KRYTEN look unconvinced.] HOLLY: Oi. Here he comes. But, I'm picking up something else on the ship. It isn't human. RIMMER: Aliens! [CAT and KRYTEN groan. RIMMER stands up from behind the machine with a stupid grin on his face.] RIMMER: Holly, my uniform and speech, quickly. Also, turn on my hard light drive so I can shake their hands! [He is redressed and holding a loooong speech.] [Starbug lands. The door opens, and RIMMER stands in front of it, giving his speech.] RIMMER: Welcome, friends! I, as the leader of the human race, welcome you to our ship. I hope that you and your fellow Quagars will be comfortab... [He is cut off as the POODLE, wearing a black wig of audio tape, jumps on his chest knocking him down. The POODLE starts to lick him in the face.] RIMMER: Help! It's eating me! LISTER: (walking out) Calm down, Rimmer. That's just my sheep, Spot. KRYTEN: But sir, that's a do..[LISTER claps his hand over KRYTEN's mouth.] LISTER: No. It's. Not. It's. a. Sheep. Understand. [He looks over at CAT, who is looking at SPOT with suspicion.] KRYTEN: (understanding) Oh, right sir. But I didn't think that 'sheep' came in that particular shade. LISTER: I dunno. Maybe he's a mutant, or the result of 3 million years of evolution. RIMMER: (getting up) Well, whatever he is, he could stand a bath and a vasectomy. Ugh! SPOT: [growls at RIMMER and bites him by the pants leg.] RIMMER: Holly, turn the hard light drive off, please. HOLLY: I'm sorry, Arnold. I can't seem to find the off switch. [smirks and disappears.] RIMMER: Oh, you stupid senile computer. (to SPOT) Let go you little beast! CAT: Well, I don't trust that little thing, but at least he has good taste in people. LISTER: Help me get the crates unloaded, Cat. CAT: What's in it for me? LISTER: (thinks) How about a fish? CAT: Okay! [They enter Starbug. KRYTEN goes with them. Rimmer disengages from SPOT and goes too. Close up of SPOT. His left eye pops out on an antennae and looks around, then quickly pops back in. ] [scene: The parking lot of Bob's Bar and Grill. LISTER, CAT, and SPOT are seated in the '57 Chevy. LISTER does something illegal under the dash, and it makes sputtering noises. He tries again, and it starts. He gives a thumbs up to KRYTEN, who is standing outside. KRYTEN disconnects two jumper cables from the car, and then disconnects them from Starbug, he shuts both hoods as he does this. He goes back into Starbug. LISTER floors the pedal, and the '57 takes off, tires squealing, like a bat out of hell.] CAT & LISTER: Waaahhhhoooooo! [scene: They are flying along to the tune of 'Driving along in my automobile". The fluffy dice hanging on the mirror are rocking back and forth happily, and they are all bobbing their heads to the beat except SPOT, who is jumping around and barking in excitement, and generally making a nuisance of himself. LISTER turns and grins at CAT, who suddenly looks ill.] CAT: Hey man, you got something green between your teeth. LISTER: (embarassed) Oh smeg. I hate when that happens. One time I was carried off by a tribe of amazons to be their willing sex slave, and just as I was about to get down to business, I smiled, and the queen saw that I had a piece of spinach between me teeth. They got angry and threw me in the river. (sighs) CAT: Really??!! LISTER: [grins.] Cat, you're so gullible. [He pulls down mirror to check on the green bit, and forgets to watch his steering. He is appalled at what he sees, and no wonder, we can now see that most of his mouth is green.] What the smeg is THAT??!! CAT: Look out! [ LISTER flips the mirror up out of the way to reveal a green moon right in front of them. Everybody screams except SPOT, who cowers.] [ LISTER steers valiently, slamming on the brakes. There is a loud screech from the tires as the go into a spin.] LISTER: It's no use, the brakes have gone! [model shot: '57 crashes into woods, spins, and slams sideways into a big tree. Miraculously, everyone is unhurt.] CAT: Hey! That wasn't so bad. [The tree falls on him and LISTER.] CAT: (in pain) Maybe I spoke too soon. LISTER: (pained) With all these trees hanging over us, Rimmer and Kryten will never find us. I'm afraid this is the end, Cat. CAT: I'm too young to die! I still have clothes that I haven't worn yet! [Suddenly SPOT barks from the back seat.] LISTER: (pained) That's it, Spot can bring them here, can't you boy? [SPOT barks.] Go find them, get help, go! [SPOT runs off.] CAT: That sheep of yours reminds me of an old TV show about a retarded dog who ran all over the place trying to save people. [laughs, then groans.] LISTER: (pained) And what's wrong with that? Spot's our only hope. CAT: Buddy, what do you think death is like? LISTER: Why? CAT: Just a funny feeling I've got. [scene: SPOT is running through meadows, crossing rivers, etc. Finally, he gloops off his skeleton to climb a tree. A pseudopod is held over his eyeball, indian scout style. He sees Starbug landing not too far away. He climbs back down the tree, puts his skeleton back on, and runs in that direction.] [scene: KRYTEN and RIMMER are getting out of Starbug. SPOT runs up to them. He barks a lot and jumps around.] KRYTEN: What is it boy? [bark] Do you know where Lister and Cat are? [bark] Which way are they? [SPOT points with his right front paw.] Good boy. RIMMER: [amazed] That dog makes Lassie look retarded. KRYTEN: (a bit smugly) It's a sheep, sir. RIMMER: Practice your lies on your own time, Kryten, let's go find them. KRYTEN: Right, sir. [He walks off] RIMMER: Uhhmm...Kryten, aren't you forgetting something? KRYTEN: What? RIMMER: A bazookoid. There could be all sorts of nasty creatures down here. KRYTEN: Need I remind you that Holly detected no mobile life forms on this moon? The only things down here are us, Spot, and Mr. Lister and Mr. Cat, wherever they are. Nothing to fear. Besides, it's back in Red Dwarf. RIMMER: Still, you could go back and get it. KRYTEN: Sir, you are wasting valuable time. They could be hurt! I have seen many shows where a wounded person sends a sheep to get help. RIMMER: You mean dog. KRYTEN: (smugly) That's what I said. My, I'm getting quite good at this. RIMMER: Get the bazookoid, that's an order. KRYTEN: [entering ship] Smeeeheee. Oh, confound it all. [Starbug lifts off, RIMMER belatedly realizes that he has been left unprotected and shouts at the ship awhile.] [scene: Starbug lands again. KRYTEN steps out, only to find RIMMER mysteriously gone, and green slime on the ground. He sighs and sets out to find CAT and LISTER.] [scene: CAT and LISTER are still pinned under the tree. They seem to be talking religion, as many do before they die. There's a certain dreamy. delirious tone to their voices. LISTER has green mold on most of his body.] LISTER: Well, I still say that a lapel pin is a silly religious artifact. CAT: You wouldn't say that if you had seen the Lapel Pin of Cloister's nephew. It was all gold, and shiny, and had a chicken wing on either side. LISTER: Cat, that sounds like an old pair of airline wings. CATT: Heretic. I don't why I bother. LISTER: Personally, I never thought much about death. Except that one time when me and Rimmer crashed on a frozen moon. But, even then, I was only worried about how to get out of it. At least that time I could help myself. Now, I can't even wiggle my ears, and I've got green moss growing over my body. I should've stayed in bed today. CAT: Me too. [Suddenly SPOT comes running into the clearing. He drops something from his mouth. It's RIMMER's light bee. RIMMER appears.] RIMMER: Ew, augh, dog germs! CAT: You mean sheep germs. RIMMER: Oh yeah, right. Hey! I've found you! I'm a hero! LISTER: Hardly. Looks more to me like Spot dragged you here against your will. And besides, you can't help us, you're not strong enough, even in your hard light mode, to move this tree. RIMMER: Say, Lister, have you finally turned into a giant Chia Pet? LISTER: I don't know what it is. It just started growing when I was driving along, and we crashed. CAT: You crashed. I had nothing to do with it. [RIMMER sighs and sits down.] [scene: KRYTEN is following green slimy marks through the forest. Suddenly he comes upon the Boys.] KRYTEN: Oh, Mr. Lister sir. I'm so glad I found you! [He walks over and lifts the tree off of them.] My goodness, what is that growing all over you? Were you jumped by a killer mushroom? LISTER: (can't speak. The mold is filling his throat.) Hnnng. Hnnng. KRYTEN: We'd better get you two back to the sick bay. [scene: Sick bay. LISTER looks like the jolly green giant. CAT has a bandage on his leg and is keeping his distance. KRYTEN, RIMMER, and SPOT are standing around.] KRYTEN: (worried) Oh, I don't know what to do. I've tried all sorts of pesticides, fungicides, everything. All I can say is that the mold seems to resemble Spot. [All eyes turn to SPOT.] [SPOT climbs up on the bed beside LISTER, and licks him one last time, then hops down, walks over to the corner, lies down, and dies, turning brown. KRYTEN pokes the brown remains, and the brown flakey stuff blows away, leaving the bare skeleton. Suddenly, there is a cry from the bed.] LISTER: (struggling out of a mass of brown flakey stuff) It's dying! I'm saved! (wincing) Ooh. Me chest. KRYTEN: It looks as though Spot traded his life for yours, sir. LISTER: What?! Oh smeg. The poor little guy. (He is silent for a moment) See that he gets a proper burial, Kryten. We'll hold a funeral service tomorrow. Right now, I need a drink. (coughs up brown stuff.) KRYTEN: Yes sir. I liked him too, sir. CAT: Me too. He was a good little sheep. RIMMER: (as LISTER stands up and begins to walk out.) I don't see why you are so worried over that little mongrel. I mean, he was the one who put you in danger in the first place. LISTER: Shut up, Rimmer. RIMMER: In fact, I knew he was a psychotic killer mold the first time I laid eyes on him. I just didn't say anything because I didn't want to upset you. LISTER: Rimmer, I said shut up. RIMMER: Why I wouldn't be surprised..[He is interrupted by a whistle from LISTER.] LISTER: He's over here! RIMMER: What? [He looks where LISTER is shouting to. The skutter is barreling down the hallway at full tilt with a shovel in its hand.] Oh smeg. [He runs, and the skutter rushes past LISTER.] [roll credits.] [In the middle of the credits, the music stops for a second and we hear a metallic whang, like a light bee being hit with a shovel. Credits finish.]