function [varargout]=errorbarxy(varargin) % ERRORBARXY is a function to generate errorbars on both x and y axes % with specified errors modified from codes written by Nils Sjberg % ( % % errorbarxy(x, y, lerrx, uerrx, lerry, uerry) plots the data with errorbars on both % x and y axes with error bars [x-lerrx, x+uerrx] and [y-lerry, y+uerry]. If there is % no error on one axis, set corresponding lower and upper bounds to []. % % errorbarxy(x, y, errx, erry) plots the data with errorbars on both x and % y axes with error bars [x-errx, x+errx] and [y-erry, y+erry]. If there % is no error on one axis, set corresponding errors to []. % % errorbarxy(..., S) plots data as well as errorbars using specified % formatting string. S is a cell array of 3 element, {sData, cEBx, cEBy}, % where sData specifies the format of main plot, cEBx specifies the % color of errorbars along x axis and cEBy specifies the color of % errorbars along y axis. The formatting string for the main plot made % from one element from any or all the following 3 columns, while the % other two strings made only from the first colume (color): % b blue . point - solid % g green o circle : dotted % r red x x-mark -. dashdot % c cyan + plus -- dashed % m magenta * star (none) no line % y yellow s square % k black d diamond % w white v triangle (down) % ^ triangle (up) % < triangle (left) % > triangle (right) % p pentagram % h hexagram % % % errorbarxy(AX,...) plots into AX instead of GCA. % % H = errorbar(...) returns a vector of errorbarseries handles in H, % within which the first element is the handle to the main data plot and % the remaining elements are handles to the rest errorbars. % H is organized as follows: % H.hMain is the handle of the main plot % H.hErrorbar is a Nx6 matrix containing handles for all error bar lines, % where N is the number of samples. For each sample, 6 % errorbar handles are saved in such an order: % [Horizontal bar, H bar left cap, H bar right cap, % Vertical bar, V bar lower cap, V bar upper cap] % % For example % x = 1:10; % xe = 0.5*ones(size(x)); % y = sin(x); % ye = std(y)*ones(size(x)); % H=errorbarxy(x,y,xe,ye,{'ko-', 'b', 'r'}); % draws symmetric error bars on both x and y axes. % % NOTE: errorbars are excluded from legend display. If you need to % include errorbars in legend display, do the followings: % H=errorbarxy(...); % arrayfun(@(d) set(get(get(d,'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),... % 'IconDisplayStyle','on'), H(2:end)); % include errorbars % hEB=hggroup; % set(H(2:end),'Parent',hEB); % set(get(get(hEB,'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),... % 'IconDisplayStyle','on'); % include errorbars in legend as a group. % legend('Main plot', 'Error bars'); % % Developed under Matlab version (R2010a) % Created by Qi An % % QA 2/7/2013 initial skeleton % QA 2/12/2013 Added support to plot on specified axes; Added support % to specify color of plots and errorbars; Output a % vector of errbar series handles; Fixed a couple of % minor bugs. % QA 2/13/2013 Excluded errorbars from legend display. % QA 8/19/2013 Fixed a bug in errorbar cap display. % QA 9/24/2013 Fixed a bug in figure handle output. % QA 1/16/2014 Reorganize the output handle structure. % QA 2/4/2014 Allow customization on main plot using formatting % string. % QA 4/28/2014 Check for formatting string. Fixed a bug when % specifying axis to plot. %% handle inputs if ishandle(varargin{1}) % first argument is a handle if strcmpi(get(varargin{1}, 'type'), 'axes') % the handle is for an axes axes(varargin{1}); % set the handle to be current varargin(1)=[]; end end if length(varargin)<4 error('Insufficient number of inputs'); return; end %% assign values x=varargin{1}; y=varargin{2}; if length(x)~=length(y) error('x and y must have the same number of elements!') return end if iscell(varargin{end}) & length(varargin{end})==3 % search for formatting strings color=varargin{end}; varargin(end)=[]; % remove formatting string from optional input structure else color={'b', 'r', 'r'}; end if length(varargin)==4 % using errorbarxy(x, y, errx, erry) errx=varargin{3}; erry=varargin{4}; if ~isempty(errx) lx=x-errx; ux=x+errx; else lx=[]; ux=[]; end if ~isempty(erry) ly=y-erry; uy=y+erry; else ly=[]; uy=[]; end elseif length(varargin)==6 % using errorbarxy(x, y, lerrx, uerrx, lerry, uerry) lx=x-varargin{3}; ux=x+varargin{4}; ly=y-varargin{5}; uy=y+varargin{6}; if ~isempty(lx) errx=(ux-lx)/2; else errx=[]; end if ~isempty(ly) erry=(uy-ly)/2; else erry=[]; end else error('Wrong number of inputs!'); end %% plot data and errorbars h=plot(x,y, color{1}); % main plot allh=nan(length(x), 6); % all errorbar handles for k=1:length(x) if ~isempty(lx) & ~isempty(ly) % both errors are specified l1=line([lx(k) ux(k)],[y(k) y(k)]); hold on; l2=line([lx(k) lx(k)],[y(k)-0.1*erry(k) y(k)+0.1*erry(k)]); l3=line([ux(k) ux(k)],[y(k)-0.1*erry(k) y(k)+0.1*erry(k)]); l4=line([x(k) x(k)],[ly(k) uy(k)]); l5=line([x(k)-0.1*errx(k) x(k)+0.1*errx(k)],[ly(k) ly(k)]); l6=line([x(k)-0.1*errx(k) x(k)+0.1*errx(k)],[uy(k) uy(k)]); allh(k, :)=[l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6]; elseif isempty(lx) & ~isempty(ly) % x errors are not specified l4=line([x(k) x(k)],[ly(k) uy(k)]); hold on; errx=nanmean(abs(diff(x))); l5=line([x(k)-0.1*errx x(k)+0.1*errx],[ly(k) ly(k)]); l6=line([x(k)-0.1*errx x(k)+0.1*errx],[uy(k) uy(k)]); allh(k, 4:6)=[l4, l5, l6]; elseif ~isempty(lx) & isempty(ly) % y errors are not specified l1=line([lx(k) ux(k)],[y(k) y(k)]); hold on; erry=nanmean(abs(diff(y))); l2=line([lx(k) lx(k)],[y(k)-0.1*erry y(k)+0.1*erry]); l3=line([ux(k) ux(k)],[y(k)-0.1*erry y(k)+0.1*erry]); allh(k, 1:3)=[l1, l2, l3]; else % both errors are not specified end h1=[l1, l2, l3]; % all handles set(h1, 'color', color{2}); h1=[l4, l5, l6]; % all handles set(h1, 'color', color{3}); end arrayfun(@(d) set(get(get(d,'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'), 'IconDisplayStyle','off'), allh); % exclude errorbars from legend out.hMain=h; out.hErrorbar=allh; hold off %% handle outputs if nargout>0 varargout{1}=out; end