% This file was created with JabRef 2.10. % Encoding: Cp1252 @InProceedings{Barbera2013, Title = {To offload or not to offload? the bandwidth and energy costs of mobile cloud computing}, Author = {Barbera, Marco Valerio and Kosta, Sokol and Mei, Alessandro and Stefa, Julinda}, Booktitle = {INFOCOM, 2013 Proceedings IEEE}, Year = {2013}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {1285--1293}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @Article{ColeriErgen2014, Title = {RSSI-fingerprinting-based mobile phone localization with route constraints}, Author = {Coleri Ergen, Sinem and Tetikol, Huseyin Serhat and Kontik, Mehmet and Sevlian, Raffi and Rajagopal, Ram and Varaiya, Pravin}, Journal = {Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on}, Year = {2014}, Number = {1}, Pages = {423--428}, Volume = {63}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:6]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Constandache2010, Title = {Towards mobile phone localization without war-driving}, Author = {Constandache, Ionut and Choudhury, Romit Roy and Rhee, Injong}, Booktitle = {Infocom, 2010 proceedings ieee}, Year = {2010}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {1--9}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @Article{Correia2010, Title = {Challenges and enabling technologies for energy aware mobile radio networks}, Author = {Correia, Luis M and Zeller, Dietrich and Blume, Oliver and Ferling, Dieter and Jading, Ylva and G{\'o}dor, Istv{\'a}n and Auer, Gunther and Van Der Perre, Liesbet}, Journal = {Communications Magazine, IEEE}, Year = {2010}, Number = {11}, Pages = {66--72}, Volume = {48}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @Article{Cui2013, Title = {A survey of energy efficient wireless transmission and modeling in mobile cloud computing}, Author = {Cui, Yong and Ma, Xiao and Wang, Hongyi and Stojmenovic, Ivan and Liu, Jiangchuan}, Journal = {Mobile Networks and Applications}, Year = {2013}, Number = {1}, Pages = {148--155}, Volume = {18}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Publisher = {Springer}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Cui2014, Title = {Performance-aware energy optimization on mobile devices in cellular network}, Author = {Cui, Yong and Xiao, Shihan and Wang, Xin and Li, Minming and Wang, Hongyi and Lai, Zeqi}, Booktitle = {INFOCOM, 2014 Proceedings IEEE}, Year = {2014}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {1123--1131}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Datta2014, Title = {Personalized power saving profiles generation analyzing smart device usage patterns}, Author = {Datta, Soumya Kanti and Bonnet, Christian and Nikaein, Navid}, Booktitle = {Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), 2014 7th IFIP}, Year = {2014}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {1--8}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Ding2013, Title = {Characterizing and modeling the impact of wireless signal strength on smartphone battery drain}, Author = {Ding, Ning and Wagner, Daniel and Chen, Xiaomeng and Pathak, Abhinav and Hu, Y Charlie and Rice, Andrew}, Booktitle = {ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review}, Year = {2013}, Number = {1}, Organization = {ACM}, Pages = {29--40}, Volume = {41}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Dong2011, Title = {Self-constructive high-rate system energy modeling for battery-powered mobile systems}, Author = {Dong, Mian and Zhong, Lin}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services}, Year = {2011}, Organization = {ACM}, Pages = {335--348}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @Article{Hoque2015, Title = {Mobile multimedia streaming techniques: QoE and energy saving perspective}, Author = {Hoque, Mohammad Ashraful and Siekkinen, Matti and Nurminen, Jukka K and Aalto, Mika and Tarkoma, Sasu}, Journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing}, Year = {2015}, Pages = {96--114}, Volume = {16}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Huang2012, Title = {A close examination of performance and power characteristics of 4G LTE networks}, Author = {Huang, Junxian and Qian, Feng and Gerber, Alexandre and Mao, Z Morley and Sen, Subhabrata and Spatscheck, Oliver}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services}, Year = {2012}, Organization = {ACM}, Pages = {225--238}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @Article{Lagar-Cavilla2012, Title = {Traffic backfilling: subsidizing lunch for delay-tolerant applications in UMTS networks}, Author = {Lagar-Cavilla, H Andr{\'e}s and Joshi, Kaustubh and Varshavsky, Alexander and Bickford, Jeffrey and Parra, Darwin}, Journal = {ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review}, Year = {2012}, Number = {3}, Pages = {77--81}, Volume = {45}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Publisher = {ACM}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @Article{Lee2006, Title = {Distributed and energy-efficient target localization and tracking in wireless sensor networks}, Author = {Lee, Jeongkeun and Cho, Kideok and Lee, Seungjae and Kwon, Taekyoung and Choi, Yanghee}, Journal = {Computer Communications}, Year = {2006}, Number = {13}, Pages = {2494--2505}, Volume = {29}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Mittal2012, Title = {Empowering developers to estimate app energy consumption}, Author = {Mittal, Radhika and Kansal, Aman and Chandra, Ranveer}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking}, Year = {2012}, Organization = {ACM}, Pages = {317--328}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Murmuria2012, Title = {Mobile application and device power usage measurements}, Author = {Murmuria, Rahul and Medsger, Jeffrey and Stavrou, Angelos and Voas, Jeffrey M}, Booktitle = {Software Security and Reliability (SERE), 2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on}, Year = {2012}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {147--156}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InCollection{Nguyen2012, Title = {A nonparametric bayesian approach for opportunistic data transfer in cellular networks}, Author = {Nguyen, Nam Tuan and Wang, Yichuan and Liu, Xin and Zheng, Rong and Han, Zhu}, Booktitle = {Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {88--99}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @Article{Park2009, Title = {Energy maps for mobile wireless networks: Coherence time versus spreading period}, Author = {Park, Min Kyoung and Rodoplu, Volkan}, Journal = {Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on}, Year = {2009}, Number = {6}, Pages = {778--791}, Volume = {8}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Perrucci2009, Title = {On the impact of 2G and 3G network usage for mobile phones' battery life}, Author = {Perrucci, Gian Paolo and Fitzek, Frank HP and Sasso, Giovanni and Kellerer, Wolfgang and Widmer, J{\"o}rg}, Booktitle = {Wireless Conference, 2009. EW 2009. European}, Year = {2009}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {255--259}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Perrucci2011, Title = {Survey on energy consumption entities on the smartphone platform}, Author = {Perrucci, Gian Paolo and Fitzek, Frank HP and Widmer, J{\"o}rg}, Booktitle = {Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 2011 IEEE 73rd}, Year = {2011}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {1--6}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Qian2012, Title = {Periodic transfers in mobile applications: network-wide origin, impact, and optimization}, Author = {Qian, Feng and Wang, Zhaoguang and Gao, Yudong and Huang, Junxian and Gerber, Alexandre and Mao, Zhuoqing and Sen, Subhabrata and Spatscheck, Oliver}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web}, Year = {2012}, Organization = {ACM}, Pages = {51--60}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Qian2011, Title = {Profiling resource usage for mobile applications: a cross-layer approach}, Author = {Qian, Feng and Wang, Zhaoguang and Gerber, Alexandre and Mao, Zhuoqing and Sen, Subhabrata and Spatscheck, Oliver}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services}, Year = {2011}, Organization = {ACM}, Pages = {321--334}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Ra2010, Title = {Energy-delay tradeoffs in smartphone applications}, Author = {Ra, Moo-Ryong and Paek, Jeongyeup and Sharma, Abhishek B and Govindan, Ramesh and Krieger, Martin H and Neely, Michael J}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services}, Year = {2010}, Organization = {ACM}, Pages = {255--270}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Rice2010, Title = {Decomposing power measurements for mobile devices}, Author = {Rice, Andrew and Hay, Simon}, Booktitle = {Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2010 IEEE International Conference on}, Year = {2010}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {70--78}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @Article{Rice2010a, Title = {Measuring mobile phone energy consumption for 802.11 wireless networking}, Author = {Rice, Andrew and Hay, Simon}, Journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing}, Year = {2010}, Number = {6}, Pages = {593--606}, Volume = {6}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Schulman2010, Title = {Bartendr: a practical approach to energy-aware cellular data scheduling}, Author = {Schulman, Aaron and Navda, Vishnu and Ramjee, Ramachandran and Spring, Neil and Deshpande, Pralhad and Grunewald, Calvin and Jain, Kamal and Padmanabhan, Venkata N}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the sixteenth annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking}, Year = {2010}, Organization = {ACM}, Pages = {85--96}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Shu2013, Title = {eTime: energy-efficient transmission between cloud and mobile devices}, Author = {Shu, Peng and Liu, Fangming and Jin, Hai and Chen, Min and Wen, Feng and Qu, Yupeng}, Booktitle = {INFOCOM, 2013 Proceedings IEEE}, Year = {2013}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {195--199}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Sonntag2013a, Title = {Netradar-Measuring the wireless world}, Author = {Sonntag, Sebastian and Manner, Jukka and Schulte, Lennart}, Booktitle = {Modeling \& Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc \& Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 2013 11th International Symposium on}, Year = {2013}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {29--34}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:6]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Sonntag2013, Title = {Mobile network measurements-It's not all about signal strength}, Author = {Sonntag, Sebastian and Schulte, Lennart and Manner, Jukka}, Booktitle = {Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2013 IEEE}, Year = {2013}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {4624--4629}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:6]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Tembey2014, Title = {All opportunities are not equal: enabling energy efficient app syncs in diverse networks}, Author = {Tembey, Priyanka and Das, Saumitra and Da Silva, Dilma and Bhavsar, Vrajesh}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th USENIX conference on Power-Aware Computing and Systems}, Year = {2014}, Organization = {USENIX Association}, Pages = {1--1}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @Article{Vergara2014, Title = {Energybox: Disclosing the wireless transmission energy cost for mobile devices}, Author = {Vergara, Ekhiotz Jon and Nadjm-Tehrani, Simin and Prihodko, Mihails}, Journal = {Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems}, Year = {2014}, Number = {2}, Pages = {118--135}, Volume = {4}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Wang2009, Title = {A framework of energy efficient mobile sensing for automatic user state recognition}, Author = {Wang, Yi and Lin, Jialiu and Annavaram, Murali and Jacobson, Quinn A and Hong, Jason and Krishnamachari, Bhaskar and Sadeh, Norman}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services}, Year = {2009}, Organization = {ACM}, Pages = {179--192}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @Article{Yin2008, Title = {Learning adaptive temporal radio maps for signal-strength-based location estimation}, Author = {Yin, Jie and Yang, Qiang and Ni, Lionel M}, Journal = {Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on}, Year = {2008}, Number = {7}, Pages = {869--883}, Volume = {7}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:6]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} } @InProceedings{Zhong2014, Title = {Revisited: Bandwidth estimation methods for mobile networks}, Author = {Zhong, Mingyang and Hu, Peizhao and Indulska, Jadwiga}, Booktitle = {A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2014 IEEE 15th International Symposium on}, Year = {2014}, Organization = {IEEE}, Pages = {1--6}, __markedentry = {[RASMUS:6]}, Owner = {RASMUS}, Timestamp = {2015.05.24} }