SQLite format 3@ -%  ET77Kviewconnection_test_statsconnection_test_statsCREATE VIEW connection_test_stats AS SELECT 'GSM' as type,gsm_cell_lac as id1, gsm_short_cell_id as id2, gsm_full_cell_id as id3, extra_info as label, google_connection_test as test_result, COUNT(google_connection_test) as test_count FROM networkmonitor WHERE (data_state='CONNECTED') AND (id1 NOT NULL OR id2 NOT NULL OR id3 NOT NULL ) GROUP BY id1,id2,id3,label,test_result UNION SELECT 'CDMA' as type,cdma_cell_base_station_id as id1, cdma_cell_network_id as id2, cdma_cell_system_id as id3, extra_info as label, google_connection_test as test_result, COUNT(google_connection_test) as test_count FROM networkmonitor WHERE (data_state='CONNECTED') AND (id1 NOT NULL OR id2 NOT NULL OR id3 NOT NULL ) GROUP BY id1,id2,id3,label,test_result UNION SELECT 'WIFI' as type,wifi_bssid as id1, NULL as id2, NULL as id3, wifi_ssid as label, google_connection_test as test_result, COUNT(google_connection_test) as test_count FROM networkmonitor WHERE (network_type='WIFI') AND (id1 NOT NULL OR id2 NOT NULL OR id3 NOT NULL ) GROUP BY id1,id2,id3,label,test_resultP++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq) ))UtablenetworkmonitornetworkmonitorCREATE TABLE networkmonitor ( _id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, timestamp INTEGER, google_connection_test TEXT, http_connection_test TEXT, network_type TEXT, mobile_data_network_type TEXT, sim_state TEXT, service_state TEXT, detailed_state TEXT, is_connected INTEGER, is_roaming INTEGER, is_available INTEGER, is_failover INTEGER, data_activity TEXT, data_state TEXT, reason TEXT, extra_info TEXT, wifi_ssid TEXT, wifi_bssid TEXT, wifi_frequency INTEGER, wifi_channel INTEGER, wifi_signal_strength INTEGER, wifi_rssi INTEGER, sim_operator TEXT, sim_mcc TEXT, sim_mnc TEXT, network_operator TEXT, network_mcc TEXT, network_mnc TEXT, is_network_metered INTEGER, device_latitude REAL, device_longitude REAL, device_position_accuracy REAL, cell_signal_strength INTEGER, cell_signal_strength_dbm INTEGER, cell_asu_level INTEGER, gsm_ber INTEGER, lte_rsrq INTEGER, cdma_cell_base_station_id INTEGER, cdma_cell_latitude INTEGER, cdma_cell_longitude INTEGER, cdma_cell_network_id INTEGER, cdma_cell_system_id INTEGER, gsm_full_cell_id INTEGER, gsm_rnc INTEGER, gsm_short_cell_id INTEGER, gsm_cell_lac INTEGER, gsm_cell_psc INTEGER, network_interface TEXT, ipv4_address TEXT,ipv6_address TEXT,battery_level INTEGER, download_speed TEXT, upload_speed TEXt )W--ctableandroid_metadataandroid_metadataCREATE TABLE android_metadata (locale TEXT) sv_SE 8!  %/ !! MPASSPASSWIFILTEREADYIN_SERVICECONNECTEDNONEDISCONNECTED"holm""holm"0a:18:d6:9d:1a:f3 lTele224007Tele2 SE24007vvp2p0;wlan010.0.1.110fe80::58a2:b5ff:fe82:33db%p2p0;fe80::5aa2:b5ff:fe82:33db%wlan0=DisabledDisabled ) networkmonitor