@misc{android_market_share, author = { Chau, Melissa and Llamas, Ramon and Shirer, Michael}, title = {{Android and iOS Squeeze the Competition, Swelling to 96.3\%{} of the Smartphone Operating System Market for Both 4Q14 and CY14, According to IDC}}, howpublished = "\href{Hyperlink}{http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS25450615}", year = {2015}, month = "February", day = {24}, note = "[Online; accessed 10-June-2015]" } @misc{android_webapps, title = {{Webb Apps}}, howpublished = "\href{Hyperlink}{http://developer.android.com/guide/webapps/index.html}", year = {2015}, month = "February", day = {24}, note = "[Online; accessed 10-June-2015]" } @misc{google_play_store, title = {{Google Play Store}}, howpublished = "\href{Hyperlink}{https://play.google.com/store}", note = "[Online; accessed 10-June-2015]" } @misc{myGitRepo, title = {{GitHub Fork}}, howpublished = "\href{Hyperlink}{https://github.com/motorolja/network-monitor}", note = "[Online; accessed 10-June-2015]" } @misc{HeatmapGitRepo, title = {{GitHub Fork}}, howpublished = "\href{Hyperlink}{https://github.com/motorolja/Heatmaps-test}", note = "[Online; accessed 10-June-2015]" } @misc{matlab, title = {{MATLAB}}, howpublished = "\href{Hyperlink}{www.mathworks.com}", note = "[Online; accessed 20-July-2015]" } @misc{android_multiple_sims, title = {{Multiple SIM Support}}, howpublished = "\href{Hyperlink}{https://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-5.1.html}", note = "[Online; accessed 13-August-2015]" }