==Phrack Magazine== Volume Five, Issue Forty-Five, File 10 of 28
[NOTE: This file was retyped from an anonymous photocopied submission. The authenticity of it was not verified.]
While it is impossible to estimate in actual dollars and cents the value of the work being conducted by this Agency, the information to which you will have access at NSA is without question critically important to the defense of the United States. Since this information may be useful only if it is kept secret, it requires a very special measure of protection. The specific nature of this protection is set forth in various Agency security regulations and directives. The total NSA Security Program, however, extends beyond these regulations. It is based upon the concept that security begins as a state of mind. The program is designed to develop an appreciation of the need to protect information vital to the national defense, and to foster the development of a level of awareness which will make security more than routine compliance with regulations.
At times, security practices and procedures cause personal inconvenience. They take time and effort and on occasion may make it necessary for you to voluntarily forego some of your usual personal perogatives. But your compensation for the inconvenience is the knowledge that the work you are accomplishing at NSA, within a framework of sound security practices, contributes significantly to the defense and continued security of the United States of America.
I extend to you my very best wishes as you enter upon your chosen career or assignment with NSA.
Philip T. Pease
Director of Security
The ramifications of the practice of anonymity are rather far reaching, and its success depends on the cooperation of all Agency personnel. Described below you will find some examples of situations that you may encounter concerning your employment and how you should cope with them. Beyond the situations cited, your judgement and discretion will become the deciding factors in how you respond to questions about your employment.
Should strangers or casual acquaintances question you about your place of employment, an appropriate reply would be that you work for the Department of Defense. If questioned further as to where you are employed within the Department of Defense, you may reply, "NSA." When you inform someone that you work for NSA (or the Department of Defense) you may expect that the next question will be, "What do you do?" It is a good idea to anticipate this question and to formulate an appropriate answer. Do not act mysteriously about your employment, as that would only succeed in drawing more attention to yourself.
If you are employed as a secretary, engineer, computer scientist, or in a clerical, administrative, technical, or other capacity identifiable by a general title which in no way indicates how your talents are being applied to the mission of the Agency, it is suggested that you state this general title. If you are employed as a linguist, you may say that you are a linguist, if necessary. However, you should not indicate the specific language(s) with which you are involved.
The use of service specialty titles which tend to suggest or reveal the nature of the Agency's mission or specific aspects of their work. These professional titles, such as cryptanalyst, signals collection officer, and intelligence research analyst, if given verbatim to an outsider, would likely generate further questions which may touch upon the classified aspects of your work. Therefore, in conversation with outsiders, it is suggested that such job titles be generalized. For example, you might indicate that you are a "research analyst." You may not, however, discuss the specific nature of your analytic work.
If your training at the Agency includes language training, your explanation for the source of your linguistic knowledge should be that you obtained it while working for the Department of Defense.
You Should not draw undue attention to your language abilities, and you may not discuss how you apply your language skill at the Agency.
If you are considering part-time employment which requires the use of language or technical skills similar to those required for the performance of your NSA assigned duties, you must report (in advance) the anticipated part-time work through your Staff Security Officer (SSO) to the Office of Security's Clearance Division (M55).
If you contemplate leaving NSA for employment elsewhere, you may be required to submit a resume/job application, or to participate in extensive employment interviews. In such circumstances, you should have your resume reviewed by the Classification Advisory Officer (CAO) assigned to your organization. Your CAO will ensure that any classified operational details of your duties have been excluded and will provide you with an unclassified job description. Should you leave the Agency before preparing such a resume, you may develop one and send it by registered mail to the NSA/CSS Information Policy Division (Q43) for review. Remember, your obligation to protect sensitive Agency information extends beyond your employment at NSA.
There should be no doubt in your mind about the reality of the threats. You are now affiliated with the most sensitive agency in government and are expected to exercise vigilance and common sense to protect NSA against these threats.
All NSA personnel have the responsibility to assert the "need-to-know" policy as part of their responsibility to protect sensitive information. Determination of "need-to-know" is a supervisory responsibility. This means that if there is any doubt in your mind as to an individual's "need-to-know," you should always check with your supervisor before releasing any classified material under your control.
Accordingly, the Agency has an extensive personnel security program which establishes internal policies and guidelines governing employee conduct and activities. These policies cover a variety of topics, all of which are designed to protect both you and the sensitive information you will gain through your work at NSA.
As an NSA affiliate, you are prohibited from initiating or maintaining associations (regardless of the nature and degree) with citizens or officials of communist-controlled, or other countries which pose a significant threat to the security of the United States and its interests. A comprehensive list of these designated countries is available from your Staff Security Officer or the Security Awareness Division. Any contact with citizens of these countries, no matter how brief or seemingly innocuous, must be reported as soon as possible to your Staff Security Officer (SSO). (Individuals designated as Staff Security Officers are assigned to every organization; a listing of Staff Security Officers can be found at the back of this handbook).
Additionally, close and continuing associations with any non-U.S. citizens which are characterized by ties of kinship, obligation, or affection are prohibited. A waiver to this policy may be granted only under the most exceptional circumstances when there is a truly compelling need for an individual's services or skills and the security risk is negligible.
In particular, a waiver must be granted in advance of a marriage to or cohabitation with a foreign national in order to retain one's access to NSA information. Accordingly, any intent to cohabitate with or marry a non-U.S. citizen must be reported immediately to your Staff Security Officer. If a waiver is granted, future reassignments both at headquarters and overseas may be affected.
The marriage or intended marriage of an immediate family member (parents, siblings, children) to a foreign national must also be reported through your SSO to the Clearance Division (M55).
Casual social associations with foreign nationals (other than those of the designated countries mentioned above) which arise from normal living and working arrangements in the community usually do not have to be reported. During the course of these casual social associations, you are encouraged to extend the usual social amenities. Do not act mysteriously or draw attention to yourself (and possibly to NSA) by displaying an unusually wary attitude.
Naturally, your affiliation with the Agency and the nature of your work should not be discussed. Again, you should be careful not to allow these associations to become close and continuing to the extent that they are characterized by ties of kinship, obligation, or affection.
If at any time you feel that a "casual" association is in any way suspicious, you should report this to your Staff Security Officer immediately. Whenever any doubt exists as to whether or not a situation should be reported or made a matter of record, you should decided in favor of reporting it. In this way, the situation can be evaluated on its own merits, and you can be advised as to your future course of action.
All Agency personnel (civilian employees, military assignees, and contractors) who are planning unofficial foreign travel must have that travel approved by submitting a proposed itinerary to the Security Awareness Division (M56) at least 30 working days prior to their planned departure from the United States. Your itinerary should be submitted on Form K2579 (Unofficial Foreign Travel Request). This form provides space for noting the countries to be visited, mode of travel, and dates of departure and return. Your immediate supervisor must sign this form to indicate whether or not your proposed travel poses a risk to the sensitive information, activities, or projects of which you may have knowledge due to your current assignment.
After your supervisor's assessment is made, this form should be forwarded to the Security Awareness Director (M56). Your itinerary will then be reviewed in light of the existing situation in the country or countries to be visited, and a decision for approval or disapproval will be based on this assessment. The purpose of this policy is to limit the risk of travel to areas of the world where a threat may exist to you and to your knowledge of classified Agency activities.
In this context, travel to communist-controlled and other hazardous activity areas is prohibited. A listing of these hazardous activity areas is prohibited. A listing of these hazardous activity areas can be found in Annex A of NSA/CSS Regulation No. 30-31, "Security Requirements for Foreign Travel" (12 June 1987). From time to time, travel may also be prohibited to certain areas where the threat from hostile intelligence services, terrorism, criminal activity or insurgency poses an unacceptable risk to Agency employees and to the sensitive information they possess. Advance travel deposits made without prior agency approval of the proposed travel may result in financial losses by the employee should the travel be disapproved, so it is important to obtain approval prior to committing yourself financially. Questions regarding which areas of the world currently pose a threat should be directed to the Security Awareness Division (M56).
Unofficial foreign travel to Canada, the Bahamas, Bermuda, and Mexico does not require prior approval, however, this travel must still be reported using Form K2579. Travel to these areas may be reported after the fact.
While you do not have to report your foreign travel once you have ended your affiliation with the Agency, you should be aware that the risk incurred in travelling to certain areas, from a personal safety and/or counterintelligence standpoint, remains high. The requirement to protect the classified information to which you have had access is a lifetime obligation.
In addition to exercising prudence in your choice of organizational affiliations, you should endeavor to avoid participation in public activities of a conspicuously controversial nature because such activities could focus undesirable attention upon you and the Agency. NSA employees may, however, participate in bona fide public affairs such as local politics, so long as such activities do not violate the provisions of the statutes and regulations which govern the political activities of all federal employees. Additional information may be obtained from your Personnel Representative.
The physical security program depends on interlocking procedures. The responsibility for carrying out many of these procedures rests with the individual. This means you, and every person employed by, assign, or detailed to the Agency, must assume the responsibility for protecting classified material. Included in your responsibilities are: challenging visitors in operational areas; determining "need-to-know;" limiting classified conversations to approved areas; following established locking and checking procedures; properly using the secure and non-secure telephone systems; correctly wrapping and packaging classified data for transmittal; and placing classified waste in burn bags.
NSA Badges must be clipped to a beaded neck chain. If necessary for the safety of those working in the area of electrical equipment or machinery, rubber tubing may be used to insulate the badge chain. For those Agency personnel working in proximity to other machinery or equipment, the clip may be used to attach the badge to the wearer's clothing, but it must also remain attached to the chain.
After you leave an NSA installation, remove your badge from public view, thus avoiding publicizing your NSA affiliation. Your badge should be kept in a safe place which is convenient enough to ensure that you will be reminded to bring it with you to work. A good rule of thumb is to afford your badge the same protection you give your wallet or your credit cards. DO NOT write your Personal Identification Number on your badge.
If you plan to be away from the Agency for a period of more than 30 days, your badge should be left at the main Visitor Control Center which services your facility.
Should you lose your badge, you must report the facts and circumstances immediately to the Security Operations Center (SOC) (963-3371s/688-6911b) so that your badge PIN can be deactivated in the Access Control Terminals. In the event that you forget your badge when reporting for duty, you may obtain a "non-retention" Temporary Badge at the main Visitor Control Center which serves your facility after a co-worker personally identifies your and your clearance has been verified.
Your badge is to be used as identification only within NSA facilities or other government installations where the NSA badge is recognized. Your badge should never be used outside of the NSA or other government facilities for the purpose of personal identification. You should obtain a Department of Defense identification card from the Civilian Welfare Fund (CWF) if you need to identify yourself as a government employee when applying for "government discounts" offered at various commercial establishments.
Your badge color indicates your particular affiliation with NSA and your level of clearance. Listed below are explanations of the badge colors you are most likely to see:
All badges with solid color backgrounds (permanent badges) are kept by individuals until their NSA employment or assignment ends. Striped badges ("non-retention" badges) are generally issued to visitors and are returned to the Security Protective Officer upon departure from an NSA facility.
Classified information being transported within Agency facilities must be placed within envelopes, folders, briefcases, etc. to ensure that its contents or classification markings are not disclosed to unauthorized persons, or that materials are not inadvertently dropped enroute.
The normal operational work spaces within an NSA facility are designated Secure Areas. These areas are approved for classified discussions and for the storage of classified material. Escorts must be provided if it is necessary for uncleared personnel (repairmen, etc.) to enter Secure Areas, an all personnel within the areas must be made aware of the presence of uncleared individuals. All unknown, unescorted visitors to Secure Areas should be immediately challenged by the personnel within the area, regardless of the visitors' clearance level (as indicated by their badge color).
The corridor doors of these areas must be locked with a deadbolt and all classified information in the area must be properly secured after normal working hours or whenever the area is unoccupied. When storing classified material, the most sensitive material must be stored in the most secure containers. Deadbolt keys for doors to these areas must be returned to the key desk at the end of the workday.
For further information regarding Secure Areas, consult the Physical Security Division (M51) or your staff Security Officer.
Class II prohibited items are those owned by the government or contractors which constitute a threat to physical, technical, or TEMPEST security. Approval by designated organizational officials is required before these items can be brought into or removed from NSA facilities. Examples are:
Additionally, you may realize that other seemingly innocuous items are also restricted and should not be brought into any NSA facility. Some of these items pose a technical threat; others must be treated as restricted since a visual inspection does not readily reveal whether they are classified. These items include:
Only under a very limited and official circumstances classified material be removed from Agency spaces. When deemed necessary, specific authorization is required to permit an individual to hand carry classified material out of an NSA building to another Secure Area. Depending on the material and circumstances involved, there are several ways to accomplish this.
A Courier Badge authorizes the wearer, for official purposes, to transport classified material, magnetic media, or Class II prohibited items between NSA facilities. These badges, which are strictly controlled, are made available by the Physical Security Division (M51) only to those offices which have specific requirements justifying their use.
An Annual Security Pass may be issued to individuals whose official duties require that they transport printed classified materials, information storage media, or Class II prohibited items to secure locations within the local area. Materials carried by an individual who displays this pass are subject to spot inspection by Security Protective Officers or other personnel from the Office of Security. It is not permissible to use an Annual Security Pass for personal convenience to circumvent inspection of your personal property by perimeter Security Protective Officers.
If you do not have access to a Courier Badge and you have not been issued an Annual Security Pass, you may obtain a One-Time Security Pass to remove classified materials/magnetic media or admit or remove prohibited items from an NSA installation. These passes may be obtained from designated personnel in your work element who have been given authority to issue them. The issuing official must also contact the Security Operations Center (SOC) to obtain approval for the admission or removal of a Class I prohibited item.
When there is an official need to remove government property which is not magnetic media, or a prohibited or classified item, a One-Time Property Pass is used. This type of pass (which is not a Security Pass) may be obtained from your element custodial property officer. A Property Pass is also to be used when an individual is removing personal property which might be reasonably be mistaken for unclassified Government property. This pass is surrendered to the Security Protective Officer at the post where the material is being removed. Use of this pass does not preclude inspection of the item at the perimeter control point by the Security Protective Officer or Security professionals to ensure that the pass is being used correctly.
Even more basic than these procedures is the individual security responsibility to confine classified conversations to secure areas. Your home, car pool, and public places are not authorized areas to conduct classified discussions--even if everyone involved in he discussion possesses a proper clearance and "need-to-know." The possibility that a conversation could be overheard by unauthorized persons dictates the need to guard against classified discussions in non-secure areas.
Classified information acquired during the course of your career or assignment to NSA may not be mentioned directly, indirectly, or by suggestion in personal diaries, records, or memoirs.
The secure telephone system is authorized for discussion of classified information. Personnel receiving calls on the secure telephone may assume that the caller is authorized to use the system. However, you must ensure that the caller has a "need-to-know" the information you will be discussing.
The outside telephone system is only authorized for unclassified official Agency business calls. The discussion of classified information is not permitted on this system. Do not attempt to use "double-talk" in order to discuss classified information over the non-secure telephone system.
In order to guard against the inadvertent transmission of classified information over a non-secure telephone, and individual using the black telephone in an area where classified activities are being conducted must caution other personnel in the area that the non-secure telephone is in use. Likewise, you should avoid using the non-secure telephone in the vicinity of a secure telephone which is also in use.
Within the Office of Security, the Physical Security Division (M51) will offer you assistance in matters such as access control, security passes, clearance verification, combination locks, keys, identification badges, technical security, and the Security Protective Force. The Security Awareness Division (M56) provides security guidance and briefings regarding unofficial foreign travel, couriers, special access, TDY/PCS, and amateur radio activities. The Industrial and Field Security Division (M52) is available to provide security guidance concerning NSA contractor and field site matters.
The Security Operations Center (SOC) is operated by two Security Duty Officers (SDOs), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The SDO, representing the Office of Security, provides a complete range of security services to include direct communications with fire and rescue personnel for all Agency area facilities. The SDO is available to handle any physical or personnel problems that may arise, and if necessary, can direct your to the appropriate security office that can assist you. After normal business hours, weekends, and holidays, the SOC is the focal point for all security matters for all Agency personnel and facilities (to include Agency field sites and contractors). The SOC is located in Room 2A0120, OPS 2A building and the phone numbers are 688-6911(b), 963-3371(s).
However, keep in mind that you may contact any individual or any division within the Office of Security directly. Do not hesitate to report any information which may affect the security of the Agency's mission, information, facilities or personnel.
The Installations and Logistics Organization (L) maintains the system for the collection and destruction of classified waste, and is also responsible for the movement and scheduling of material via NSA couriers and the Defense Courier Service (DCS). Additionally, L monitors the proper addressing, marking, and packaging of classified material being transmitted outside of NSA; maintains records pertaining to receipt and transmission of controlled mail; and issues property passes for the removal of unclassified property.
The NSA Office of Medical Services (M7) has a staff of physicians, clinical psychologists and an alcoholism counselor. All are well trained to help individuals help themselves in dealing with their problems. Counseling services, with referrals to private mental health professionals when appropriate, are all available to NSA personnel. Appointments can be obtained by contacting M7 directly. When an individual refers himself/herself, the information discussed in the counseling sessions is regarded as privileged medical information and is retained exclusively in M7 unless it pertains to the national security.
Counselling interviews are conducted by the Office of Civilian Personnel (M3) with any civilian employee regarding both on and off-the-job problems. M3 is also available to assist all personnel with the personal problems seriously affecting themselves or members of their families. In cases of serious physical or emotional illness, injury, hospitalization, or other personal emergencies, M3 informs concerned Agency elements and maintains liaison with family members in order to provide possible assistance. Similar counselling services are available to military assignees through Military Personnel (M2).
CONFIRM and badges Prohibited Items (963-6611s/688-7411b) Locks, keys, safes and alarms SOC (963-3371s/688-6911b) Security/vehicle passes NSA facility protection and compliance Visitor Control Inspections Red/blue seal areas New Construction Pass Clearances (963-4780s/688-6759b)
Personnel Interview Program (PIP) Reinvestigations Military Interview Program (MIP) Special investigations
Security counterintelligence analysis Security compromises
Privacy Act Officer (For review of security files) Continued SCI access Contractor/applicant processing Military access
Security indoctrinations/debriefings Embassy visits Associations with foreign nationals Briefings (foreign travel, Security Week ham radio, courier, Security posters, brochures, etc. LIC, PCS, TDY, special access, etc.) Foreign travel approval Military contractor orientation Special Access Office (963-5466s/688-6353b)
Element Room Secure/Non-Secure A 2A0852B 963-4650/688-7044 B 3W099 963-4559/688-7141 D/Q/J/N/U 2B8066G 963-4496/688-6614 E/M D3B17 968-8050/859-6669 G 9A195 963-5033/688-7902 K 2B5136 963-1978/688-5052 L SAB4 977-7230/688-6194 P 2W091 963-5302/688-7303 R B6B710 968-4073/859-4736 S/V/Y/C/X C2A55 972-2144/688-7549 T 2B5040 963-4543/688-7364 W 1C181 963-5970/688-7061
Agency Anonymity 968-8251/859-4381 Alcohol Rehabilitation Program 963-5420/688-7312 Cipher Lock Repair 963-1221/688-7119 Courier Schedules (local) 977-7197/688-7403 Defense Courier Service 977-7117/688-7826 Disposal of Classified Waste - Paper only 972-2150/688-6593 - Plastics, Metal, Film, etc 963-4103/688-7062 Locksmith 963-3585/688-7233 Mail Dissemination and Packaging 977-7117/688-7826 Medical Center (Fort Meade) 963-5429/688-7263 (FANX) 968-8960/859-6667 (Airport Square) 982-7800/859-6155 NSA/CSS Information Policy Division 963-5825/688-6527 Personnel Assistance - Civilian 982-7835/859-6577 - Air Force 963-3239/688-7980 - Army 963-3739/688-6393 - Navy 963-3439/688-7325 Property Passes (unclassified material) 977-7263/688-7800 Psychological Services 963-5429/688-7311
ARFCOS Armed Forces Courier Service (now known as DCS) AWOL Absent Without Leave CAO Classification Advisory Officer COB Close of Business CWF Civilian Welfare Fund DCS Defense Courier Service (formerly known as ARFCOS) DoD Department of Defense EOD Enter on Duty FOUO For Official Use Only M2 Office of Military Personnel M3 Office of Civilian Personnel M5 Office of Security M7 Office of Medical Services NCS National Cryptologic School PCS Permanent Change of Station PIN Personal Identification Number Q43 Information Policy Division SDO Security Duty Officer SOC Security Operations Center SPO Security Protective Officer SSO Staff Security Officer TDY Temporary Duty UFT Unofficial Foreign Travel
In the final analysis, security is an individual responsibility. As a participant in the activities of the National Security Agency organization, you are urged to be always mindful of the importance of the work being accomplished by NSA and of the unique sensitivity of the Agency's operations.