My favourite ones are marked with an asterix (*), and sunday strips are marked (sunday).
19931109 - PH seeks Eunuch programmers. *
19940827 - Dilbert king of his cubicle
19940907 - Cat stuck on Ratbert's head. Bob to fix *
19940908 - Cats and keyboards?
19940911 - Executive style decision making
19940913 - Dilbert on his way to big technology show
19940914 - Trade show registration
19940915 - Trade show - Dilbert scanned by a vendor *
19940916 - Project requirements changing
19940918 - PH's style of management
19940921 - Vice president meets Dilbert and PH
19940922 - Cartoons about management *
19940923 - New strategy: Make defective products
19940924 - Design of user interface
19940928 - Stressed co-worker Anne
19940929 - PH cuts Dilbert's project funding
19940930 - PH managing marketing group
19941002 - Opinions of two people
19941004 - Sales prediction
19941005 - Dogbert the futurist. *
19941006 - Dogbert the futurist - Keyboards and screen *
19941007 - Dogbert the futurist - Haves and have nots *
19941008 - Holodeck, Virtual reality, doom of society. *
19941009 - Wally gives up dating
19941011 - PH makes time line for Dilbert's project.
19941012 - Executive board room
19941013 - Dogbert to reduce headcount with an algorithm
19941014 - Get fired and become contractor
19941015 - Software configuration with next years academy award winner
19941018 - Ethics office - Dogbert as ethics expert *
19941019 - Ethics office - Wally calling
19941021 - Ethics office - Product free for one year *
19941023 - Hate the new finance guy
19941027 - PH about no consistent strategy
19941028 - PH starting task force *
19941030 - Bright-sizing instead of right-sizing
19941101 - Nothing left to give?
19941102 - Nothing left to give? continues
19941104 - Dogbert the consultant - How to improve business process
19941115 - Implementing paperless office *
19941118 - Dilbert, connection between performance and salary
19941124 - Dogbert tech support
19941126 - Dogbert tech support, and Ratbert
19941127 - Dogbert tech support, menu choices
19941129 - PH studied the Japanese model
19941130 - ISO 9000 - Dilbert in charge
19941201 - ISO 9000 - Kick-off meeting, hand picked members
19941202 - ISO 9000 - Basic plan, writing documents
19941203 - Target market: Rich, tasteless and easily amused
19941204 - PH fixing dissatisfaction and increasing average morale
19941206 - Check for environmental hazards
19941207 - Ratbert following Dilbert to work
19941208 - Ratbert, career in marketing
19941209 - Ratbert invited to meetings
19941210 - Ratbert, becoming an intern *
19941211 - Ratbert, making suggestions at meeting *
19941213 - Company competes for "Millard Bullrush Quality Award"
19941214 - Quality Award - Dilberts total quality methods
19941215 - Quality Award - Dogbert helps Dilbert
19941216 - Quality Award - Irony?
19941217 - Dogbert runs PH's telemarketing company
19941218 - Environmental - Aroma technology, alert workers
19941220 - A professional product interface designer from Yale
19941221 - Product interface designer from Yale designing user interface
19941222 - Product interface designer from Yale at meeting about strangers
19941223 - Dogbert and Ratbert about leading a horse to water
19941224 - Team-building exercise - paintball tournament *
19941225 - PH making Self-managed team
19941227 - Dilbert complaining to PH about pay raise
19941228 - PH selects Wally as head for United Charity
19941229 - Wally as head for United Charity
19941230 - Wally as head for United Charity - Kickoff
19941231 - Dilbert's ego shrinking *
19950101 - One chip computer and Ratbert
19950107 - Dogbert venture capitalist - Word processor for Windows
19950108 - Dogbert venture capitalist
19950110 - Dilbert installing paper-burning stove
19950111 - Dilbert the hard worker.
19950112 - Dilbert thinking about career in management *
19950113 - Dilbert and Liz
19950114 - Phil calling Dilbert to the dark side *
19950115 - Dilbert becomes team leader
19950117 - Dilbert the team leader in meeting with Alice and Wally
19950118 - Dilbert the team leader
19950119 - Dilbert the team leader - animal in behavioral study
19950120 - PH, Dilbert and Wally at meeting
19950121 - PH cutting most critical project
19950122 - Great idea from new worker *
19950124 - PH's heavy laptop *
19950125 - Dilbert in e-mail flame war with Wally
19950126 - Flame war - Status report *
19950127 - Alice protesting against company dress code *
19950128 - Alice protesting - talking to PH *
19950129 - PH ranking Dilbert's assignments by priority
19950131 - Dilbert telecommuting - ethical question to Dogbert *
19950201 - Dilbert telecommuting - diary *
19950202 - Dilbert telecommuting *
19950203 - Dilbert telecommuting *
19950204 - Alice and PH about payment
19950205 - Meeting - PH wants resumé
19950207 - PH wants Dilbert to quantify his contribution to revenue
19950208 - Wally quantifies his contributions to revenue
19950209 - Wally on in-cube sabbatical
19950211 - PH solves understaff problem *
19950212 - PH telling bad news
19950214 - Dilbert being told to abandon his project and join another
19950215 - Dogbert to help Dilbert dealing with the liar at work
19950216 - PH solving the black-out problem (lights controlled by motion detectors) *
19950217 - PH and Alice's performance appraisal *
19950218 - Alice worried about performance review
19950219 - Alice is T-Rex
19950221 - Ted's Excellence in teaming read-out ready *
19950222 - Ted get award for "We are teams" campaign *
19950223 - Mens secrets about having time to eat
19950224 - New employee programs
19950225 - PH taking DNA sample from Dilbert
19950226 - Success prediction based on DNA samples.
19950228 - Dilbert behind schedule because of poor leadership
19950301 - New person to Dilbert's project to finish program twice as fast *
19950302 - Barry helping to Dilbert's project *
19950303 - Thought leaders
19950304 - Dilbert's unimportant assignments *
19950305 - Managers go to closed-door meeting
19950307 - If Dogbert buys the company
19950308 - Dogbert's consultant "Death" to audit the company *
19950309 - $30 per share. Dogbert makes an offer for company stock. *
19950310 - Dogbert the new owner *
19950311 - Dogbert and Alice talking to Dogbert about uncertainty **
19950312 - Dogbert to trim middle management, FYI
19950314 - New director of human resources: Catbert
19950315 - Catbert the HR director - New org chart
19950316 - Catbert the HR director - New org chart
19950317 - Dogbert selling company to discriminating buyers *
19950318 - Elbonians making money. *
19950320 - User-friendly computer **
19950321 - Discriminating Elbonians makes Alice happy *
19950322 - Alice shows Elbonians Custom when men ask women to fetch coffee *
19950323 - Company sold to biggest competitor.
19950324 - Liz has a spreadsheet to compare relative qualities with Dilbert. *
19950331 - Alice Bad-Mouthing the previous worker of her new project *
19950401 - PH at meeting. Everyone will write their objectives to make a business plan.
19950403 - PH's laptop is locked up. Dilbert giving a solution *
19950404 - Dogbert the consultant and PH
19950405 - Eskimos at south pole *
19950406 - Elbonia offering attractive incentives to companies
19950407 - Dogbert's tip for improving your career
19950408 - Dilbert's shrinking cubicle
19950410 - Ergonomic keyboard developed with Big Q-quality program
19950411 - Missing 'q' keyboards
19950414 - PH taking responsibility
19950415 - PH apologizing on TV
19950417 - Dogbert financial advisor
19950418 - Dogbert financial advisor - Reduce income taxes
19950420 - Wally the move coordinator
19950421 - Loud Howard
19950422 - Voice mail
19950424 - Cubicles as prison cells
19950425 - Prisoners in cubicles
19950426 - Prisoners in cubicles - What's Dilbert in for? *
19950427 - No more prisoners
19950428 - Bad news in last 15 years.
19950429 - Turn Dilbert's house into gambling casino
19950501 - Dogbert's world domination plan: Become talk radio host
19950502 - Dogbert's talk radio
19950503 - Dogbert's talk radio: Sex after marriage *
19950504 - Dogbert's talk radio
19950505 - People who ask too much
19950506 - Dogbert's plan: Buy all property on earth
19950508 - Naming cubicles
19950509 - Dilbert and Liz dating
19950510 - To all users from Network Admin
19950511 - Engineers paying at restaurant
19950512 - Motivational speaker from Discount Speakers Bureau
19950513 - Ratbert interviewing succesful people (Dilbert) *
19950515 - Dilbert's business case to buy web server
19950516 - Dilbert seeking approval to buy web server *
19950517 - Dilbert needs approval on business case *
19950518 - Business case approval
19950519 - PH needs to boost return-on-assets ratio.
19950520 - PH not answering e-mail
19950522 - Company policy: employ only best technical professionals
19950523 - Dilbert hiring Dogbert public relations firm *
19950524 - Dilbert leaving voice mail to boss at 4 am **
19950525 - Dilbert's greatest accomplishments
19950526 - Dogbert's tips about impressing boss
19950527 - Dilbert dreaming
19950529 - PH to be more of a hands-on manager **
19950530 - Mandatory training for business ethics *
19950531 - Little stuffed doll of PHB
19950601 - Laptop and cellular phone.
19950602 - Flag hat for all short employees *
19950603 - Latest budget cuts by messenger from finance
19950605 - Wally wants transfer to another department
19950606 - Psychologist Dogbert hired to achieve peak performance in teamwork
19950607 - Dysfunctional team - turn right and admire next person **
19950608 - Team-building exercise - paper dolls
19950609 - Dysfunctional team - Telling the team what you learned *
19950610 - Wally wants increased budget for training
19950612 - PHB going to two-week management retreat
19950613 - Wally calling PHB at mountain resort.
19950614 - PHB reengineered Dilbert's job.
19950615 - Copying without clerical support *
19950616 - Ratbert advising Bob
19950617 - PHB sees signs of productivity
19950619 - Ratbert hired by finance department to help cut spending *
19950620 - Ratbert at finance - Wally
19950621 - Ratbert at finance - Dilbert
19950622 - Ratbert recommends one type of computer for the office
19950623 - Wally complaining to Catbert about forced computer choice
19950624 - Computer holy wars - Wally meets bearded old guy
19950626 - PHB asks Saint Dogbert to mediate computer kind dispute
19950627 - PHB wants Alice to benchmark world-class companies against theirs
19950628 - Alice's benchmarking results
19950629 - Dogbert the consultant and PHB - Nobody likes companies products
19950630 - PHB about Battlin' Business Units
19950701 - PHB talking to Dogbert the consultant
19950703 - Marketing guy laughing at Dilbert about charging time to them **
19950704 - Reprogramming marketing guy's DNA structure **
19950705 - Stan the marketing guy with reprogrammed DNA - Alice **
19950706 - Stan the marketing guy - Dilbert and Dogbert **
19950707 - Dilbert and Dogbert - New dress policy at work: casual clothes on fridays
19950708 - PHB wants same kind of teamworks as egyptians who built pyramids
19950710 - Dilbert meets marketing guy about turning his program into a product
19950711 - Saint Dogbert driving out overused jokes about information superhighway
19950712 - Dilbert loves his computer more that he loves Liz?
19950713 - Dilbert and marketing guy meeting
19950714 - PHB the DOPE and Carol
19950715 - PHB and Dilbert talking and thinking about translation
19950717 - Dilbert and girl under a tree reading, Dilbert about golf
19950718 - Meeting: interesting good idea from Wally *
19950719 - Dilbert and Wally discussing gift for Ted's baby
19950720 - Ted's baby shower
19950721 - Dilbert's mother talking about his dad.
19950722 - Dilbert's girlfriend talking about his dad.
19950724 - Practicing small talk at meeting
19950725 - Change since prehistoric times
19950726 - Wally proposing to stress-test product under severe network conditions *
19950727 - Bob getting a job in procurement department.
19950728 - Bob in procurement: Learning his duties
19950729 - Bob in procurement: Wally wants equipment
19950731 - Dilbert thinks, therefore he is.
19950801 - Ratbert becoming a temp at work.
19950802 - Ratbert the temp: job interview
19950803 - Ratbert the temp: starting
19950804 - Ratbert the temp: testing of self-worth
19950805 - Ratbert the temp: demanding respect
19950807 - Catbert hr director: Inventing illogical policies
19950808 - Catbert hr director: Alice don't understand dress code
19950809 - Casual day and casual outfit.
19950810 - PHB plan to make employees a self-directed team *
19950811 - PHB reorganizing department into fast-moving teams *
19950812 - Dilbert writes career development plan *
19950813 - Marketing department help retaining your best engineers (sunday) **
19950814 - Dilbert doubts his existense and becoms invisible
19950815 - Dilbert invisible except for Dogbert **
19950816 - Dilbert invisible, compensating with Ratbert *
19950817 - Floating Ratbert meets PHB *
19950818 - Dilbert increased his visibility at work
19950819 - Dilbert sees PHB going to a meeting
19950820 - PHB in meeting with product manager (sunday) *
19950821 - Dilbert's expense report rejected
19950822 - Dilbert visiting accounting, soul check *
19950823 - Dilbert's expense voucher at accounting
19950824 - Dilbert's expense voucher: Troll's tips about meals during travel *
19950825 - Dilbert trapped in bowels of accounting: Dogbert the hero **
19950826 - Bob's brain feels so tiny *
19950827 - PHB changes design and argumenting for it (sunday) *
19950828 - Documentation for product before it is done.
19950829 - Dogbert wants to tweak brittle people
19950830 - Dogbert tweaks Tina the brittle tech writer
19950831 - Dogbert tweaks Tina
19950901 - Dogbert informing readers about Tina the brittle tech writer
19950902 - Archive, records retention, Dilbert storing documents for five years **
19950903 - Dilbert telecommuting in his virtual cubicle and cone of productivity (sunday) **
19950904 - morale sinking, time for bold leadership, inspirational poster
19950905 - PHB's inspirational posters
19950906 - PHB's inspirational posters
19950907 - Wally wants to become contract employee, talking to Dilbert.
19950908 - Wally wants to become contract employee, talking to Alice.
19950909 - outside the box, viewpoint, fire hazard
19950910 - Jack the competitors best manager hired to Goosefood project (sunday) *
19950911 - Catbert, vision correction
19950912 - Employee fitness program
19950913 - Dilbert writing e-mail protest
19950914 - paper trolls
19950915 - Dilbert's time sheet in fifteen minute increments *
19950916 - PHB promising shaving head *
19950917 - Marketing putting glitter on software company created (sunday) *
19950918 - Wally, garage sail, office equipment
19950919 - Wally, act like you own the company
19950920 - technical phone support
19950921 - Technical phone support Dilbert getting help from Bob and Dogbert *
19950922 - human resources
19950923 - PHB finds software that helps writing performance evaluations
19950924 - Dilbert taking a contract to company lawyer (sunday) *
19950925 - Company having ISO 9000 audit
19950926 - Dogbert hired to perform ISO 9000 audit, talking to Alice *
19950927 - ISO 9000 audit results to PHB
19950928 - Alice sitting in for PHB *
19950929 - Alice sits in for PHB: approving Dilbert's expense voucher *
19950930 - Dilbert slaying mouse *
19951001 - The only honest guy on earth? (sunday) *
19951002 - PHB reading wrong written agenda.
19951003 - Dogbert applying for a job as jet pilot *
19951004 - Dogbert the jet pilot - First message *
19951005 - Dogbert the jet pilot - Black mailing CEO
19951006 - Dogbert the jet pilot - Good and bad news
19951007 - Dogbert the jet pilot - Parachute fight
19951008 - Misterious meeting caller *
19951009 - The real competitors *
19951010 - PHB getting more involved in project *
19951011 - PHB learning how to program GUI and object oriented.
19951012 - PHB project, new unknown end date *
19951013 - Catbert H.R. Director - handling complaining employees *
19951014 - Catbert H.R. Director *
19951015 - Dogbert applying for "long range planner" (sunday) *
19951016 - Co-worker woman with flagrance
19951017 - Co-worker woman with flagrance
19951018 - Co-worker woman with flagrance
19951019 - Dogbert in heaven
19951020 - Dogbert the new angel helping people in need
19951021 - Dogbert the angel giving people what they want
19951022 - Meeting with more participating (sunday) *
19951023 - Dogbert the angel - healing
19951024 - Carol booking PHB's flight with a lot of stopovers *
19951025 - Dilbert assigned to fun and valuable project
19951026 - Wally and Dilbert - Bet about why PHB assigns same task to several people
19951027 - Dilbert on redundant project getting useless binders
19951028 - Dilbert increasing size of his cubicle *
19951029 - Dilbert needing staples (sunday) *
19951030 - Headquarters - Time to reorg *
19951031 - Reorganizing plans *
19951101 - Wally with double bosses, PHB and a dotted line
19951102 - Wally with double bosses
19951103 - Dogbert corporate art source selling paintings
19951104 - Dogbert corporate art source - business secret
19951105 - PHB wants dates on color transparencies. (sunday)
19951106 - Ratbert as Dilbert's personal digital assistant *
19951107 - ISO 9000 requirements - label everything
19951108 - Project with "yellow light" status. Meeting
19951109 - Saint Dogbert searching for demons of stupidity. **
19951110 - Think as a manager, tells PHB to Dilbert.
19951111 - Dilbert's transparency with incomprehensible jumble of complexity.
19951112 - Catbert's idea for compensation with other than salary (sunday) *
19951113 - PHB pays for each bug found
19951114 - Dilbert getting Ratbert to generate bugs
19951115 - This weeks accomplishments.
19951116 - Punch card using bearded road apple snapped to next week
19951117 - PHB wants to build SQL-database
19951118 - PHB being more proactive.
19951119 - PHB wants to ship product earlier, demo it, and freezed budget (sunday)
19951120 - Dogbert the consultant - core competency of the company
19951121 - Dogbert the consultant - how to inform employees with outsourced jobs
19951122 - Very bad ergonomics - keyboard on the floor.
19951123 - Company decides to outsource all functions they're not good at
19951124 - Wally and his bath towel theory *
19951125 - PHB running to post office every day.
19951126 - Salesman seeking a decision maker, Dilbert explaining org chart (sunday) *
19951127 - Dilbert complaining to sysadm about his password not working.
19951128 - Dilbert asking Catbert about treatment for dysfunctional internet connections
19951129 - Wally and Alice making fun of Dilbert who's network isn't working
19951130 - Dilbert and Liz dating for a year, Dilbert's needs
19951201 - PHB training tech support about the newest shipped product
19951202 - Dogbert detective agency - filming PHB decisions so he can't deny them
19951203 - Cleaning man talking to Alice about working overtime (sunday)
19951204 - Attractive female from inferior vendor in meeting with Dilbert and Wally *
19951205 - Wally shows Alice a picture of Thor, inferior inferior vendor's field engineer *
19951206 - Dogbert Technology company offering hardware solution for half the cost
19951207 - Dilbert and PHB about Dilbert's impossible objectives *
19951208 - Dogbert the vendor "meeting" the employees
19951209 - Dogbert trying to sell an upgrade to PHB
19951210 - Dogbert on the help desk phone (sunday) *
19951211 - The paperless office.
19951212 - PHB calling Wally end Dilbert poor communicators
19951213 - Guy trying to convince Dilbert not to buy a modem
19951214 - The senior associate realizing she is a secretary
19951215 - Some religions with pointless never-ending tasks
19951216 - Dogbert's new ruling class selection ideas *
19951217 - PHB about Alice not using her vacation days (sunday)
19951218 - Company's new slogan: "Everybody is in sales"
19951219 - Dilbert trying to sell things to his mother *
19951220 - Dogbert at Dilbert's work, cracking
19951221 - Dogbert hacking into payroll computer to give Dilbert raise
19951222 - Dogbert's ideas about spectacular failures *
19951223 - Dilbert using Dogbert's advice about spectacular failures *
19951224 - Dilbert and Dogbert going on vacation, at happy airlines (sunday) *
19951225 - Wally with a new 900-number.
19951226 - Wally giving PHB a living document *
19951227 - Dilbert fantasizing he is a maid
19951228 - Dogbert declaring himself King Dogbert, the first ruler of Internet *
19951229 - online software registration **
19951230 - Correction for using the words "ant farm"
19951231 - PHB has an idea, Dilbert and Wally thinking... (sunday)
19960101 - Adding non-stereotypical female character to the series.
19960102 - Antina the non-steretypical woman talking to Dilbert
19960103 - Ted growing beard to look less boyish *
19960104 - Ted the new manager *
19960105 - Ted the new boss selecting pet employee *
19960106 - Ted after falling down ten flights of stairs *
19960107 - Dilbert getting a new roommate (sunday)
19960108 - Performance review with Ted the new boss *
19960109 - Dogbert's advice to get rid of the possessed evil boss Ted *
19960110 - Getting rid of demon-possessed boss Ted. *
19960111 - Dilbert talking about not leaving his credit card number on the net.
19960112 - Dilbert getting visit from Camping Carl *
19960113 - Wally sending job to shared printer *
19960114 - Wally in offence against PHB (sunday) *
19960115 - Dogbert 2000, the new operating system
19960116 - Dogbert planning what to do after becoming billionaire: dancing
19960117 - Dogbert demanding computer seller to bundle Dogbert 2000
19960118 - Dogbert meets software developers about Dogbert 2000
19960119 - Dogbert happy to be billionaire
19960120 - Bob baby-sitting
19960121 - Catbert the evil HR director - reducing janitorial expenses (sunday)
19960122 - New compensation plan - bonuses to top ten employees only
19960123 - Dilbert inventing smut filter
19960124 - Dilbert using a kid to test his new dirty picture filter
19960125 - Dogbert helping company to get rid of service costing customer
19960126 - Dogbert reducing service cost.
19960127 - PHB not paying attention to Dilbert who is asking him to make a choice
19960128 - Dilbert writing his own job requirements and reapplying (sunday)
19960129 - air traffic control system
19960130 - Dogbert consulting company hired
19960131 - Wally writing critical clde for air traffic control *
19960201 - Thanks to Dogbert, air traffic system on time and under budget *
19960202 - PHB wants everybody to help shipping
19960203 - PHB's first e-mail message
19960204 - Dilbert explaining his job to his mom (sunday)
19960205 - Dogbert discovering the project delay cause: Deadwood
19960206 - PHB wants Alice to lock up proprietary documents
19960207 - People with least need for storage has biggest offices? asks Alice to PHB
19960208 - Why PHB says Dilbert's objective is to be done with one year work in three months
19960209 - PHB moving Wally's objectives
19960210 - Dogbert not being quietly supportive
19960211 - "God" is internet? (sunday) *
19960212 - Catbert evil HR director - summoning the demons of darkness
19960213 - Catbert enjoying warm monitor
19960214 - co-op employee sharing cubicle with other co-ops
19960215 - Revised standard employment agreement - sign or get fired
19960216 - New employment agreement *
19960217 - Dogbert telling Dilbert to rewrite the employment agreement
19960218 - Dilbert showing his project time line to PHB (sunday)
19960219 - 3-D colored pie chart showing unexplained rise in expenses *
19960220 - software development i Elbonia
19960221 - Software from Elbonia
19960222 - Dilbert i Elbonia to check software
19960223 - Elbonian development methodology
19960224 - Elbonia project results
19960225 - Dilbert embarrased to work at his company which can't handle a simple invoice (sunday)
19960226 - Dilbert choosing shirts
19960227 - Consultant report about Company's biggest problem
19960228 - Building a database to solve the unknown problem
19960229 - Dilbert asking Dogbert help to facilitate meetings
19960301 - Dogbert facilitating meeting, he determines who can speak
19960302 - Dogbert the meeting facilitator.
19960303 - Dilbert interviewing new candidate for engineering (sunday) *
19960304 - Dilbert instructed to keep approval page simple and untechnical
19960305 - Fifty page proposal to one paragraph executive summary for ceo
19960306 - Unproductive product demo *
19960307 - Demo ready? It is a little fuzzy *
19960308 - Dark angel of product demos *
19960309 - Dark angel in action *
19960310 - Dilbert - Mysteries revealed: How do ceiling tiles get damaged (sunday)
19960311 - inspiration alert
19960312 - Dilbert and Wally planning for new product
19960313 - PHB finds out about side businesses
19960314 - Ratbert the director of marketing in side company
19960315 - Dogbert provides venture capital to side company
19960316 - Dilbert and Wally tells PHB about new side company
19960317 - Ethical question to dogbert, low quality or late product? (sunday)
19960318 - Asok the new intern
19960319 - Dilbert explains nature of intern assignments to Asok.
19960320 - Asok the intern needed in emergency.
19960321 - PHB wants presentations for executive review board, urgent.
19960322 - Alice wonders why Dilbert is not preparing presentation. *
19960323 - Alice testing men's ability to smell unnecessary work *
19960324 - Alice with PHB, proud of analysis she worked with all night (sunday) *
19960325 - PHB has additions to new completed product *
19960326 - PHB assigns three people to write department newsletter *
19960327 - Department newsletter *
19960328 - Dilbert interviewed for the newsletter *
19960329 - Newsletter girl despise Wally *
19960330 - Value of teamwork *
19960331 - Barry, overtime worker, wins special bonus (sunday) *
19960401 - Laptops to sales force
19960402 - Ratbert for vice president
19960403 - Ratbert, vice president or annoying rodent?
19960404 - Ratbert is vice president of marketing
19960405 - Ratbert tells about his marketing plan
19960406 - Ratbert quiting as vice president, scruples
19960407 - The boss zone (sunday)
19960408 - Alice with fist of death **
19960409 - Dilbert nothing left to give to vending machine
19960410 - Catbert the H.R. director asking Dilbert about vending machine
19960411 - Dilbert telling Dogbert about his bad day
19960412 - Dogbert and Bob "visiting" Catbert
19960413 - Internal job postings are out
19960414 - Dogbert speaking to PHB about his changes on Dilbert's engineering proposal (sunday)
19960415 - New nightshift manager
19960416 - Wasted resource finding dog
19960417 - Smart sick days *
19960418 - Smart sick days unacceptable, says PHB
19960419 - Dogbert, spiritual inspirer, dancing to heal.
19960420 - Dogbert, dancing to heal
19960421 - The new version of the current product *
19960422 - Catbert, HR Director
19960423 - Wally thinking to resign and reapply to raise salary
19960424 - Comments to the new marketing plan at meeting.
19960425 - Dilbert doing rat-experiments with marketing plan.
19960426 - Dilbert giving time sheet to secretary
19960427 - Work avoidance device
19960428 - New record for profits, t-shirts to all employees (sunday)
19960429 - Mandatory training video
19960430 - Wally after training videos
19960501 - Wally after mandatory video on sexual harassment *
19960502 - PHB's token ring LAN broken
19960503 - PHB eliminating steps to hit the market window
19960504 - Wally's budget estimates for the year
19960505 - cubicles with square pattern (sunday) *
19960506 - Wally compensation equilibrium project
19960507 - Catbert, moving to "Cafeteria style" benefits
19960508 - Dogbert career counselor
19960509 - Dogbert counseling Wally
19960510 - Doctor or serial killer *
19960511 - Career of the technical writer
19960512 - New vice president wants suppy cabinet locked (sunday)
19960513 - Company merge
19960514 - Staff reduce after merger
19960515 - Dilbert paralyzed with fear because of merger
19960516 - "Due diligence" phase of merger, access to proprietary information
19960517 - "Due diligence" - Alice revealing secrets
19960518 - Dogbert pain about being surrounded by dolts
19960519 - Dogbert's dream analysis (sunday)
19960520 - Dogbert's plans to become supreme ruler of earth
19960521 - New policy forbids use of weapons or violence in workplace
19960522 - PHB's "clean desk" policy, broken by Alice
19960523 - Ratbert laughing at Dilbert
19960524 - Wally about petting cats
19960525 - Alice happy for two percent annual raise
19960526 - Dilbert - Business Language Explained (sunday)
19960527 - Phil the supreme ruler of heck
19960528 - How does Phil make money?
19960529 - Phil's TV-advertisement for "Exerspoon"
19960530 - Dilbert's co-worker needs information and analysis
19960531 - Wally's pile of perpetual ignorage
19960601 - Addition to Dilbert's presentation
19960602 - Phil gives fate options to Dilbert to pay for sins (sunday)
19960603 - Brainitor fragmented optimize hard disk
19960604 - Dogbert's time theory
19960605 - Dilbert and Wally finding someone with lower status
19960606 - Tormenting the vendor
19960607 - Dilbert's father found
19960608 - Dilbert and girlfriend about found father
19960609 - Dilbert gullible friends hotline (sunday)
19960610 - Dilbert experiences chemical boost
19960611 - New company logo
19960612 - What does the new company logo say about the employees?
19960613 - Wally is insane
19960614 - Company makes sense when Wally is insane
19960615 - Garbageman diagnosing Dilbert's mental health
19960616 - Dilbert being downsized, movies (sunday)
19960617 - Status of Wally's action item
19960618 - Injury free days
19960619 - Chair safety training
19960620 - Prerequisite course to quality college
19960621 - "Buns of steel"
19960622 - The only employee suggestions that get accepted
19960623 - Dilbert's automentor (sunday)
19960624 - Alice's new objectives
19960625 - Dilbert thinking in his cubicle
19960626 - Dogbert telling PHB about Dogbert day care concept
19960627 - Dogbert asking Alice about company child care facility
19960628 - Dogbert's final plan for day care facility.
19960629 - Results of employee satisfaction survey.
19960630 - D-chip television filter (sunday)
19960701 - Ratbert to quality assurance group
19960702 - Ratbert meeting PHB for quality assurance job
19960703 - Ratbert about quality assurance review to Wally
19960704 - Ratbert found a huge number of flaws in prototype *
19960705 - Premeeting
19960706 - Garbage man noticing bugs in Dilbert's old diskette
19960707 - PHB writing performance review and helping daughter sell cookies (sunday)
19960708 - Dogbert planning for days as supreme ruler of earth
19960709 - The product mock-up loved by customer *
19960710 - PHB supporting Dilbert in meeting with sales *
19960711 - PHB assigning everybody to quality initiave
19960712 - PHB at employee ranking and rating session *
19960713 - Catbert telling Wally about mandatory blood test
19960714 - Alice has been making personal calls, says PHB. Fist of Death (sunday)
19960715 - Catbert, Wally enjoying his job *
19960716 - Dilbert solving problems of his girlfriend
19960717 - Why do girlfriend tell problems if not to solve them?
19960718 - PHB about new recognition program with gem names as performance levels
19960719 - Dilbert member of "talc club" at work
19960720 - Time for PHB to update Alice's objectives
19960721 - Strongest force in the universe (sunday) *
19960722 - Dilbert's loyalty vanished, because of no job security
19960723 - Ratbert about ignorance
19960724 - Alice experiencing empowerment?
19960725 - Releasing new product despite defects, thanks to an advanced business process *
19960726 - Dogbert institute of advanced thinking: talk shows for ending roverty
19960727 - Dogbert will no more reason with idiots *
19960728 - The budget trap (sunday)
19960729 - Dogbert guest on tv show to announce candidacy for supreme ruler of universe *
19960730 - Only idiots have to pay taxes
19960731 - Contribution from association for product bad for you
19960801 - Votes are in, Dogbert elected
19960802 - Dogbert's dominion over the planet
19960803 - Lack of flexibility
19960804 - Carol, PHB's secretary, with new tasks (sunday)
19960805 - Tina's steamy e-mail *
19960806 - Tina and her mail
19960807 - Catbert knows about Tina mailing using company resources
19960808 - Peer performance reviews
19960809 - Prisoner's dilemma
19960810 - PHB: Employees are key to economic success *
19960811 - Quality thought of the day (sunday)
19960812 - Wally and layoffs
19960813 - No layoffs, but mobility pool.
19960814 - Wally's co-workers about his layoff
19960815 - Dogbert: career counselor
19960816 - Life force leaving Asok's body
19960817 - Good news: Wally not being downsized *
19960818 - Dogbert for supreme ruler of earth
19960819 - Alice "playing the game" to get promoted *
19960820 - New ideas to PHB: Using small fonts
19960821 - Dilbert's new encryption program called PHB
19960822 - Asok the intern solving Wally's obvious problems
19960823 - Asok the intern with new ideas
19960824 - Dogbert planning to sabotage human language *
19960825 - Vice president visiting, adjust lies and details (sunday)
19960826 - Catbert giving advice to PHB to raise employee morale *
19960827 - PHB telling good news about more frequent reviews *
19960828 - Dilbert's theoretical solution to make impossible deadline
19960829 - Dilbert and Dogbert taking a walk and talking
19960830 - Ratbert becoming a misinterpreting person
19960831 - Dogbert talking to Ratbert the annoying misinterpreter
19960901 - Company at two day workshop (sunday)
19960902 - Dogbert the network administrator
19960903 - Network administrator: can only be reached by pager or e-mail
19960904 - Network administrator: Monkey of love
19960905 - Network administrator: User forgetting password
19960906 - Network administrator: Dogbert enjoying himself
19960907 - Network administrator: PHB wants to block fun web sites
19960908 - Tina to put a positive spin on product info (sunday)
19960909 - Teambuilding exercises: Trust *
19960910 - Teambuilding exercises: Falling and catching *
19960911 - Teambuilding exercises: Solving problems as a team
19960912 - Teambuilding exercises: Garbage man *
19960913 - Company announcement about abandoning strategy of making good products
19960914 - Company decided to buy dying company
19960915 - Catbert's new cubicle plan (sunday)
19960916 - vibrating pager
19960917 - year 2000 problem *
19960918 - Ratbert to review code to find year references *
19960919 - Dogbert giving invoice for fixing 2000-problem to PHB
19960920 - Tina the tech writer
19960921 - battery backup idea to boss *
19960922 - Wedgie to voice mail using employee (sunday)
19960923 - Iron man teambuilding competition
19960924 - Dilbert in good shape for iron man event
19960925 - Iron man event: Ten mile swim
19960926 - Iron man event: Dilbert needs a dolphin
19960927 - Iron man event: The dolphins playing with Dilbert
19960928 - Dilbert telling Dogbert about the iron man event swimming
19960929 - Dilbert at accounting with troll (sunday)
19960930 - Catbert telling Alice about company policy
19961001 - Company to have ISO 9000 audit soon
19961002 - ISO 9000: Dilbert documenting Carol the secretary's ordering procedure
19961003 - ISO 9000: Dilbert documenting director's job processes
19961004 - Customer and PHB about ISO 9000
19961005 - Ratbert in a hundred years (100 years)
19961006 - Special achievement award (sunday)
19961007 - piercing at small silicon valley start-up
19961008 - Strategic alliance with small company
19961009 - Strategic alliance: Working well
19961010 - Dilbert lecturing about strategic alliance issues
19961011 - Status of strategic alliance
19961012 - Catbert in bad mood likes to think of humiliating employees
19961013 - Performance meets expectations? (sunday)
19961014 - Booth for big trade show
19961015 - Dogbert trade-show consulting company to design booth *
19961016 - Dogbert's suggestions for attention-grabbing booth
19961017 - Alice's ideas to increase traffic to their booth
19961018 - At the trade show: Wally collecting pens
19961019 - At the trade show: Alice being "nice" to visitor
19961020 - The failure project (sunday)
19961021 - strange e-mail adresses.
19961022 - People with embrassing e-mail systems *
19961023 - random act of catness
19961024 - fighting against boredom
19961025 - Contract employee training
19961026 - What does manager's produce
19961027 - New management team member Keith (sunday)
19961028 - Catbert and popcorn privileges
19961029 - Catbert banning popcorn
19961030 - Tim's accomplishment earns award
19961031 - Incompetent Kim winning award
19961101 - Wally's annoying cubicle sounds
19961102 - Marketing cubicle experiment
19961103 - Supermarket line (sunday)
19961104 - Dogbert credibility consultant
19961105 - PHB and Dogbert credibility consultant in meeting
19961106 - Liz dating other men
19961107 - Dilbert's hot babe on Internet
19961108 - Dilbert the new sex symbol
19961109 - Online relationships
19961110 - Fantasy, reality (sunday)
19961111 - Catbert: extra engineer for Dilbert
19961112 - Catbert: highly qualified applicants
19961113 - Dilbert testing applicant math skills
19961114 - Pay cut
19961115 - All women's college
19961116 - Dilbert interviewing practicing applicant
19961117 - The inspiring leader (sunday)
19961118 - Wally starts smoking?
19961119 - Wally smoking to have more breaks
19961120 - Wally's first cigarette ever, meeting new friends
19961121 - Mountain biking?
19961122 - Results of smoking habbit
19961123 - Wally noticing warning label on cigarettes
19961124 - Eat our lunch (sunday)
19961125 - When will Wally's raise be effective?
19961126 - Boss ends up yelling
19961127 - Interpersonal skills course
19961128 - Dilbert to learn to listen to stupid person
19961129 - Alice's presentation package
19961130 - Asok the intern finding improvement in Alice's document
19961201 - Catbert's new evil policies, shoe size (sunday)
19961202 - Wally working smarter, not harder
19961203 - Ratbert's self-esteem
19961204 - Ratbert corporate trainer
19961205 - The grim downsizer talking to Ratbert
19961206 - Ratbert and class presenting themselves
19961207 - Ratbert being downsized
19961208 - Asok on spekarphone meeting (sunday)
19961209 - Catbert about overtime
19961210 - Dogbert the consultant
19961211 - That sarcasm thing
19961212 - Dilbert date refuse
19961213 - Wally and Dilbert in happiness committee
19961214 - PHB about quality school and quality black belt master
19961215 - Boss upgrades Dilbert's product design (sunday)
19961216 - Elbonian database
19961217 - Ratbert the consultant
19961218 - Ratbert being exuberant
19961219 - Ratbert earning money
19961220 - The economic impact
19961221 - Asok the intern doing magic hacks
19961222 - Wally's ten year anniversary (sunday)
19961223 - Dilbert ordering airline tickets
19961224 - Marilyn Vos Savant, smartest human alive
19961225 - Getting ready to fly
19961226 - Dilbert at airlines
19961227 - Gauntlet of bag-losing hotel zombies
19961228 - Dilbert in taxi
19961229 - Boss with the mousepad calling Dogbert tech support (sunday)
19961230 - Pope's hotel room
19961231 - Dilbert the business traveller with wrinkle-free clothes.
19970101 - Catbert being nice to employees?
19970102 - PHB signing up money to Dilbert *
19970103 - Ten thousand dollar business cases
19970104 - Employees must use producst company sells
19970105 - Bad corporate culture (sunday)
19970106 - Wally's mail-order bride from Elbonia *
19970107 - Wally waiting for mail-order bride *
19970108 - Alice about Wally's mail-order bride *
19970109 - Wally's mail-order bride has arrived *
19970110 - Wally telling Dilbert about his mail order bride *
19970111 - Wally's keyboard face
19970112 - Dilbert buying a car (sunday)
19970113 - Wally's work and anti-work
19970114 - Bill Gates' Shrink-wrap license agreement
19970115 - Dilbert to become Bill Gates' towel boy? *
19970116 - Computer asking Dilbert a quiz before becoming towel boy *
19970117 - Tina's annual performance review
19970118 - Dogbert making analogies for Bob to understand businesses
19970119 - Dilbert, office obstacle course (sunday)
19970120 - Wally's performance review
19970121 - Wally unhappy about his performance review
19970122 - Catbert, family friendly policy
19970123 - Problem-solving senior management
19970124 - Compliment approving executive review committee
19970125 - Results of employee survey
19970126 - Dilbert's mothers birthday (sunday)
19970127 - Catbert lowering Wally's base salary
19970128 - Boss loses work due to network going down
19970129 - Dilbert giving PHB schedule of all future unplanned network outages
19970130 - Ratbert about half full glass
19970131 - Asok the intern sets up network calendar software
19970201 - Wally about more working that gives more work
19970202 - Scheduling patents celebration with PHB's secretary (sunday)
19970203 - New web pages for internal network
19970204 - Dilbert and his mom about intranet pages
19970205 - Don't bother the boss
19970206 - Catbert
19970207 - Get dumber every minute
19970208 - Boss's new slogan
19970209 - Wally at a job interview. Low self-esteem (sunday)
19970210 - Wally's monthly accomplishments
19970211 - Size of Alice's bonus after all the work
19970212 - The secretary needs secretary
19970213 - Dilbert's raise hasn't showed up because of secretary
19970214 - Dilbert complaining to PHB about secretary
19970215 - Wendy the secretary of Carol the secretary *
19970216 - Leadership seminar (sunday)
19970217 - Dilbert not invited to meeting
19970218 - Asok the intern starting meeting with a question
19970219 - Dilbert moving his PC **
19970220 - Dilbert the bold commando **
19970221 - Dilbert accused of stealing a computer
19970222 - PHB decided to manage by cliches *
19970223 - Amazing success in Wallyville (sunday)
19970224 - Blame the engineers
19970225 - All-day meeting
19970226 - PHB to Dilbert about off-site meeting about overworked Dilbert
19970227 - The concept of "zero" *
19970228 - Dogbert speaking to PHB about project plan
19970301 - Wally learned "to do more with less" as PHB requested
19970302 - A new, overqualified CEO (sunday)
19970303 - One smart rat, seem smart
19970304 - Ratbert the consultant about business strategy
19970305 - Ratbert the consultant showing strategy options in a 2x2 matrix *
19970306 - Ratbert the consultant: PHB under consulting spell
19970307 - PHB under consultant spell saying employees are morons
19970308 - Ratbert the consultant controlling PHB
19970309 - Dilbert telling about his day to Dogbert (sunday)
19970310 - Most absurd activity of the week: The timecard
19970311 - Asok the intern "learning" from Alice
19970312 - Dilbert can't telecommute because PHB wants to manage.
19970313 - Dilbert needs help for telecommuting negotiation
19970314 - Dilbert and Ratbert negotiation with PHB
19970315 - Dilbert finally telecommuting.
19970316 - Alice graphics artist (sunday)
19970317 - Dilbert the untamed beast
19970318 - Tina, the jerk magnet
19970319 - Tina telling Alice about his crash on Dilbert
19970320 - Phil the supreme ruler of heck punishing Tina
19970321 - Smart card
19970322 - Dilbert's quantum computer
19970323 - Wally working through lunch (sunday)
19970324 - Boss proven wrong by Dilbert
19970325 - Dilbert warning Alice about PHB proven wrong earlier
19970326 - Action posters
19970327 - Becoming high-level manager
19970328 - Anti-management cartoons
19970329 - PHB banning cartoons in the office
19970330 - Dilbert buys new security system (sunday)
19970331 - Project requirements changed
19970401 - Dennis
19970402 - Business cards to essential employees
19970403 - Conversation outside Alice's cubicle
19970404 - Training course at night for Alice
19970405 - Company training
19970406 - The life cycle of business idea (sunday)
19970407 - Indecisive leader
19970408 - New Org chart, new organization chart
19970409 - Dilbert's name lower than Wally's in new org chart
19970410 - Asok with Dilbert about org chart
19970411 - Asok is Dilbert's boss?
19970412 - Phone list sorted by phone number
19970413 - Project plan (sunday)
19970414 - ASAP
19970415 - Catbert, Life insurance on Wally
19970416 - Lunch meetings about life insurance policies
19970417 - Dead employee
19970418 - Catbert, raise Wally's blood pressure
19970419 - Things to not carry when walking around at work
19970420 - Money saving tips (sunday)
19970421 - Family friendly company
19970422 - Dilbert and Alice about family friendly policy
19970423 - Alice and PHB about family friendly policy
19970424 - Catbert and Alice about time offs for family care
19970425 - Business plan in complete disarray
19970426 - Dedication or insanity?
19970427 - Fake acronyms (sunday)
19970428 - The Wally report
19970429 - Dilbert's compensation plan
19970430 - Dilbert and Dogbert reading new employment agreement
19970501 - No work for competitors for five years
19970502 - Dilbert works with marketing people to design a brochure
19970503 - Designing a brochure
19970504 - Worlds first salesperson, Noah
19970505 - Waiting time for web pages
19970506 - Invention of first web browser, Garbage Man *
19970507 - Invention of first web browser, Garbage Man *
19970508 - Invention of first web browser, Garbage Man *
19970509 - Invention of first web browser, Garbage Man *
19970510 - Salaries below average, definition of our industry
19970511 - Carl, the cubicle dwellers' friend (sunday)
19970512 - Alice is freezing
19970513 - Thermostat wars.
19970514 - Dogberts invention to detect human stupidity
19970515 - Alice without makeup
19970516 - New standard company font
19970517 - Alice temporarily sane
19970518 - Tip to waitress (sunday)
19970519 - Wally to fun committee
19970520 - Dilbert, stupid or ignorant?
19970521 - Which project more important
19970522 - Catbert about personal things at work
19970523 - Wally's labor saving software
19970524 - Dogbert consultant of obvious generalities
19970525 - Pep talk from pointy-heired boss (sunday)
19970526 - Cloud of DOOM
19970527 - Cloud of DOOM at meeting
19970528 - Cloud of DOOM attracts woman
19970529 - Cloud of DOOM and woman
19970530 - Dilbert solving Cloud of DOOM problem
19970531 - Mixed messages
19970601 - Boss dries clothes in break room (sunday)
19970602 - Guiding principles for network architecture
19970603 - Dogbert, professional bearer of bad news
19970607 - Software license
19970608 - Clean cubicle award (sunday)
19970609 - Teaching kids rights and wrongs
19970610 - Kenny the salesweasel
19970611 - Visiting the customer
19970612 - Visiting the customer: Dilbert explaining product
19970613 - Visiting the customer
19970614 - Clone a boss?
19970615 - Asok the intern explains the new rules of body language (sunday)
19970616 - Tina's personal life *
19970617 - Tina arranging meetings, inviting Asok *
19970618 - Catbert with Tina about unnecessary meetings *
19970619 - Dilbert needs help from Dogbert for saying no to meetings *
19970620 - Dilbert assigned Wally's project
19970621 - Dilbert and Wally about Dilbert being in charge of Wally's project
19970622 - Wally has creative money-saving idea (sunday)
19970623 - Policy mentioning Wally by name
19970624 - Bonus for random work
19970625 - Dogbert's book about ineffective consultants
19970626 - Potential buyers of Dogbert's new book
19970627 - Rebellious employees
19970628 - System to develop product process
19970629 - Dilbert wants raise (sunday)
19970630 - Dogbert's need to know list
19970701 - Goal of all creatures, with Ratbert
19970702 - Funny talk in company
19970703 - Happy mother
19970704 - Dogbert, your lord and master. Telemarketing
19970705 - Bob the telemarketer
19970706 - Wally's dream about pointy-hair's advices (sunday)
19970707 - Dilbert about book titles
19970708 - Dogbert the chick magnet
19970709 - Dogbert together with girl matching Dilbert
19970710 - Dogbert's girlfriend thinks Dilbert is sexy
19970711 - Dogbert breaking up with Roxanne *
19970712 - Pointy-hair wants color diagrams from Wally
19970713 - Dogbert's bad advice show on radio (sunday)
19970714 - Pointy-hair's presentation, topic technology
19970716 - Asok Pointy-hair meeting
19970717 - Statement of core values. TWO VERSION-strip, one of them censored
19970718 - PHB to explain why new statement should change Dilbert's behaviour
19970719 - Ratbert's theories
19970720 - Dilbert and Mom (sunday)
19970721 - Meeting agenda. U.B.R
19970722 - Performance review
19970723 - Catbert. New job titles
19970724 - Dilbert finds new titles insulting
19970725 - Dogbert chasing nervously laughing people
19970726 - Pointy-hair highlighting article
19970727 - What if... Albert Einstein had been in marketing (sunday)
19970728 - Competitor sells product line. Dilbert will integrate
19970729 - Engineer's secret code
19970730 - Dogbert's advice to Dilbert
19970731 - Sharing cubicles
19970801 - Alice handling cubicle partner
19970802 - Elbonian audit team having holy week
19970803 - Employee rock-climbing seminar, teamwork (sunday)
19970804 - Wally in charge of office relocation
19970805 - Dilbert's new cubicle
19970806 - Pointy-hair trying Open Book Management
19970807 - Open Book Management: PHB to Asok about Smooth earnings
19970808 - Dilbert to PHB about Open Book Management
19970809 - Garbage man
19970810 - Alice imagines how top executives make decisions (sunday)
19970811 - Dogbert's new method for questions from idiots
19970812 - Catbert giving new "Clean desk" policy to Wally
19970813 - Dilbert and Wally about rumor of company moving
19970814 - Dogbert explaining why company might move *
19970815 - Dogbert asks Bob to give PHB telewedgie
19970816 - Cleaning guy with only one trash container *
19970817 - Wally's feeling of uncertainty (sunday)
19970818 - Dilbert on task force to recruit smart college seniors
19970819 - Recruiting on campus: Why work for Dilbert's company **
19970820 - Recruiting on campus: First choice? *
19970821 - Recruiting on campus: People skills
19970822 - Dogbert putting vibrating pager on Ratbert
19970823 - Ratbert to Bob about pager *
19970824 - Negative news to managers and Self solving problems (sunday) *
19970825 - Catbert forcing Alice to vacation despite deadlines *
19970826 - Wally being "empathic" to Alice *
19970827 - Asok admiring Alice *
19970828 - Dogbert going back to job as network system administrator
19970829 - Dogbert the network sysadm: Software manuals
19970830 - Dogbert the sysadm telling Wally about non-private e-mail system
19970831 - PHB and Dilbert at meeting needing copy of a document (sunday)
19970901 - Dilbert the network sysadm: Who controls information... Emperor for life *
19970902 - Dogbert company emperor: Downsizing
19970903 - Dogbert corporate emperor: Wedgiesizing with Bob
19970904 - Dogbert the emperor: Something missing in victory
19970905 - Dogbert major breadwinner of the house
19970906 - Stranger wanting to handle Dilbert's investments
19970907 - Dogbert's technical support: How to disconnect (sunday)
19970908 - Balloon of sand to reduce stress *
19970909 - Wally planning to disquise by growing beard... *
19970910 - PHB's laptop during takeoff. Land using EXCEL? *
19970911 - PHB's plane crashed. Wally has mixed feelings *
19970912 - Life without management. Employees happy without PHB
19970913 - PHB lives. Saved by nuns. *
19970914 - Carol PHB's secretary training PHB to be helpless (sunday) *
19970915 - Mordac the refuser to discuss computer upgrade *
19970916 - Mordac the preventer denying services to Alice from Information Technology Dept *
19970917 - Mordac the preventer with Alice using reverse psychology *
19970918 - Dilbert presenting Bob and other dinosaurs *
19970919 - Dinosaurs taking too much room, one must be downsized *
19970920 - Vote by e-mail: Should dinosaurs be downsized?
19970921 - Catbert evil h.r. director: Casual clothes only allowed once a week (sunday) *
19970922 - Wally and his Rolex watch "gift" from vendor *
19970923 - Wally's third "date" with vendor *
19970924 - PHB putting Dilbert on ISO 14000 **
19970925 - Dogbert ISO 14000 inspector
19970926 - Wally hasn't used his brain
19970927 - PHB wants to improve image in Internet Community **
19970928 - PHB giving project to Alice, with guaranteed failure (sunday) **
19970929 - Asok asking about proprietary marked document
19970930 - Dilbert's new personal crusade, to hunt people with strong, bad opinions *
19971001 - People with bad opinions: Internet should be free
19971002 - Stupid people forming Mob: Down with Dogbert **
19971003 - Mob of stupid people attack Dogbert's house
19971004 - Alice telecommuting *
19971005 - Dilbert promoted (sunday) **
19971006 - Dilbert's date love men who know how to communicate **
19971007 - Dilbert and date after the date *
19971008 - Alice telecommuting, and loving snack *
19971009 - Alice telecommuting, eating like an animal
19971010 - Alice telecommuting, PHB at her house to make her go back to work *
19971011 - Dilbert asks for so little
19971012 - PHB late to meeting. What to do during waiting (sunday) **
19971013 - Dogbert mutual fund for investors without alternatives
19971014 - Dogbert mutual fund: past and future performance
19971015 - Dogbert mutual fund: monkeys picking stocks
19971016 - Dogbert mutual fund
19971017 - Dogbert mutual fund: Common set of assumptions
19971018 - Dogbert mutual fund guest on TV
19971019 - Catbert: Wally randomly selected for drug test (sunday)
19971020 - Dogbert into Sports Memorabilia business
19971021 - Sports memorabilia: Baseball autographed by Babe Ruth
19971022 - Sports memorabilia: Football autographed by Jesus
19971023 - Sports memorabilia: Softball signed by Martin Luther
19971024 - To be promoted, be visible
19971025 - Wally about beautiful girl
19971026 - Some employee with social life (sunday)
19971027 - PHB to Alice about her solutions to problems *
19971028 - "With all due respect"
19971029 - Catbert: Can't give raise to Wally *
19971030 - Catbert: Mandatory classes for managers
19971031 - Manager training: Making decisions *
19971101 - Manager training: Comment things you don't understand *
19971102 - A magazine in marketing department (sunday) *
19971103 - Bob as chair masseur *
19971104 - PHB needs COBOL programmers *
19971105 - Bob and Asok in charge of rewriting COBOL code to fix y2k
19971106 - Bob's solution: "Wait for the problem to go away"
19971107 -