It appears that different countries have different accepted standards for the quality of their cinemas. Though I don't have any vast experience, it appears that Sweden and the US is about the same in quality. I could however have been unfortunate when I went to the movies in USA. In Great Britain on the other hand all movies I've been to, three different theatres in all, has been shown in vastly superior theatres compared to the Swedish ones (and the one I went to in USA). My sisters boyfriend even commented about the lower quality in Swedish cinemas. The best movie theatre in Sweden, or perhaps in all the Nordic countries for that matter, is in Bromölla in southern Sweden. I got this knowledge when I worked as stolsbärare (chair carrier) in the local student movie club Kårrullen. When Kårrullen had some big anniversary around year 1999 or so an old fellow in the club told us that the enthusiastic owner of the movie theatre Filmpalatset in Bromölla once sold some old machinery to Kårrullen. With this new knowledge of the world we, a few of my friends, went out on a one day expedition; To watch the new Fellowship of the Rings movie at Filmpalatset in Bromölla. Right after we had decided that we really should do this the cinema was voted the best cinema in Sweden 2001 on the weekly movie review show Filmkrönikan. Timing. Then I also learned some more information, like that Filmpalatset in Bromölla was the first THX cinema in the Nordic countries, and that they have a slightly bent movie screen to further enhance the picture. It turned out to be a five hour drive (times two) for a three hour movie experience. Hence my strategic move to bring along sufficiently interesting friends on the trip to talk to. The movie was great. The theatre was great. I don't think I'll repeat this adventure though. |