I like movies, and often go to a real movie theater. For potentially less entertaining movies I tend to watch them on a "Home Theatre" at my former employer, Roxen IS. As fortune would have it, the biggest buyer of DVDs I know still works there, so I have both access and supply. As unfortune would have it his taste in movies is not really compatible with mine, or anyone else for that matter. That's why he can buy enormous amounts of used DVDs from Internet second hand shops. Sometimes however you come across a movie that you would really like to see over and over again (or isn't available on the screens). That's when I resort to DVDs. DVDs are certainly part of my doomed-to-fail plan of making my life digital. I don't buy VHS anymore. I even had my VHS-machine stolen, all in the name of progress and future. I currently (2002-02-21) own 12 Monkeys 2001: a space odyssey Pi Akira Alice in Wonderland Alien Aliens Alien3 Alien Resurrection Ayane's High Kick Björk: Volumen The Black Adder 1 The Blair Witch Project Blazing Saddles Brazil Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season One Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Two Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Three Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Four The Cell Chicken Run El Cid Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Cube Dark City Fantasia 2000 Fight Club The Fourth Protocol Fucking Åmål G.I. Jane The Game Gattaca Gladiator Grogg Will Hunting The Heroes of Telemark Highlander The Jungle Book The Last Emperor League of Gentlemen Lola Rennt Lord of Illusions Lost in Space Madonna 93:99 Magnolia The Man Who Knew Too Much Matrix Mononoke Hime Monty Python's The Meaning of Life Mulan Murder Neon Genesis Evangelion 0:1 Neon Genesis Evangelion 0:2 Neon Genesis Evangelion 0:3 Neon Genesis Evangelion 0:4 Neon Genesis Evangelion 0:5 Neon Genesis Evangelion 0:6 Neon Genesis Evangelion 0:7 Neon Genesis Evangelion 0:8 The Nightmare Before Christmas The Ninth Gate Notorious Number 17 Nyhetsåret 2000 A Perfect Murder The Player Psycho Requiem for a dream Saving Private Ryan Secret Agent Shrek South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut Spaceballs Star Wars I, The Phantom Menace Starship Troopers Terminator Terminator 2 Trazan Apansson Tron Wallace & Gromit, The first Three Adventures The Wizard of Oz The World is not Enough Young Frankenstein |