
In one episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer that I saw last year Spike said "Evil for Dummies" as a pun. From that second my mind became haunted with various ideas of how such a book would look like and what it would contain. I am equally certain that no publisher would want to publish such a book as I am certain that it would sell fairly well. People like to watch evil. Why else is the Internet, the first mass distribution channel without censor, filled with such content? To clear my mind I made the following outline.

  1. Introduction
    • What is Evil?
    • Good vs. Evil
    • Views of Evil throughout time
    • Icons of Evil and their symbols
  2. Basic evilness
    • What does it take to be evil?
    • Judgment of a deeds evilness
    • Why guilt is your friend
    • 20 easy ways to be evil
    • Evilness in your home
    • Evilness at work
  3. Intermediate evilness
    • Does crime pay?
    • Evilness and power
    • Contracts and lawsuits
    • Why aim at the knee and not at the heart?
    • When to aim at the heart
  4. Advanced evilness
    • ABC of torture
    • Chemistry to remember
    • Five ways to cook a human
    • Religion and Ideology
    • Child psychology