I've had some discussions with friends of mine about languages - Do we need them? The common consensus is that we have too many languages on the earth and that we need to rationalize among them. With common consensus I mean everyone I've spoken to with a few exceptions. Further everyone has shared my opinion that the English language should be the primary language, spoken and written by everyone. (As you have noted I have chosen to make this home page in bad English instead of "perfect" Swedish) Now, the real problem is, should all the other languages be discarded or not. One friend, who by the way doesn't agree to my first opinion, that there are too many languages used on earth, argues that we'll lose so many cultural aspects. The rebuttal is of course how much impact a foreign culture has if you can not understand them. Even if we unite around one language, how much use do we have of keeping the "old" languages. Note that this is not a question about burning books, but rather what should be used in everyday life and taught in everyday schools. When you buy entrance tickets to Disneyland, does knowledge of Afrikaans enhance the experience for either party? When you are discussing platonian views with several friends, is it a benefit if they know more languages, perhaps different languages? Without further dwelling on the topic, here are the languages that I think should exist in the reformed world: