
I like to watch movies, preferable at the cinema. When selecting movies I tend to use the following process.

Has the movie any of the following in the cast?
  Sean Connery
  Pierce Brosnan
  Johnny Depp
     See the movie

Is the movie directed by
  Ridley Scott
  Stanly Kubrik
  Steven Spielberg
     See the movie

If the script was written by
  Michael Cricton
     See the movie

Has the movie any of the following in the cast?
  Steve Martin
  Leslie Nielsen
  Adam Sandler
     DO NOT see the movie

Still no pick? Select the movie that maximizes

  • Technology
  • Science
  • Science fiction
  • Suspense
  • Fantasy
  • Supernatural ..things.
  • War

If everything else fails: Which movie has the best special effects?

Finally, the best movie ever made is Brazil.