There are mainly three different kind of music that I like; classical music, R'n'B-ish music and movie music. However, since I both have a great deal of musical training (I've played the trumpet and learned myself play the piano, I've had the highest grades in music throughout school and I've had private lectures in music theory) and "audio" training (studying sound engineering at Gripenskolan for two years and done a lot of "experimental" stuff by my self) I pretty much appreciate everything that is skillfully composed/performed/mixed. At least when the three comes together. (Queen would be a good example) Regarding classical music I prefer the later works, when the composers begun to defy the earlier so rigid rules of harmony. Technology has part of it as well, I suppose, since it is easier to perform key changes with modern instruments than in the old days (just think of an cembalo). If I'm forced to mention some composers, which I really isn't, I would say that Grieg, Ravel, Dvorak and Chopin are my favorites. That does of course vary with time, but these are great composers anyway. I am always stunned with how much one can do when one accompany moving images with music. There are some many ways to tackle the task of writing a movie score. Not only must it be good music, it must also fit the mood of the scene, and it must fit the time constraints of the scene. It must keep out of the sound frequencies where there are dialog, foley or sound effects. If masterfully done it should also react upon many cues on screen in the scene. I just wish more DVD makers would have the sense to add a music-only track on the disc so that one can see how the music interacts with the movie. Namedropping: John Williams, James Horner and Danny Elfman. The R'n'B-ish genre is only my way of showing ignorance to the many ways of categorizing music. In reality my taste in this area spans from Jazz to Techno, if they are interesting enough. Good description? Well, again some namedropping: Yello, Orbital, Aphex Twin, Plone. It might be good to mention that I really like the works of Jan Warnstam as well. |