Name ............. Martin Nilsson Street address ... Åbylundsgatan 30 Postal address ... 582 36 Linköping Phone number ..... 0731 - 522 011 Email address .... ICQ UIN .......... 1467581 1977 ... Born in Västerås on October the third. 1980 ... Moved to Nyköping. My sister was born December the twentyeighth. 1984 ... Begun first grade in Oppebyskolan where I completed all the compulsory nine grades. 1993 ... Entered Gripenskolan for three optional years on the Nature science programme with focus on electronics. Took additional classes in sound engineering. 1994 ... Entered as member in young researchers. Took extra classes in sound engineering and biology. 1995 ... I was responsible for special effects in the musical SPÖK, which played for an audience of more than 5000 people. Fun. Took additional classes in chemistry and philosophy. Became president of the local computer club. 1996 ... Graduated from Gripenskolan and went on with my military service as cryptographer. Exhausting and secret. 1997 ... After working a few months at Gripenskolan with the reconstruction of their music and art department I begun my University studies of Computer science and engineering. 1998 ... Attended the "First annual MP3 summit" for my work with ID3v2. While in San Diego I helped to move into their first (four room big) office. Reviewed games for the game site 1999 ... Begun working for Idonex, later to become Roxen Internet Software. Initially as a summer intern, but things got out of hand and I stayed. Became observatory member of MPEG-7-Audio. 2000 ... Got RFC 3003 accepted. Attended the third annual MP3 Summit and became member of the advisory board of a small San Diego company called SonicAgent. Fixed one Y2K bug. 2001 ... Finished a new search engine for Roxen IS, researched and developed together with Johan Schön since early 2000. Was part of the team organizing the student orchestra festival (SOF 2001), to which about 15000 visitors attended Friday and Saturday. Resigned from Roxen IS. 2002 ... Created the distributed build and verification system Xenofarm. Joined development of Aido and ChiliMoon. Begun working for Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, Programming Environments Laboratory, developing Pike. 2003 ... Attended the first "Desktop Linux Conference" in San Diego. Deployed Xenofarm at Sectra. |