Shows In Production

These are shows which fate has yet to be determined. Titles are from Cinfantastique magazine, June 1993, and Film Threat magazine, December 1992. The new entries since the last edition came from Wild Cartoon Kingdom issue 3. They may show up in the third season or never.

This list was updated with information given by Billy West when he spoke at Miami University on October 6, 1993. (In other words, I was there and got him to talk about it!) This list will have entries deleted as the shows premiere.

() = Shows that are unnamed as of the publishing date

Name                                     Current Condition

All Sluggards Day                       Idea By Bob Camp - Good Chance
The Big Switch                          Good Chance
The Cellulettes                         Good Chance
Cried Rat ][!                           Written - Probably Nixed
Eat My Cookies                          Premise By Richard Pursel - Unknown
Hillbilly Ren                           Written - Probably Nixed
Man's Best Friend                       Good Chance If Reanimated Or Edited
Onward and Upward                       Written - Probably Nixed
Ren's Bad Habits                        Written - Probably Nixed
Ren's Brain                             Written By Spumco - Unknown
Untamed World Two                       Storyboarded By Spumco - Unknown