Måns Engman
Year of birth: 1973
Phone #, address, references etc. available on request.
1998-2002 Employed at Cycore AB (www.cycore.com), Uppsala, as a programmer and system administrator.
1997-1998 Employed at PELAB/IDA (Programming Environments Lab. at the dept. of Computer Science, Linköping University) as a research assistant.
1992-1997 Studies in Computer Science at Linköping University, resulting in a Master of Science degree (160p).
1998 "Generating Parallel Graphics Code from Symbolic-algebra Specifications", Måns Engman, Peter Fritzson, Tommy Person (Conference paper)
1997 "Parallelization of Video Graphics Effects on General Purpose Parallel Computers", Måns Engman, Andreas Kittendorff (Masters' thesis)
1995-1996 Member of the Computer Science student board, Linköping University
1995-1996 Member of the VEK (Västmanlands- & Södermanlands Nation) board, Linköping