This game was developed as the last project of a
summer course in Java,
given on IDA this summer, 1996. Coders of this 'state of the art' :) multiplayer game are:

So, you want to know what the game is all about?
Well, this link is for you!

You should be aware of the fact that all testing has been done using
and that something strange happens when you use Netscape-3...
First you need to start up the server if someone else hasn't already started one:
Note that you better connect within 2 minutes after the server has started, since after
that it will disconnect!
Then you connect by starting up a client:
ADVANCED OPTION: If you know what you are doing, you have the option
to kill off all waiting non-used servers by:
Kill waiting servers
Doing this may help if you have trouble opening a connection
from a client.

We have some minor ideas for improvements listed below. If they will
ever be included depends on a lot of things; how much free time we have,
if anyone actually plays it, etc.
Nicer startup interface
Some sort of talk-facility between players before the game (to coordinate the start!) on this site
Individual settings for each user
History database for each user
Best/Fastests/Slowest/Worst games statistics through all times database
Find a nicer/cleaner map for the map-screen..

The entire game consists of 8066
lines of Java code (12 Sept 1996).
Feel free to download and use in any way all code you find here, as long as you
mention somewhere in your new application you got it here!
May the realms live on!
You are guest number 182 since (the server last went down) November 2019.
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Feel free to send bug reports and other comments to the
creator of this page: