import java.util.*; public class Settmod1 extends EvilEye { String target; String spellName = "Fear"; int manaCost= 10; int level= 2; String[] targets = {"dragon"}; String description = "The target will more easy be frigtened"; /** * Should as the string argument take city#cityname or dragon#dragonname */ public void cast(Fod game, int playerNr, String arg) { System.out.println("Player "+playerNr+" casts "+spellName+" on "+arg); Object o = game.dragons.get(arg); if(o!=null){ Dragon d = (Dragon)o; d.Courage *=0.7; d.Looks[1] = 5; } } ////Primitves public String getSpellName(){ return spellName; } public String getDescription(){ return description; } public int getManaCost(){ return manaCost; } public int getLevel(){ return level; } public String[] getTargetProfile(){ return targets; } public String getTarget(){ return target; } public String setTarget(String t){ target = t; return target; } }