Class Banner

Class Banner


public class Banner
extends Thread
This class implements an animation thread which animates all the banners that have been added to it.
Torbjörn Nil55on

Constructor Index

 o Banner(Container, String)
Default constructor

Method Index

 o add(int, int, int)
Alternative add().
 o add(int, int, int, boolean)
Use this method to add another banner in a given colour and at a given position.
 o clear()
Prepare for a new collection of add-operations, by removing all previous banners.
 o paint()
Draw all the animated banners added to this Banner object.
 o run()
Mainloop of this thread.


 o Banner
  public Banner(Container c,
                String host)
Default constructor


 o clear
  public synchronized void clear()
Prepare for a new collection of add-operations, by removing all previous banners.
 o add
  public synchronized void add(int col,
                               int x,
                               int y,
                               boolean capital)
Use this method to add another banner in a given colour and at a given position. Last argument indicates whether this particular banner should be twice the normal size.
 o add
  public synchronized void add(int col,
                               int x,
                               int y)
Alternative add(). Calls the other add with last argument set to FALSE.
 o run
  public void run()
Mainloop of this thread.
run in class Thread
 o paint
  public void paint()
Draw all the animated banners added to this Banner object.