Class Battle

Class Battle


public class Battle
extends Object
1.0 Class for dealing with battles between dragons and other dragons and cities and dragons.
Nicklas Hjalmarsson

Constructor Index

 o Battle()
 o Battle(Fod)

Method Index

 o conquer(Dragon, City)
A fight between a city and a dragon
 o fight(Dragon, Dragon)
A fight between two dragons
 o main(String[])
Use for testing only


 o Battle
  public Battle()
 o Battle
  public Battle(Fod g)


 o fight
  public boolean fight(Dragon d1,
                       Dragon d2)
A fight between two dragons
 o conquer
  public void conquer(Dragon d,
                      City c)
A fight between a city and a dragon
 o main
  public static void main(String args[])
Use for testing only