Life of Henrik Norberg
I am a person that have ONE hobby: Computers!
Since my childhood I'v been fascenated by technics and science.
I started to build and play with electronics and build small devices.
I could not stand that it was something I did not know how it was working,
as a result I disecated almost everything I could get my hands on.
As a teenage my brother got a computer spectrum 48K.
The first computer in my life, but not my last one.
What could be better than a computer when comparing electronic and science.
Then the Commondore 64 entered my life but did not stay for long as the new
fantastic computer entered the world, Amiga 500.
From that day I knew that my life would not be complete without computers.
When I was studing at High school I bout my first computer, the ones before
was either my brothers or we have bout them together, I still liked the Amiga
so I bout an Amiga 3000, my first real computer.
I had that one for 5 years, sold it last year.
Then I started to studie at the Linkoping University I got in contact with UNIX
for the first time, I had only heard that UNIX was used in large IBM computers
and did not think it would be something for me.
But after six month I was caught!
I had to run it at home, therefor I got FreeBSD for my Amiga 3000 and installed
it. At this time I got a the most inportant cabel in my life too my student
room. It is a black cabel that look just like any other cabel in the world but
the great thing with it was (and is) that it had Internet in the adther end.
But sinse that release of FreeBSD was only an alpha release I almost gave
up the thought of running UNIX at home then a friend of my, Dejan Ilic, who had
an PC showed me the singel most important hardware or software , Linux.
Therefor I bout an used 486Dx33 with 16MB of ram and installed Linux.
This is what I had wanted in my whole life, a real os, not the yunk MS-dos nor
Windows 3.x even if I still like the Amiga os but since that only is a small
unix, as I see it,
Linux was the real thing.
I did not run windows on my PC only Linux and a small MS-dos partion for gaming
. Then a few happy years past on.
The computers took all my time which left my studies to go badly.
Now I was realy tired of study and started to work on the IT-Cafe' berZyber
placed at Berzeliusskolan in Linkoping and got my first real contact with
Windows 3.x and started to dislike it even more as I have to get it to work
properly. At berZyber I meet Mike Silva who was in Sweden for a holliday.
Then at last summer Microsoft was developing Windows 95 I tested a beta of
Windows 95 and thought that it was not as bad as the Windows 3.x
It got to release and I tried it out.
The first thing it did was to delete my partion table, since it found an
"error" in it. All my Linux stuff disepared.
Windows 95 and I did not get a good start but I chosed not to run Linux for a
while and try out Windows 95.
Started to hack HTML and made my first HomePage on the Net.
At this time Netscape was advancing in the progress of (it's own) HTML.
After a half year of trubble and fighting with Windows 95 I am now back with
running Linux and I regret leaving it.
Now I'm caching up with the almost impossible speed Linux develop.
My computer time today is most trying what's able to do in HTML with CGI
scripts and I have just started to learn Java.
Have one week left to work in berZyber (I only got 10 month) and then it's
time too either start study again or (as I'm doing) looking for a job.
And it's here I am today!
If you have to know... This is me ->
Since I wrote this in one hour I have not have time to spell check it!
Feedback and Comments to:
Henrik Norberg