My name is Niklas Lanzén and I was born 1970. The first 19 years I lived in Kareby and Kungalv, not far from Gothenburg, Sweden.
After upper secondary school, I worked for six month at Molnlycke AB as a Cobol programmer. In 1990 I joined the military service, in which I spend 15 month of my life.
1991 I started to study Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Göteborg University. That education was not what I wanted, 

so 1992 I moved to Linköping and started to study Computer Science and Engineering at Linkoping University. After one year I took a break in the study and worked for a year at the student union, LinTek. 
There I worked as a contact between students and the companies that should employ the students.
During 1994 and 1995 I started and maintained LinTeks www-pages.

From summer 1995 until summer 1997 I have worked at the university with different things. I were the project leader when Knutpunkten started. 
I have been a member of IT-rådet. 
I have two times converted Studentboken to www format. Studentboken is a book that every student that beginns at Linköping University recieves when he/she starts his/her education.

In autumn 1997 I went to Zürich to do my final project at University of Zürich. I was there for six month.