System Development |
The course will give basic knowledge of systems development process. There are important parts of working methods for the starting phases and project management. Methods for documentation and maintenance of software are given special attention. |
Methodology of Program Development and Programming Development Project |
To give knowledge of the organization of large software development projects and through that be able to participate in such projects. To get insights in and solve problems which come up in groups when they are working in large software development projects. |
Human-Computer Interaction |
(Only in Swedish) Kursens mål är att deltagarna ska få - kunskap om metoder och tekniker för användbarhetsorienterad design, prototyping och utvärdering; - kunskap om generell psykologisk teori av relevans för studium och utformning av människa-datorinteraktion; - viss förståelse för användbarhetsarbetets förhållande till den professionella systemutvecklingens krav. |
Database Technology |
The aim of this course is to give a thorough introduction to the theoretical and practical issues underlying the design and implementation of modern database systems. |
Advanced Programming and Interactivity on the WWW |
The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the practical and conceptual issues related to the problem of providing interactive executable content on the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW). The programming language JAVA will be studied in detal , with an emphasis on developing both stand alone applications and applets for viewing in WWW browsers. Issues related to JAVA security, compilation, interpretation, and the JAVA virtual machine will also be covered. |
Compiler Construction |
The course aims to teach the principles of compiler construction and administration of run-time storage, and presents compiler construction tools. |
Leadership |
The intent of the course is to give knowledge of and insights into the purpose of analysing and understanding leadership -, development - and changing processes within groups and organizations. The knowledge will also prepare for work with the development of staff and organization from a leadership perspective. Special emphasis is given the role of a project leader. |
Oral and written communication |
This course aims at affording students increased insight in the demands rendered by various communication situations and at increasing their oral and written language proficiency. |