2672703 1998-01-30 15:37 /51 rader/ Uwe Kommentar till text 2627794 av penny Mottagare: Tele2 (-) erfarenhetsutbyte <168> Ärende: Nummerpresantatör eller hur det nu stavas ------------------------------------------------------------ Om jag har förstått er diskussion rätt, så är problemet nog att Tele2 inte skickar någon nummerrepresation alls och inte att den är enligt något skumt Nokia system. Om någon ändå ville läsa http://www.helsinki.fi/%7emetsala/cid.html kommer det här en maskinöversättad kopia: Away idle **l|pin{** and programmes here immediately! %%CID.ZIP%% (21 039 syllables) is a parcel which contains the instructions to the display of the impressive the number of the subscriber %%A%% who works in Finland stick. (the price of the parts the some number tens) along there also are DOS and Windows based programmes which read data in that device connected to the *%printer gate%* and so show the player's number on your screen. The **Softa** are quite freely available according to the factor. The device will be based on the **MT8870C-1** circle and of course only operate if the player's *%number information%* will come along your telephone line. This requires a separate request usually from the telephone company and there is %%useimilla%% a chargeable on the localities. It should be pointed in this context out that it is forbidden to connect the unaccepted devices to the general telecommunications network. One is not on the one which had signed, it knows and not to a connection, programmes or parcel when found it in the **netti** and put to the ones to be `easily' obtained from my kind nature the lot. According to the documentation which comes with the parcel the factor is Per %%Elfstrom%% which it probably catches from the *%e-mail address%* %%elfstrom@siilinjarvi.fi%%. Alternative connection (%%http://www.tit.fi/~eejuka96/cid%%.**htm**) Actual files: %%CID.TXT%% (instructions and connection - %%sori%%, for the present `a little' tangled (*#!$ $ % DOS graphics!) %%CID.ZIP%% (21 039 syllables; connection, instructions and programmes to be driven) *%pascal language%* *%source codes%* of Ohjelmas %%CID_SRC.ZIP%% (3256 syllables contain both ducks) %%cid1.pas%% (3464 syllables the DOS version) %%cid2.pas%% (4220 syllables the %%Windoze%% version) --- Den finska standarden heter för övrigt GFI 9502, och information (som jag inte läst finns t ex på http://www.thk.fi/tele/suomi/gfi9502.htm (2672703) /Uwe/---------------------------------------(Ombruten)