Strong Club

This is a system Daniel Hultgren. and I are playing. This information can however be a little bid outdated. The most current version can be found as a Microsoft Word file (in Swedish only). Every bid that is not specified here is either natural or according to our old sytem, specifically the defensive bidding, signals and leads are straight from that system. Any error reports (especially in my English!) and other comments or questions are welcome to

Point counting

We use the standard 4-3-2-1 point count for high cards. Distribution point counting is not used.

Undesturbed bidding

1 17+; F1R
1 0-7; F1R
1/ 17-21, 5+(4) cards
1NT 17-19, balanced
2/ 17-21, 5+ cards
jump in suit 22+; F1R
2NT 22-24, balanced
1/ 8+, 5+ cards; GF
2NT Stenberg; GF
1NT 8-10, balanced; GF
2 Asking for majors
2// 5+ cards
3 6+ cards
2/ 8+, 5+ cards; GF
2 8-10, any 4441; GF
2 4+ cards (rarely used)
2NT singleton
3// singleton
2NT Asking for singleton suit
3/// singleton
3// 4+ cards (rarely used)
3// singleton
3NT singleton in partners suit
2 11-13, any 4441; GF
2NT Asking for singleton suit
3/// singleton
3/// 4+ cards (rarely used)
3// singleton
singleton in partners suit
4 singleton
2NT 11-13, balanced; GF
3 Asking for majors
3// 5+ cards
1 11-16, 4+; or 12-13, balaced with 3334 or xxx5 (x=2 or 3)
1NT 7-11
2/3 5+ card support
2NT 12-13; balanced without major
1/ 11-16, 4+ (with 11 balanced, only open with a good suit and non vulnerable)
1NT 7-11
2NT Stenberg; GF
some jumps in a new suit splinter; GF
1NT 14-16, balanced
2 11-16, 5 cards with a 4 card major; or 6+
2 F1R
2/ 4 cards
2NT/3 natural
other natural; F1R
2NT about 13-14, 6+
3 natural
3 11-12, 6+
3 max, 4+ cards
3/ max, singleton
3NT 15-16, no singleton
2/ 5+ cards; F1R
2NT invitational
3 5+ cards; F1R
2// weak
2NT 20-21, balanced
3/// preemptive, 7+ cards
3NT gambling (going minor (7+ cards), no more than a king on the side)
3/ SAT
4/ preemptive, (7)8+ cards

General guidelines for undesturbed bidding

When a game force (GF) is established, a jump to game is warning for slam, and a jump in a new suit shows a singleton and support in the latest bid suit.

Disturbed bidding

1 17+; F1R
X 5-7, interest for unbid suits
new suit 8+, natural; GF
cue bid asking for stopper(s); F1R

General guidelines for desturbed bidding

After our 1 opening we cannot let the opponents play a contract below 2NT (without a sound penalty double). If you want to penalty double an overcall you must pass, and await the expected takeout (negative) double from the opener.