; By modifying this script to fit your character, whenever you type "aff" to ; see your affects, after seeing the affects you get a list of which spells ; you are missing. Useful if you have several characters and have trouble ; remembering which spells the character usually will be affected by. ; It also has a "spellup" alias for cast all spells you are missing, some ; highlighting of spells close to running out and automatic cure-casting if ; affected by bad stuff. /set ihavearmor 1 /set ihaveblur 1 /set ihaveinvisibility 1 /set ihavestrength 1 /set ihavefly 1 /set ihaveprotection 1 /set ihavebless 1 /set ihaveregeneration 1 /set ihavebm 1 /set ihaveprayer 1 /set ihavehaste 1 /set ihavesenselife 1 /set ihavedetectalignment 1 /set ihavepoison 0 /set ihavecriticalwounds 0 /set ihavecurse 0 /set ihavewither 0 /def -F -msimple -t"------ Affecting Spells ------" mytrig8 = \ /set affAr 0%; \ /set affBl 0%; \ /set affImp 0%; \ /set affStr 0%; \ /set affFly 0%; \ /set affCont 0%; \ /set affProt 0%; \ /set affBless 0%; \ /set affReg 0%; \ /set affBm 0%; \ /set affPray 0%; \ /set affSanc 0%; \ /set affHa 0%; \ /set affDv 0%; \ /set affSl 0%; \ /set affDa 0%; \ /set affPo 0%; \ /set affCw 0%; \ /set affCu 0%; \ /set affWi 0%; \ /def -F -p15 -mregexp -t'^(-|)([0-9]+)\\(([0-9]+)\\)H' affecttrig = \ /purge affecttrig%%; \ /showMissedSpells /def -F -p2 -t"Armor \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig1 = \ /set affAr 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Blur \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig2 = \ /set affBl 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Invisibility \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig3 = \ /set affImp 1%; \ /set ihaveinvisibility 1 /def -F -p2 -msimple -t"Invisibility Permanent." afftrig3b = \ /set affImp 1%; \ /set ihaveinvisibility 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Strength \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig5 = \ /set affStr 1%; \ /set ihavestrength 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Detect Alignment \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig6 = \ /set affDa 1%; \ /set ihavedetectalignment 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Fly \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig7 = \ /set affFly 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Protection \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig8 = \ /set affProt 1 /def -F -p2 -msimple -t"Contingency Permanent." afftrig9 = \ /set affCont 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Bless \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig10 = \ /set affBless 1 /def -F -p2 -msimple -t"Bless Permanent." afftrig10b = \ /set affBless 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Regenerate \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig11 = \ /set affReg 1%; \ /set ihaveregeneration 1 /def -F -p2 -msimple -t"Regenerate Permanent." afftrig11b = \ /set affReg 1%; \ /set ihaveregeneration 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Blood Mirror \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig12 = \ /set affBm 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Prayer \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig13 = \ /set affPray 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Haste \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig14 = \ /set affHa 1 /def -F -p2 -msimple -t"Darkvision Permanent." afftrig15 = \ /set affDv 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Sanctuary \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig16 = \ /set affSanc 1 /def -F -p2 -t"Sense Life \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig17 = \ /set affSl 1%; \ /set ihavesenselife 1 /def -F -ah -p2 -t"Poison \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig18 = \ /set affPo 1 /def -F -ah -p2 -t"Curse \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig19 = \ /set affCu 1 /def -F -ah -p2 -t"Wither \[ ??day ??hour ??min \]" afftrig20 = \ /set affWi 1 /def -F -ah -p2 -msimple -t"Critical Wounds Permanent." afftrig21 = \ /set affCw 1 /def showMissedSpells = \ /if (!affAr) /lacking Armor%;/set ihavearmor 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affBl) /lacking Blur%;/set ihaveblur 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affPray) /lacking Prayer%;/set ihaveprayer 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affStr & autostrength) /lacking Strength%;/set ihavestrength 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affFly) /lacking Fly%;/set ihavefly 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affDv) /lacking Darkvision%; /endif%; \ /if (!affProt) /lacking Protection%;/set ihaveprotection 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affBless) /lacking Bless%;/set ihavebless 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affSl) /lacking Sense Life%;/set ihavesenselife 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affReg) /lacking ***Regeneration***%;/set ihaveregeneration 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affImp) /lacking **Invisibility**%;/set ihaveinvisibility 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affCont) /lacking Contingency%; cont%; /endif%; \ /if (!affBm) /lacking Blood Mirror%;/set ihavebm 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affHa) /lacking Haste%;/set ihavehaste 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affDa) /lacking Detect Alignment%;/set ihavedetectalignment 0%; /endif%; \ /if (!affSanc) /lacking Sanc%; \ /if (autoholy) \ hw%; \ /endif%; \ /endif%; \ /if (affCw) \ /echo TF: Critical Wounds!%; \ /set ihavecriticalwounds 1%; \ cc%; \ /endif%; \ /if (affPo) \ /echo TF: Poisoned!%; \ /set ihavepoison 1%; \ /if (!fighting) \ rp%; \ /endif%; \ /endif%; \ /if (affWi) \ /echo TF: Withered!%; \ /set ihavewither 1%; \ /if (!fighting & currhp > 200 & currmana > 120 & currmv > 100) \ hhh%; \ /endif%; \ /endif%; \ /if (affCu) \ /echo TF: Cursed!%; \ /set ihavecurse 1%; \ /if (!fighting) \ rc%; \ /endif%; \ /endif /def lacking = \ /echo -pa @{Cred}Lacking:@{n} %* /alias spellup \ /if (ihavecriticalwounds) \ /echo TF: Removing critical wounds%; \ /set ihavecriticalwounds 0%; \ cc%; \ /endif%; \ /if (ihavepoison) \ /echo TF: Removing poison%; \ rp%; \ /endif%; \ /if (ihavewither & currhp > 200 & currmana > 120 & currmv > 100) \ /echo TF: Removing wither%; \ hhh%; \ /set ihavewither 0%; \ /endif%; \ /if (ihavecurse) \ /echo TF: Removing curse%; \ rc%; \ /set ihavecurse 0%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihavebless) \ /echo TF: Casting bless%; \ bl%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihaveregeneration) \ /echo TF: Casting reg%; \ reg%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihaveprayer) \ /echo TF: Casting pray%; \ pray%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihavehaste & autohaste) \ /echo TF: Casting haste%; \ haste%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihavebm & autobm) \ /echo TF: Casting bm%; \ bm%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihavestrength & autostrength) \ /echo TF: Casting str%; \ str $[xname]%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihaveblur) \ /echo TF: Casting blur%; \ blur%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihavearmor) \ /echo TF: Casting ar%; \ ar%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihaveinvisibility) \ ; /echo TF: Casting imp%; \ ; imp%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihavefly) \ /echo TF: Casting fly%; \ fly%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihaveprotection) \ /echo TF: Casting pr%; \ pr%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihavedetectalignment) \ /echo TF: Casting da%; \ da%; \ /endif%; \ /if (!ihavesenselife) \ /echo TF: Casting sense%; \ sense%; \ /set ihavesenselife 1%; \ /endif