; Bottom damlog script. Not as fun as a toplog, but useful for finding ; broken" players. It makes a bottom-damlog list, excluding Pr/Pr. ; Usage: bottom ; : Length of list. Any number higher than number of members will show ; the full list. ; : How to report. Default is "/echo TF:" ; Example: "bottom 12 yell" ; Needs the "trigonprompt" alias (found in useful.tf) and maybe more. /alias bottom \ /purge bottomXlist*%; \ /set bottomXchannel=%{-1}%; \ /set bottomXcounter=%{1}%; \ /if ({bottomXcounter} =~ '') \ /set bottomXcounter=5%; \ /endif%; \ gr%; \ /def -F -msimple -t"Your group consists of:" bottomXtriga = \ /def -F -mregexp -t"^[0-9]+\\\\. \\\\[([0-9]+) ([A-z/ ]+)\\\\] ([^ ]+) [^V]+V\\\\] (NotHere|[^ ]+)( \\\\(LD\\\\)|)" bottomXtriga2 = \ /set bottomXclass%%%{P3} %%%{P2}%%%; \ /set bottomXlevel%%%{P3} %%%{P1}%; \ damg%; \ /set b10counter=1%; \ /def -F -msimple -t"Damlog" bottomXtrigb = \ /def -F -mregexp -t"^([^ ]+).* ([0-9]+)[ ]+([0-9]+)$$$" bottomXtrigb2 = \ showus %%%{P1} bottomXlevel%%%{P1} bottomXclass%%%{P1} %%%{P2} %%%{P3}%%%; \ trigonprompt /purge bottomXtrig*%%; \ trigonprompt /showbottomXlist %{bottomXcounter} /alias showus /eval \ /if (%{b10counter} == 1) \ /set leaderticks=%{5}%%; \ /endif%%; \ /if ({%{3}} !~ 'Pr/Pr') \ /set b10counter=$[{b10counter} + 1]%%; \ /set excuse=%%; \ /if ((%{5} > leaderticks*2) | (%{5} < leaderticks/2)) \ /set excuse=%{5} ticks%%; \ /endif%%; \ /if (%{2} < 51) \ /if (excuse !~ '') \ /set excuse=%%{excuse},lvl %%{%{2}}%%; \ /else \ /set excuse=lvl %%{%{2}}%%; \ /endif%%; \ /endif%%; \ /if (excuse !~ '') \ /set excuse=-%%{excuse}%%; \ /endif%%; \ /set bottomXlist%{b10counter}name=%{1}%%; \ /set bottomXlist%{b10counter}avg=%{4}%%; \ /set bottomXlist%{b10counter}time=%{5}%%; \ /endif /!def showbottomXlist = \ /for bXi 1 %{1} \ /for bXj 1 $$[b10counter - bXi - 1] \ /eval /eval /if (%%%%{bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj}]avg} < %%%%{bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj} - 1]avg}) \ /set bottomXlistslask=%%%%{bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj}]avg}%%%%%; \ /set bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj}]avg=%%%%{bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj} - 1]avg}%%%%%; \ /set bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj} - 1]avg=%%%%%{bottomXlistslask}%%%%%; \ /set bottomXlistslask=%%%%{bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj}]name}%%%%%; \ /set bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj}]name=%%%%{bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj} - 1]name}%%%%%; \ /set bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj} - 1]name=%%%%%{bottomXlistslask}%%%%%; \ /set bottomXlistslask=%%%%{bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj}]time}%%%%%; \ /set bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj}]time=%%%%{bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj} - 1]time}%%%%%; \ /set bottomXlist$$$[{b10counter} - {bXj} - 1]time=%%%%%{bottomXlistslask}%%%%%; \ /endif%; \ /set bottomXresult=%; \ /set bXx=0%; \ /if ({bottomXchannel} =~ '') \ /for bXi 1 %{1} \ /eval /if (bottomXlist%%{bXi}name =~ '') \ /set bXx=1%%%; \ /else \ /set bottomXresult=%%{bottomXresult} @{Cwhite}%%{bXi}.@{Cgreen}%%%{bottomXlist%%{bXi}name}@{Cwhite}(@{Ccyan}%%%{bottomXlist%%{bXi}avg}/%%%{bottomXlist%%{bXi}time}@{Cwhite})%%%; \ /endif%%; \ /if (bXx == 1) \ /let bXi=%{1}%%; \ /eval /set bottomXresult=%%{bottomXresult} %%; \ /endif%%; \ /set modfive=$$[{bXi} - ({bXi} / 5) * 5]%%; \ /if (modfive == 0) \ /eval /echo TF: @{Cmagenta}Bottom Avg:%%%{bottomXresult}%%%; \ /set bottomXresult=%%; \ /endif%; \ /if (bottomXresult !~ '') \ /eval /echo TF: @{Cmagenta}Bottom Avg:%%{bottomXresult}%; \ /endif%; \ /else \ /for bXi 1 %{1} \ /eval /if (bottomXlist%%{bXi}name =~ '') \ /set bXx=1%%%; \ /else \ /set bottomXresult=%%{bottomXresult} &+W%%{bXi}.&+G%%%{bottomXlist%%{bXi}name}&+w(&+C%%%{bottomXlist%%{bXi}avg}&+c/%%%{bottomXlist%%{bXi}time}&+w)%%%; \ /endif%%; \ /if (bXx == 1) \ /let bXi=%{1}%%; \ /eval /set bottomXresult=%%{bottomXresult} %%; \ /endif%%; \ /set modfive=$$[{bXi} - ({bXi} / 5) * 5]%%; \ /if (modfive == 0) \ /eval %%{bottomXchannel} &+mBottom Avg:%%{bottomXresult}%%%; \ /set bottomXresult=%%; \ /endif%; \ /if (bottomXresult !~ '') \ /eval %%{bottomXchannel} &+mBottom Avg:%%{bottomXresult}%; \ /endif%; \ /endif%; \ /quote -S /unset `/listvar -s bottomX* /def -F -mregexp -t" tells the group, 'bottom[ ]?([0-9]*)'" bottomXask = \ /if ({P1} =~ '') \ bottom 5 gtf emote%; \ /else \ bottom %{P1} gtf emote%; \ /endif /def -F -mregexp -t"^([A-z]+) asks you 'bottom[ ]?([0-9]*)'" bottomXtell = \ /if ({P2} =~ '') \ bottom 5 tf %{P1} emote%; \ /else \ bottom %{P2} tf %{P1} emote%; \ /endif