; Usage: navigator (get to the navigator) ; milorai (get to the oasis inside milorai) ; ; This takes the best route I've managed to come up with, starting and ending ; at the Thalos obelisk, covering every room the navigator can be in. ; The navigator can still be missed, if he walks from a room you haven't been ; in into a room you've already been in. If so, once the script has looked ; through the whole desert, you will end up back at the Thalos entrance and ; the script will tell you that it's failed, and that doing a "look" will make ; it search again. ; ; If you have a different prompt than me, you may need to redefine the ; "trigonprompt" alias. To see if it works, load it, and try eg "trigonprompt ; echo PROMPT". If you don't see the "PROMPT" message (should appear as soon ; as anything happens), you'll need to modify it. ; It's made to trigger on a prompt looking like this: ; 723(2423)H 412(1160)M 603(608)V > ; (...and anything after that ">" sign is accepted) ; If you have trouble modifying the trigger, a simple one (only requiring your ; prompt to start with a number) could be made like this: ; /alias trigonprompt \ ; /def -p15 -F -n1 -mregexp -t'^(-|)[0-9]+' trigonprompt%{1}$[rand(100000)] = \ ; %* /alias trigonprompt \ /def -p15 -F -n1 -mregexp -t'^(-|)[0-9]+\\\([0-9]+\\\)H (-|)[0-9]+\\\([0-9]+\\\)M (-|)[0-9]+\\\([0-9]+\\\)V >' trigonprompt%{1}$[rand(100000)] = \ %* /alias MiloWalk \ /set walkstate=$[{walkstate} + 1]%; \ /if (navigatorfound == 1) \ NavigatorFound%; \ /elseif ({walkstate} < strlen(navigatorpath)) \ $[substr(navigatorpath, walkstate, 1)]%; \ /def -F -n1 -t"Obvious exits: \\[*" MiloWalktrig = \ trigonprompt MiloWalk%; \ /else \ /echo TF: Failed to find the navigator. "look" to try again.%; \ /def -F -n1 -msimple -t"The Grand Gate of Thalos" walkerslaskmilorai1 = \ /set walkstate -1%%; \ trigonprompt MiloWalk%; \ /endif /alias FindNavigator \ /marketSquare goto thalos%; \ /def -F -n1 -msimple -t"The Grand Gate of Thalos" walkerslaskmilorai1 = \ /set navigatorpath eennewwswswenwnnwsnnnseswwwenwwewssewnewnewnewswssssssw%%; \ /set navigatorfound 0%%; \ /set walkstate -1%%; \ trigonprompt MiloWalk /alias NavigatorFound donothing /alias navigator FindNavigator%; \ /unalias NavigatorFound%; \ /alias NavigatorFound \ /echo TF: NAVIGATOR FOUND! /alias milorai FindNavigator%; \ /unalias NavigatorFound%; \ /alias NavigatorFound \ ask navigator home%%; \ /purge walkerslask*%%; \ den%%; \ ask spirit bless /def -p2 -F -mregexp -t"^a desert guide battles through the sandstorms in search of a wondrous city." tfsubstmob4 = \ /set navigatorfound 1%; \ /echo TF: Navigator! Ask him 'home'